
  • WOW I've gotten a LOT of replies, thanks! I haven't read them all, but I DO want to say, I'm NOT stuffing my face with everything in sight, I DID go into my profile settings and changed my daily caloric goal by +400 calories, and I was taking zofran for nausea, which thankfully I haven't really had for over a week! Also,…
  • WOW!!! You look AMAZING!!! I hope to be able to say the same in a year!!! I've fallen off track and gotten discouraged, but reading posts like this, SEEING the results of DOING it, makes me feel like I can DO IT!!! Thank you!
  • [/quote]I always end up eating horrible on Sunday's too because that is my husband's only day off and I want to enjoy what he is enjoying. [/quote] This can be very hard also. My fiance and I at one point did 2 seperate diets and it was HARRRRRRDDDDDD! It helps when you both eat the same thing, which we now do!
  • Every single diet I've ever done in my life, I've always ended up cheating. I would go a few days on the diet, and then tell myself, "well I've done really good lately, this won't hurt"...that's why I lost no weight on my diets, or I lost and then gained right back. The only advice I have for you is try your hardest to…
  • Skinny Cow DOES have some great stuff! I like their little chocolate clusters with the rice crispies, tastes like a 100 grand! I definitely feel you, my sweet tooth is my biggest problem...by far! I just CRAVE chocolate! I've been very proud of myself for being able to control myself with sweets, but at the same time, I…
  • My fiance is currently on it, and it helps him out a lot. He'd taken it before and his dr. did 3 months on one month off. But the first time he took it, he did initially lose weight, then after a few months, he went back to eating a lot and he didn't GAIN any weight but wasn't losing anymore, so I told him it wasn't worth…
  • @tauny78- those are some great tips and I will definitely be considering them! I have been wanting to get a big exercise ball but I've been holding off because I was interested in that ab wheel, but I'm not seeming to get any feedback about it, so I'm not sure about the purchase. @AudreyMSmith- I will definitely be trying…
  • My workout DVD consists of 30 second intervals of strength and cardio and without the warm up and cool down it's 25 minutes. Although my weights right now are very light (5lb lol) I can definitely feel it in my arms! Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to join a gym, I feel that if I had all that equipment readily available…