If I am going to cheat why is it always on Sunday!

I can be good all week and then Sunday roles around and I blow it on something I really didn't even want... OK it's more like I am good for 2 or 3 days and then cheat...and so on and so on... and I always am bad on Sunday. Anyone have any suggestions????


  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    Are u eating out of boredom?? Maybe find things to keep you busy and focused?? Or if u want to eat something that u shouldn't then do some exercises first to compensate for the calorie intake.
  • IAmABetterMe
    IAmABetterMe Posts: 128 Member
    I don't think it's boredom.... I think it's because it accessable? Or maybe because that's the day I have to actually cook?
  • Wisewoman888
    Wisewoman888 Posts: 72 Member
    What are you actually blowing it on? Sweet? Salty? Fatty/oily? You could have substitutes that are healthy, like for sweet Chocolate coconut butter (awesome stuff tastes like fudge) it helps burn off fat, it gets rid of Fat/sweet cravings and has a host of unbelievable benefits! Google it. I got mine from Cocopure.com.au. Salty, you can have salt and vinegar rice cakes, trust me after 1-2 of those you wont want more!!!LOL
  • IAmABetterMe
    IAmABetterMe Posts: 128 Member
    YUMMY... It's usually on something sweet....
  • megansmith7487
    Maybe it's become habitual? Do you always eat the junk around the same place? or after you finish a certain activity?

    I've been there. I have always craved chocolate right at bedtime. To the point I would have something nearly every night. It got to the point where even if I wasn't craving it, I was so used to eating it at night, I continued. Or Sunday after church, my father in law cooked a huge lunch and I would eat portions WAY too big. And them keep snacking on it the rest of the afternoon.
    If that is the case, I would suggest finding something else to do at that time, until you break the habit. Before bed, I would start drinking a glass of water instead of grabbing the chocolate, after awhile I forgot about grabbing that snack at night.
    Sunday lunch was a little harder. I just told my in-laws I was watching my portions and stopped eating such large quantities. Since they knew I was limiting, I felt more accountable.
  • Tann33
    Tann33 Posts: 101 Member
    I cheat on Sunday's too b/c I'm bored but then when I find something to do I realize, I'm not hungry anymore but then when I'm back bored again well you know.
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91
    having one "cheat" day a week doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. as long as you keep it semi-controlled it has a lot of benefits mentally, and some research has shown it may actually help you lose weight faster.

    i know when i was doing some stricter eating plans i would easily be able to power through the week knowing i was going to have a few goodies on saturday. try to plan as best you can, and remember that one cheat day doesn't negate all the hard work you've put in the other six.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat less on the days you aren't cheating so that it will all even out over the week. Every day doesn't have to have the same number of calories for weight loss.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I can be good all week and then Sunday roles around and I blow it on something I really didn't even want... OK it's more like I am good for 2 or 3 days and then cheat...and so on and so on... and I always am bad on Sunday. Anyone have any suggestions????

    Do you have Saturdays and Sundays off? Is it stress about going back to work on Monday? Have you tried taking a yoga class or a long walk on Sundays? What about weighing-in on Sunday?
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I can be good all week and then Sunday roles around and I blow it on something I really didn't even want... OK it's more like I am good for 2 or 3 days and then cheat...and so on and so on... and I always am bad on Sunday. Anyone have any suggestions????

    I always end up eating horrible on Sunday's too because that is my husband's only day off and I want to enjoy what he is enjoying. I just call Sunday's my free day's and enjoy them. I am paying attention to what I am eating, but I don't stress over it. I figure if I have been good all week, then I don't have to stress over it. For example, yesterday my husband decided to get donuts for the kids. I ate 2 glazed donuts (even though I wanted 6) and then just drank lots of water to help me feel full. It was fun, I enjoyed it, and today I am back on track. :)
    HILLIO1 Posts: 12
    Every single diet I've ever done in my life, I've always ended up cheating. I would go a few days on the diet, and then tell myself, "well I've done really good lately, this won't hurt"...that's why I lost no weight on my diets, or I lost and then gained right back. The only advice I have for you is try your hardest to have the willpower not to cheat, or if you do, PORTION CONTROL. I'll admit, I eat chocolate sometimes, but I'll get a king size dark chocolate bar and eat 1/4 of it. It also helps GREATLY if when you buy snacks, you measure out and portion them into baggies so you don't sit down and eat a whole bag of chips. These things have really helped me a lot!

    Best of luck!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Often, these things are sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. You just KNOW it'll happen on Sunday, so you wake up Sunday morning expecting it, keep it in the back of your mind all day, keep thinking about it and waiting for it to happen...so it does. You talk yourself into it without even realizing it.

    Try logging your food for Sunday on Saturday instead. Make it an average day in terms of what and how much you're eating. Then follow what you already wrote down. That way, you know ahead of time that you can do it (since you do it every day) and you'd have to go in and alter it to eat anything you might regret, which serves as a reminder.
    HILLIO1 Posts: 12
    [/quote]I always end up eating horrible on Sunday's too because that is my husband's only day off and I want to enjoy what he is enjoying. [/quote]

    This can be very hard also. My fiance and I at one point did 2 seperate diets and it was HARRRRRRDDDDDD! It helps when you both eat the same thing, which we now do!