Phentermine, Dont Judge Me!



  • hessoftexas
    hessoftexas Posts: 32 Member
    Regarding OP, I took it for 3 months last year and did well. Even after I stopped taking it and continued with a healthy diet and exercise, I continued to lose weight and gain fitness.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hi there....I have actually considered taking this b/c I can't seem to lose like most people on here....Only 7lbs in 3mths...UGH!! My cousin takes them & it has helped her....I did a search in the community section on here with the word Phentermine & quite a few threads popped up, you may want to take a look at those b/c they are about people on here who are either on it or have tried it....You could probably learn from those threads....Best of luck! HTH! :)
  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    I started out eating about 1200-1800 calorie and did not exercise. I now exercise about 4 hours a week (2 hour Zumba) (2 30mins at the gym) and eat the same. Somedays I mess up and eat 2000-2500 calories. I loses weight all threw the week and then I gain it back when I go to work. I work 16 hour shifts two in a row, and I can not control my appetite when im there. So I gain back the couple pounds I lost in the week.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    There is no miracle drug or substitution for hard work and healthy eating, that is all you need to do. I do everything possible to not take drugs for anything. I don't really know anything about the drug you mentioned, but you can do this the right way with hard work and healthy eating, something that will stay for you the rest of your life. :) Tell your doctor no thanks, I want to do this the right way.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    i was on it for several month. The first few weeks I counldn't eat but I also couldn't work out becasue I felt like my heart was racing way to fast. I started forcing myself to eat because i was eating literaly nothing and it no longer worked to suppress my hunger. Phentermine is a methanphetamine so the side effects can be dangerous.
  • Stefx4
    Stefx4 Posts: 1
    I've been taking it for 3 weeks now, it does help with controlling your appetite and helps with some energy. I had already lost 23 lbs when I started on it. I don't take it for an easy or quick way to lose, once I finish, I plan to continue with what I was already doing before I used it, which is a healthier lifestyle, I just needed a little help
  • leakohn
    leakohn Posts: 1 Member
    I'll be honest... I took phentermine for 6 months and lost 70 pounds. I loved it, it helped me in so many ways. My life is changed for having lost that weight. I say, go for it as long as you stay healthy and your body accepts it without becoming worn down. I have labs and ekg's every six months; my health has improved greatly and all tests show no bad signs. :happy:

    Enjoy your life and if you think it will help you, then try it. If you don't like it, then quit. Don't let people bring you down; only God can judge us. :happy:

    I agree with someone else about the dry mouth, but other than that I've had no bad side effects. In order to stay hydrated I drink plenty of water and one 20 ounce G2 a day (50 calories). :happy:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    When I first started trying to lose weight, I went to my doctor to get checked out. She put me on this. Before I knew any better. She had me cut the pill in half to extend taking it to 6 months and to lesson the side effects. It's like speed. I couldn't sleep. But I was never tired, so it wasn't awful. I did lose weight. My appetite was controlled. My weight loss slowed down considerably when I stopped, but I have continued to lose. You really do have to figure out how to control your diet and exercise yourself.

    If I knew then what I know now, I would never have taken it. I don't recommend it, even though I didn't really have many bad side effects, and I did lose weight. I wouldn't consider myself a success story with it, but I also wouldn't consider it a horror story like some I've heard.

    You've been on it one day. Toss the pills. Learn as much as you can about eating healthy and activity. You'll thank yourself in the long run.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    If people disagree with you, it does not mean that they judge you....
    I just wanted to quote the above again. If you post something on a public forum, there are going to be people that agree or disagree. Someone who is disagreeing is NOT judging you. They're just disagreeing.

    OP, I just re-read the title of this thread. Are you really saying that you don't want real, honest, but contrary opinions?

    If you only want "you go girl" then why even post? You don't need approval from internet stranger to take medication.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Phentermine is also prescribed for a mood stabilizer.

    This is very true, it does keep the mood stable. The person I know who takes it regularly is constantly a b*tch now.
  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    I've been taking it for 3 weeks now, it does help with controlling your appetite and helps with some energy. I had already lost 23 lbs when I started on it. I don't take it for an easy or quick way to lose, once I finish, I plan to continue with what I was already doing before I used it, which is a healthier lifestyle, I just needed a little help

    sound like were in the same boat
  • I have taken it in the past. Be careful coming of them, if not done slowly can cause depression.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    It is speed....period end. Will you lose? Probably. Is it healthy? Probably not. Is it a quick fix? Yes! Will you gain it back plus some? Probably.....I have taken it myself and don't recommend it to ANYONE! Have you thought about eating a healthy balanced diet at your BMR and exercising?
    HILLIO1 Posts: 12
    My fiance is currently on it, and it helps him out a lot. He'd taken it before and his dr. did 3 months on one month off. But the first time he took it, he did initially lose weight, then after a few months, he went back to eating a lot and he didn't GAIN any weight but wasn't losing anymore, so I told him it wasn't worth wasting $45 every month when he wasn't losing. So he stopped taking it. We tried so many diets and methods that didn't work for us because we had no willpower. I can't tell you how many times I ate good for a few days and then rewarded myself with a blizzard lol. But when I discovered this app on my phone, something just clicked with it. We've been doing it for over a month and this is the first time in my life I've actually REALLY watched what I eat. It's so easy though because I'm not restricted to certain foods, as long as I stay within my daily numbers. When we first started doing myfitnesspal I told my fiance maybe he should give the pills another try just until his stomach shrinks. He's going on his third month with them this time around and he's lost ten pounds a month on them.

    Don't let anyone on here make you feel ashamed that you need a little help on your weight loss journey!

    I've taken them before, but I didn't like the way they made me feel. They did indeed suppress my appetite but they made me so tired.

    Best of luck!

    P.S. One thing you do want to make sure you check frequently is blood pressure...even between visits to your doctor. Make sure this medicine doesn't increase it. Also, I'm not sure if your doctor told you this or not, ours did...irritability is a very common side effect of this pill! The dr. told us he would be likely to me short tempered while taking this!
  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    If people disagree with you, it does not mean that they judge you....
    I just wanted to quote the above again. If you post something on a public forum, there are going to be people that agree or disagree. Someone who is disagreeing is NOT judging you. They're just disagreeing.

    I'm all for criticism, just hate when people are nasty about it.
  • maverick48
    maverick48 Posts: 69 Member
    I applaud your courage. If anything, you should be applauded for your resolve to do whatever it takes to lose the weight. Diet and exercise alone are ideal, but sometimes you need a little extra help. Motivation is what I really needed. Hopefully this Petermine helps you and you become a healthier person because of it.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    How you choose to lose weight is your decision, and nobody on here should judge you for it. Everyone has one way or another that they prefer, and that they thinks works best for them, so if someone has a problem with it...let that be their problem and not yours. Anyhow, I have been taking phentermine for about a month.Three to four years ago I lost 80 pounds when I started eating better and running. I kept the weight off until last year, and I gained about 35 pounds back. I realized I wasn't being smart in my food choices and wasn't working out in the right ways (only running, not lifting), and it all caught up to me. Anyhow, so I started at 270 pounds, and dropped to 190 on my own. I got up to 225, and went back to eating better and working out more. Between the phentermine and working out, and I down to 203. That is not just from the pills though, I lost some of that before I started taking it.
    Anyhow, I haven't had any side effects at all (other than I couldn't sleep the first night haha.) The pill is not a miracle drug, I am still hungry and can still eat, but my cravings have subsided which has really helped. To be honest, I think this site has helped more because I realized how bad my diet had become. Anyhow, just realize it is not a miracle drug. Some women eat fast food before they start taking it, then the pills doesn't allow them to eat as much fast they lose weight. Needless to say, when they are not taking the pills and want to eat more, they will gain the weight back. Your diet doesn't have to be perfect, but you absolutely have to be aware of what and how much you are eating. Go in to it with realistic expectations, and use the time to fix your diet. If you can do that, it is a great tool. If you don't, it could backfire on you.
  • Keep an eye on ur blood pressure. Even between doctor visits. Listen to your body and drink lots of water. Good luck! :)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I started out eating about 1200-1800 calorie and did not exercise. I now exercise about 4 hours a week (2 hour Zumba) (2 30mins at the gym) and eat the same. Somedays I mess up and eat 2000-2500 calories. I loses weight all threw the week and then I gain it back when I go to work. I work 16 hour shifts two in a row, and I can not control my appetite when im there. So I gain back the couple pounds I lost in the week.

    sounds like your plateau was caused by not eating enough if the loss stopped when you started exercising?
    I was eating 1650 / 1200 when i started @ 256lbs as thats what MFP set me on for a 2lb loss. Due to injury i had to not exercise at all, continued to eat 1650 and lost more than i had before! Now I can exercise again, ive increased to 1950 to keep my net at 1650 (my bmr is 1574) and am losing 1.5 pounds consistently - i exercise around 5x a week (boxing / swimming / weights).
    Cutting out processed / salty / sugary foods helps too, I had a bit of a bad week with these last week and only lost 1lb, so it really makes a differnece where you get your calories from.
    You could adjust your calorie goal to compensate for when you are at work, so you go over but its planned if you get me?
    my allowance should be 1950 per day, but i was always going over on the weekends, so I changed to 1850 with a 700 'over allowance' for the weekends.
    my diary is open if it would help you x
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    If people disagree with you, it does not mean that they judge you....
    I just wanted to quote the above again. If you post something on a public forum, there are going to be people that agree or disagree. Someone who is disagreeing is NOT judging you. They're just disagreeing.

    I'm all for criticism, just hate when people are nasty about it.
    I recommend keeping in mind that folks are criticizing the idea, and not you personally.
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