

  • Christ I'd hope you'd never laugh at a friend and i wasn't making a dig at you sorry if it came across that way. I was more trying to point out on a personal opinion when people skate round referring to me as fat I almost find it insulting.
  • I do see what the original OP is getting at but it does depend of context But i also think that the use of other language such a curvier, bigger etc is a denial that doesn't do people favours. I am fat, its my own doing, I want to change this. But I hate esp in the media this use of words like curvy to describe someone who…
  • You look amazing and its fantastic motivation especially for me! Feeling really unmotivated and lazy currently!! Needed some inspiration! Thank you!
  • Thank you for that, I'm getting the feeling that I need to eat a fair bit higher than the calorie recommendation of here then, is there a way to manually set your calories yourself??
  • Bacon and Brocolli is my quick and easy homemade soup. Bag of frozen brocolli stick in a pan with water and stock cube (experiment to find what amount of water suits your taste!), grill a pack of lean back bacon and bung in the cooked brocolli and blend! Yum!
  • Thanks for that link, there is a lot of information there! Still a bit confused about the whole thing, more confused why MFP sets calories so low if this bad for you in the long run. Anything anyone else wants to add would be great! :smile:
  • :happy: UK shops are terrible for never having certain sizes, I look online shopping for that reason and normally you can find discount codes for shopping online so makes in even cheaper! Bonus!:happy:
  • The lovely big smile says it all!!
  • Huge difference!! Esp round your thighs and tummy! Congratulations!! Hope it feels as good as it looks! xx
  • Hey I've only been doing this a week or so, no friends as of yet! 64lbs to lose if thats a friend you'd like! :smile: :smile:
  • Thank you for that! Really appreciated, glad you said the guidances were low as was a bit puzzled how to even meet my calories without going over them all!!