BMR and TDEE and Calorie Settings


I'm hoping someone can help me, I've been following my plan on here to the letter for the last week or so but I need some advice so I don't cause myself some issues in the future.

When you set up your profile on here it asked your goal. Mine is to lose over 60lbs so quite a bit. Ideally I'm aiming to try for 2lbs a week knowing this is quite high and will slow, realistically I know I'd be lucky to get an average of 1lb a week long term but aim high and hopefully achieve it or slightly less. So mfp tells me to aim for 1200kcal, which from reading on here appears quite low.

Also I'm started doing my Jillian Michaels 30DS and logging that as 20 circuit training (as seems the adviced on here) although it gives a 230ish calorie back for that which i feel seems a lot considering its only 20 minutes, and as adviced by most people been eating these back as the calories mfp told me to eat were to give me a 2lb loss already.

So to my point BMR is what your body needs if you do nothing but lie there? My weighing scales (not sure how accurate the figure is) tell me my BMR is around 1700, how do i find out TDEE? Should I be eating more? As really don't want to screw up my metabolism in the long run.

Someone who actually knows their stuff please help! So many conflicting opinion on the web I'm a tad confused!

Thanks in advance!



  • debbieb1971
    debbieb1971 Posts: 29 Member

    I was given this link to look at - but to be honest i'm still none the wiser:

    I'm also on 1200 cals a day and don't know which route to take for the best.

    Good Luck

    Debbie x
  • goblindab
    goblindab Posts: 13
    Thanks for that link, there is a lot of information there!

    Still a bit confused about the whole thing, more confused why MFP sets calories so low if this bad for you in the long run.

    Anything anyone else wants to add would be great! :smile:
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    Google 'TDEE calculator' and it will give you an estimate for what you burn off in a day based on your activity levels. Then you subtract 500 calories from this and that is what you should eat each day to burn off a pound a week.

    It's a useful thing to know. MFP says I should eat around 1275 calories a day without exercise but I know that on average I'm burning off around 2400 a day on average so even if I do very little exercise one or two days a week I won't go as low as 1275 because I know I need more.
  • goblindab
    goblindab Posts: 13
    Thank you for that, I'm getting the feeling that I need to eat a fair bit higher than the calorie recommendation of here then, is there a way to manually set your calories yourself??
  • debbieb1971
    debbieb1971 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day but my TDEE - 20% says i should be eating at least 1550 calories - and that's with me saying i do very little exercise. Very confusing x