piper_granny Member


  • net carbs is simply carbs minus the fiber in any food. you can't just take your total fiber for the day and subtract if from your total carbs - it's per food. so, if you eat cashews, for example, you'd take the carb count minus the fiber to get your net carbs for cashews. MFP won't let you plug that in, but I read…
  • have you checked ruled.me.com? I found tons of great websites devoted to keto and collected them on a pinterest page, but, of all the sites I browsed, Ruled.me.com was the best. It has a calculator to give you your precise % of carbs, fats, and proteins to make you lose weight! You plug in your age, weight, height, whether…
  • best of luck to you all on starting your keto lifestyle!!! I'm an OLD grandma (59 gasp!) so my breastfeeding days are long behind me LOL, but I can't imagine why keto wouldn't be fine for you (does fat go thru momma's milk? that would be something I'd check into). If you've been low-carbing, you can ease into keto quite…
  • YES IT WILL!!!! I put it on my phone, caught my first one in my house, and was hooked!! and I'm 59 years old! (however, I'm a 2nd-5th grade computer teacher and junior high library lady, and I KNOW my kids will be all talking about this when school starts again - just trying to be 'cool' LOL). Seriously - it's fun and…
  • I've been on keto for about 3 weeks after doing low-carb for about 3 months. (I have hypothyroidism due to a mutli-nodular goiter. I'm also insulin resistant thanks to starvation dieting over so many years. For both those reasons, (ok, and the fact that I HATE exercising LOL) I'm morbidly obese. Endocrinologist is…
  • dlcshan - YESSS!!!! That's what it is - I didn't click that little 'radio button' to add the recipe to the MFP database! when I did that, all the info areas I KNOW I saw are there - I've never used another site, and I KNOW I wasn't dreaming this LOL. Thanks!! I feel like a complete dingbat, but that's all it was.
  • I had been following a low carb diet since the beginning of April, following my endocrinologist's guidelines, and had SLOWLY been losing some weight. However, I started reading about the ketogenic diet and decided to give it a try. I used several different websites to read, learn, and understand how it works, and I've…
  • So confused! I wonder if they've rolled out an update to the site - and changed the recipe tool. I used to be able to describe the steps (in a big text box like this), add key words (in another box) so that, if someone were searching something specific, like "ketogenic", they might find my recipe(s), and it had you list…