henn1230 Member


  • I was never a runner until I started training for my first half marathon (ran it in December) back in April 2013. But, I worked out consistently before then. Here is my advice. First, if you want to run long distances once a week, you need to run 3 times a week -- 2 shorter and one longer. Second, set a distance goal and…
  • This post is kismet. I am 54, about to run my first 1/2 marathon tomorrow. And, I am having issues with my feet. Seeing that you and your sister made it has inspired me and given me confidence. Congrats!
  • Agree with all the posts saying you should not return your shoes to the store. The store gave you value and you need to pay for it. If you want to order on line in the future (and there will be a future since your shoes will only last 400 - 500 miles), then you can do so. We need to pay for the services of local businesses…
  • You have to decide ahead of time that the workout in the morning is not an optional event. If you ask yourself while laying in bed, "do I want to work out this morning?" the answer will always be no. Finding a work out buddy or a class helps, as does getting everything ready the night before. BUT, the big thing is to give…
  • Pick up the phone and call her on the day. Tell her you are thinking about her and her daughter (one of the big things is worrying that no one will remember your loved one). Let her talk and cry. And cry with her.
  • It is not terrible to have a junk food day every once and a while. But, once your body gets attached to junk food, it is hard to stop with one day. Eat something with a lot of protein and you will probably end the craving for junk food.
  • Swimming is good. But, for some reason, it also increases people's appetite more than other exercises. Try alternating swimming with other exercises and you may find that you have more control over what you eat. And yes, get rid of everything you should not eat in your house. It is as wasted on your hips as it is in the…
  • Congrats. You look great!
  • One thing I have noticed I can do when my asthma has been bad is to start panicking when my heart rate picks up and my breathing gets a bit labored. Relaxing, backing off a bit, and reminding myself that I just used my emergency inhaler helps, as does letting myself work out at a less strenuous level for a day or two. The…
  • go buy them. I wear one all the time.
  • For dinner: cook quinoa in chicken broth or vegetable broth. Saute red onions, garlic, sweet red pepper, and asparagus in olive oil, with salt, pepper and basil. Add to quinoa. Then you can either add shredded chicken or asiago cheese or both. Absolutely delicious.
  • Try googling bosu ball exercises. Bosu ball has a few routines that work well. You might also want to try some routines based on the larger exercise ball. And you might want to try lighter weights with more repetitions, doing an arm, an ab and then a leg exercise, and then a minute of hard cardio and repeat with different…