Need Advice re: Strength/Circuit Training


My lovely friend and I have been going to the gym twice a week (It's the guaranteed commitment we can make with small children at home) at 6am. We've been successful and have been keeping at it for a month now, only missing one week when our children were sick.

Anyway, we are currently doing a routine recommended by a personal trainer I hired for three sessions. I can't afford to continue with a personal trainer so I'm reaching out for some help.

Currently, we do cardio on our own at home three times a week, and then the following routine twice a week at the gym.

Strength Training Sets Reps/Sets Weight/Set
Dumbbell Row, One-Arm, Bent-Over 3 sets of 8 20 pounds
Alternating Chest Fly/Press 3 sets of 8 10 pounds
Assisted Chin Up 3 sets of 8 20 pounds
Ball Walkout Roll out on ball to the knees, then a pushup, then back to a kneel, repeat 8x
Planks 3 planks, 15 sec each
Russian Twist Holding 10 pounds, twist 15 times, repeat 3x
Bosu Squats 8 squats, holding each for 5 seconds, holding 10 pounds
Step Ups 8 step ups per leg holding 15 pounds in each hand
Deadlift, Straight Leg 3 sets of 8 50 pounds
Bosu Lunges 8 lunges onto the ball, holding for 5 seconds, holding 10 pounds
Arnold Press 3 sets of 8 10 pounds

We also do a 10 minute warm up and cool down of walking 3 mph.

I went to a couple of recommended sites to create a new plan for us. I tried body but was extremely overwhelmed. I'm not quite sure where to go from here and would appreciate any help. I'd love to know what website you use to plan your strength/circuit routine.

Thank you!


  • henn1230
    henn1230 Posts: 12 Member
    Try googling bosu ball exercises. Bosu ball has a few routines that work well. You might also want to try some routines based on the larger exercise ball. And you might want to try lighter weights with more repetitions, doing an arm, an ab and then a leg exercise, and then a minute of hard cardio and repeat with different exercises 5 -6 times.
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I do various things, listed below:

    1) I'll do a p90x workout routine. I usually only do the Legs (no back stuff since I don't like doing pull-ups) routine and the Shoulders, Bi, Tri routine (which is amazing). Some googling will help you not only find the lists of each moves but some have video clips of each move so you can ensure you're doing them properly.

    2) This site is amazing. I would pick 1-3 different body parts I want to focus on (examples include: shoulders/bi/tri, chest/back, legs/back, chest/triceps, glutes/hips/back, etc.) and go through the exercises and find ones that I know would challenge me but are still doable. There are a ton of variations, you can sort them by the equipment (or lack thereof) that you want to use, and the type of exercise (stretch, weight-lifting, etc.). Wonderful tool.

    3) is definitely a good site and maybe some more browsing through the site might be helpful. Pre-made workouts are usually your best bet because there's less planning you have to do. Sometimes I make my own routines and realize it's too much, not enough, too difficult, not exactly what I feel like doing, etc. so having a bunch of exercises 'memorized' can help so you at least do SOMETHING when you're there.

    Hope this helps!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member