64fitkat Member


  • I'm right there with you....pasta is my downfall. I can't seem to eat moderately when it comes to that !
  • Hi! I'm Kathy and I live in Kernersville, NC with my husband. I'm pushing 50, but age is just a number. I'm a yo-yo'er. I stay on track for a while, then fall off. My hubby is very supportive -- he's lost about 25 pounds over the last few months -- but I know the importance of having a network of friends to help encourage…
  • There is a lot of truth in what was written!
  • I just started with the Fitbit myself! I'll add you also!
  • Hi! I have two goals --- the first is to commit to this challenge and not get side tracked. The second is to lose 1 lb a week during the challenge. I look forward to reading everyone's posts!
  • Please feel free to add me too, but tell me how I can add someone as a friend. I'm challenged!!! :blushing:
  • Thank you!!! Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life this past year! Hopefully 2013 will be smooth sailing!
  • Sounds like you have a great plan GabbiMarie826! I'm back on MFP too, but this time I feel like I'm in the right mind-set to make some life-long changes. I'm chained to my office during the day so what I find that helps me is have a basket of fruit and hot tea bags handy for when I get stressed and want to eat something. I…