

  • Fat is a funny thing. if you dont eat enough your body will store it If you eat too much your body will store it I think the key is getting your metabolism going. Have a good breakfast with low G.I complex carbohydrate which will keep ypu going for longer. some fats at breakfast are ok like avocado or even some meat.a cup…
  • drink a glass of water before eating any treats. if you still want it 5mins later then go for it
  • well there you go , Im not saying join a gym and go nuts but small changes in lots of everyday things you do will all add up and after a while you wont even think bout it and you go from there.
    in Hi People! Comment by MiniMarc June 2014
  • I try to have a 'clean' diet. ie i make all my own food or buy basic stuff like vegetables in packet if i really have to. If a food has an ingredient list with more than about 4-5 things i tend to avoid. I keep saying it but Green Vegetables are your friend! Low calorie and filling. Fibre helps in lots of ways for weight…
  • Consistencey. More veg less meat. (a large portion of green veg has like 60cals!) Be active in your day to day life. (stairs instead of elevators etc will quickly become normal)
    in Hi People! Comment by MiniMarc June 2014
  • drink of choice is pobably the worst one. Lager.
  • you have to be realistic about how much your cheating by?? Also a good tip is if your gona cheat , do it earlier in the day. Its better to have a cheat breakfast and end up at dinner time with a low / no carb light dinner. You will burn off more cals through the day than if you have a monster dinner
  • It takes your body a couple weeks to get into burning mode so dont worry. Also ive seen my weight fluctuate by 0.7ish kg throughout the day so make sure you weigh at same time or take an average maybe of a few times. Think about how much fluid intake before weighing ie just make it consistant . Do any extra exercise you…
  • me and my gf made a "weight loss lasagne" which didnt resemble a lasagne that much but was very tasty and was cheap / lasted a while. Made an italian tomato sauce (onion , bay leaf , passata , basil , seasoning). we grilled some aubergine and dried them out and also saute'd onion , mushrooms and whatever other veg we had (…
  • Im having a beer right now , sabotaging my diet but oh well , tomorrow is another day. Its probably why Im replying to so many posts! hic!!
  • A personal trainer told me he'd rather i did 15mins of intense circuit with little to no rest than run for an hour. Is helpful if you have a busy lifestyle! things like squats , pushups , jumps , burpees , plank , crab walks can all be done with no equipment and just use body weight. They knacker you too!
  • yep totally its about whats more important. I like socialising with my friends but cureently it seems to involve lots of alcohol. The other thing to remember is weight is not the only indicator of body changing. get proper measurements of waist , hip , chest , bicep , thigh etc. My weight loss wasnt huge but i really…
  • dont just jog for long periods. do your weights then put the treadmill on full tilt (15) and sprint for a minute , then dome more weights then repeat the sprint. do it like 3 times you will feel like your gona die but it will shock your system waaay more than 25mins jogging the carbs from veggies is great advice. Lentils…
  • I think i get it from my trainer , he had quite a 'tough love' approach so was never satisfied with my results , it was always "thats good but you could have done more". I lost 3 inches off my waist in 6 weeks which i was dead chuffed with. An afternoon drinking beer has set me right back. Its annoying as the trainer sees…
  • ive been working nights (6pm - 4amish). I try to lie in and get some good sleep but i still seem to wake up at 9am. First meal is porridge about 12ish then i workout around 2pm. I try have protein after workout so tuna with some sweetcorn round about 4.30pm then i go to work. Dinner Ive been trying to stick to just veg so…
  • its annoying as i set targets / dates to work towards which works but then i blow it out after. i think i need to look at why / the way im binging. As if the working out and diet wern't enough! lol
  • just possted a thread on this. I always sabotage my results! I tend not to eat crap or over eat when i drink but beer is my vice and it goes straight to my stomach. The problem is i dont want a life without beer. Its not so much the calories its more the chemical/hormonal inbalances particularly beer creates which i worry…