shift workers. do you workout after a night shift?

I tend to crave bad foods at night time at work and just crash into bed when I finish. Any tips?


  • MiniMarc
    MiniMarc Posts: 19
    ive been working nights (6pm - 4amish).

    I try to lie in and get some good sleep but i still seem to wake up at 9am.

    First meal is porridge about 12ish then i workout around 2pm. I try have protein after workout so tuna with some sweetcorn round about 4.30pm then i go to work.

    Dinner Ive been trying to stick to just veg so I get a couple those small mixed veg packets you can microwave. Usually eat around 10pm. Even though our body clocks have shifted i dont think its good to eat soon before sleeping
  • angelam82
    angelam82 Posts: 61 Member
    I don't exercise after I finish work, but my husband and I will generally go for a walk once I get up at around 5pm.
  • enjayer
    enjayer Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks guys! Love the idea of the veggie packs... much better than vending machine food :)
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I work midnight til 8am (regularly) and I take things like sliced apples, baby carrots, 100 calorie chocolate chip granola bars, 1/2 cup of Chex Mix, that sort of thing. It helps to give me that crunchy craving I have and keeps me from being too hungry. I also drink A LOT of water. And as far as exercise, normally I work out when I get home. I might go for a walk or do Yoga or Zumba normally around 9am.
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    I work days and nights. Always struggle at night. Always want sugary snacks or carbs. Find it very difficult. Interested to see replies. Then when I get home same as you I'm dead. I could never workout not even when I wake up. It's a struggle.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Dedication, routine, routine, and routine.

    I work a steady night shift (22h30-6h30) go to the gym or for a run, right after work. I'm not going to lie, I have days, were I'm really tired, or just don't feel like it, but it gets done. Sometimes, it's not the best workout, but it's a workout, which is better then no workout. Eventually, you'll get into the routine, and you're body will get use to it. It works for me, because I also stay up all morning and mid afternoon, and then sleep until 21h.

    As far as meal timing, it makes no difference, I log my food from the time I wake up, until I go to bed (it's still a 24h period). I don't snack much while i'm at work, I have meals, just like I'm working a regular 9-5 job, and eat more then half of my cals during that period.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I work, I go to sleep, wake up - workout. take a nap, go back to work. Repeat.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I work a full on grave shift. (11pm to 7am) I eat when I get home. I try to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep . It's the only way I can function! Will wake up between 6-7 pm and I will usually have a piece of fruit and some string cheese (my energy levels are better with a little bit of food in my stomach) and then hit the gym. Then I come home, get showered and ready for work and have dinner about 10pm. This routine works best for me and my energy levels. I have tried doing the gym in the morning right after work, but I am so low energy and exhausted after work that it just feels like every step is torture. The evenings are so much better for me.

    I take my "lunch" about 2:30-3:00am. These days, as long as I keep my water bottle handy, I don't find the need to snack much in between meal times. But when I first started out I lived on fresh fruit and veggies to get me between meals.