AJAdkins Member


  • I am the same way! I love yummy food.. I love trying new food.. You, my friend, are not alone. :D
  • You are doing GREAT!! Keep up the good work!! I believe in ya! :D
  • Try going to Hungry-girl.com! I watch her show all the time. lol. But she has good substitutes for a lot of the yummy sweets... ALSO, she was talking about this ice cream that comes in a pint and the WHOLE pint is worth 150 calories!!! Sadly I am lactose intolerant and can not have it, but I try to tell ppl because I love…
  • I knew you could do it! :D You're doing soo great! I'm so proud of you and I love your attitude! That is the best way to look at it! Slow and steady wins the race because you're losing those pounds for good! You're such and inspiration! :D You are looking great!
  • Also.. just to give you a heads up.. I don't take anything willy nilly.. I ALWAYS check with my doctor before hand.. and also you can check with your pharmacist they know A LOT about that stuff.. :D
  • I use to take Cinnamon religiously along with metformin and other vitamins.. but I didn't notice any difference with it. Ya know what I did try that I felt like I noticed a difference with.. it's called L-Carnitine.. I took like a half an hour before I would workout and it really gave me a nice boost of energy, also it's…
  • I was just diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago.. I am also Insulin Resistant which I have know since I was about 11yrs old. The Doctor said they can go hand in hand sometimes, I'm trying to fight it though. They put me on Metformin and I've been dropping weight with healthy eating and exercise.. I ate healthy and worked…
  • That is where I go.. I really like it there.. But be aware that it's $10/month then once a year they charge you $49.. Their gym is clean (at least the one I go to) and they are super helpful.. I actually met with one of their trainers for the first time last night and she was AWESOME!! :D Hope this helps.
  • I'm huge on protein bars!! I found this one I really like called Supreme Protein.. they are freaking yum! They have big bars and half sized bars. I love them because they taste like candy bars and it makes it so I'm not finding myself in front of the vending machine.. which I can see from my desk. lol.. Lets see.. you…
  • I read something else like that on a review for it. The person took it because they are allergic to gluten and they said sometimes they just want pizza so they take the Carb Blocker and didn't have the allergic reaction from it like they normally would.
  • White kidney bean extract is a nutritional supplement that blocks a digestive enzyme in the intestinal tract that assists with the absorption of complex carbohydrates. As a result, white kidney bean extract allows some of the starchy foods that are ingested to pass through the digestive system without being metabolized.…
  • I believe you can totally do it! I'm on my way to do the same thing! Its really hard but I know it will be worth it in the long run! The changes are exciting and I recommend taking pictures! Then you can compare and really see the changes, that's what I did and its helped keep me motivated! :D
  • Great Job! :D Very inspiring, your hard work has paid off!! You must be so proud of yourself!
  • LOL! Agreed!
  • I love it!! I'm totally doing this!! :D
  • YAY I figured out how to post them!! lol. Thanks
  • YAY I figured out how to post them!! lol. Thanks
  • YAY I figured out how to post them!! lol. Thanks
  • I thought it would give me the option to post pics.. how do I do it
  • No! You're not! I would feel the same way. I might talk to some one that is a supervisor and ask them if they can put a sign up.. to please not move or touch the fan.. and if them your reason. But be poliet, obviously. lol. You've tried handling like a normal person and has no consideration for others around her.
  • Lotion!! Also make sure you are doing weights and working all the muscles. I'm a very heavy girl and so far my skin is staying nice, but I have the same worries. I do a lot a resistance training, which is GREAT for weight loss. I did a lot a research before I started so that my work outs would be more effective. I do the…
  • GREAT JOB! :D Keep up the good work! :D
  • I was the same for a while, that 300 number is stubborn.. lol. But I agree with the other gals switching up exercises and food will help. Also, I've been taking cinnamon supplements which is suppose to boost your bodies work, saw it on doctor OZ, lol.. They had lost similar amounts to what I need to lose so I took their…
  • GREAT JOB!! Your Transformation is AMAZING!
  • The saboteur: The thinnest person in your office.. that always manages to have a few cookies or whatever tastie snack she has that day left over.. Brings it to you and assumes you'll gobble it up.. even though she knows you're trying to eat healthy and be active..
  • Yes! I'll want to eat something.. then only have a few bites and be done.. I was a finish your plate type of girl.. but now 5 bites in and I'm just don't want anymore.. it almost becomes too tedious to eat.. it's weird. Has yours changed? How so?
    in Appetite Comment by AJAdkins March 2011