iminaquagmire Member


  • I did a lot of research and was going to go with the FT80 but ended up going with the Suunto Quest instead. The reason was the software and the durability of the watch. I read a lot of complaints about the Polar software being amateurish and like an afterthought. The Sunnto software so far connects easily and creating…
  • I'm trying to transition to this, though not necessarily barefoot. I started with New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. They have less of a drop from heel to toe in the sole (4mm to be exact). I used those in my workout for a couple months and just started wearing their new zero drop road shoes a few days ago. Even going from…
  • I had cortisone injections for few problems with my left knee (ITB, tendonitis, and a stress injury of my distal femur). Whatever the problem, the cortisone just serves to help with the inflammation. I really injured my knee at work in October but had problems before with light pain. As of the end of January I'm back at…
  • Have you tried specific IT band stretches? They helped me significantly, especially after my cortisone injections. Another thing to try is an IT band strap. It just helps keep pressure on it and tracking properly. You'll want to see an orthopedic doctor. Most orthos have a specialty in a specific body part or groups of…
  • As stated, some people hold their breath too much with exertion and get oxygen depleted with CO2 spikes. The increased heart rate doesn't help this. I myself have to really concentrate to breath, especially on the elliptical and in circuits. Do you get any muscle cramping or numbness as well? BP and glucose can play a part…
  • I would get yourself a foam roller. There are lots of good videos on youtube showing the process for rolling out your IT band. The roller is good for lots of other stretching too though. Everything works together so make sure you're getting good stretches in before and after your workouts. Another good thing that really…
  • Weird that there are so many different answers. I use it probably at least 10 hours a week on my phone and my data so far this month is .06GB.
  • Check out Some of them are pricey but its totally worth it for the quality IMO. They are really meant for firefighters, police, military, and other tactical professions, but you can find a fitting bag for most anything you want to do. Unless you want a real feminine one, they have my vote.
  • What better first post than one making fun of yourself right? Anyways this isn't really a gym story but it involves a treadmill. Anyways I'm a firefighter and twice a year we do consumption testing where we don all of our bunker gear and airpacks and do some sort of strenuous activity to gauge our air consumption. Well…