IT band injury

I run on the treadmill quite often because this cold weather makes it very painful to run with my asthma. I do runs and intervals on the treadmill and now I've got this pain in my right hip that my trainer tells me is an IT band issue. It sucks! Do any of you get this issue? What do you do for it? Is there a way to avoid it?


  • iminaquagmire
    iminaquagmire Posts: 10 Member
    I would get yourself a foam roller. There are lots of good videos on youtube showing the process for rolling out your IT band. The roller is good for lots of other stretching too though. Everything works together so make sure you're getting good stretches in before and after your workouts.

    Another good thing that really helped me was a specific stretch my PT showed me. You lay on your side on something where you can let your leg hang behind you. For example it was my left side that bothered me, so I would lay on my right side with my leg over the edge of the couch or bed behind me. Then I would do leg raises.

    If this doesn't get better, you should definitely see an ortho since the ITB can be the cause of more serious injuries if you don't treat the symptoms. You could also have a stress injury in your hip that needs addressed. Don't keep going if it doesn't get better.