Krissy366 Member


  • That was fantastic!! Definitely need to share this.
  • I struggle with the same thing on my trivia nights, so I try to just limit what I eat earlier in the day and if I go over I have a really light day the next day. I've only just gotten back to MFP, but I've maintained in the time that I've been gone. I'm hoping to jumpstart some further weight loss. Good luck. Trivia is…
  • 100% menu labeling. All nutritional info for all items.
  • Outstanding! Congratulations.
  • My issue with this type of thing is it's arbitary. There are so many things that can make a person an insurance risk. Participation in extreme sports, smoking, drinking, genetic pre-dispositions, bad driving (as it relates to potential health impacts, I don't mean car insurance), etc. etc. Taking one factor and declaring…
  • I think some of them look great, and I think a few of them look unhealthy, which doesn't mean that they are. HOWEVER - I think they look unhealthy compared to themselves and how they have looked previously - not unhealthy compared to some societal standard of what is healthy or attractive. Based only on how some of them…
  • I thought that was just me. LOL
  • What kind of building do you work in? Is there someplace you can walk around IN the building on hot days if you get there early?
  • I was having the same reaction to the newspapers! LOL You look AMAZING! Great work!
  • I love his response, and agree. It makes no real difference to me. I think many companies hold the same beliefs, they just don't shout it out, the just get the message out through the products they carry which states loud and clear who the expected/accepted clientele is. His honesty is simply his saying out loud what many…
  • I think if you're asking "are you ok" it is likely because someone appears distressed, in which case a compassionate person would ask. If you mean asking "how are you" well, that's a pretty standard question and typically requires no more response than "I'm fine" among acquaintances (and strangers), and therefore doesn't…
  • Your intent might not be rude, but the result is. And it can also be devastating, so please reconsider your thought process on this. Unless the subject is brought up, you should not mention it. The daughter of a man I work with is going through a miscarriage of twins at 19 weeks right now. She still looks pregnant, and…
  • I think "the same time yours is" is a great answer, LOL. But then I'm snarky, too. I've never had anyone ask me, but I've had a few people offer me a seat on the train or something and assumed it was because they thought I was.
  • That is fantastic!! And not only does your wife deserve it - you do, too!! Congratulations on your success.
  • I have nothing to say on the topic of detox/cleanse that hasn't been said - but that pancake vid is fantastic!!
  • Quoting you just because I wanted to say I LOVE the dress you're wearing in your pic. :smile: OP - I agree with all the others. You'd be amazed how different you will feel in a month with something just as basic as walking. When I started I just added 1/2 hour lunchtime walks to my daily routine. A month later I was doing…
  • Well, I don't know if we can boot her for that. The 'e' is pretty much silent there, so I think she can put as many as she wants. :-)
  • :drinker: Seriously - one of my biggest pet peeves in life! :flowerforyou:
  • Ummm...about Dumbledore...I don't know how to break this to you...
  • Don't kid yourself into thinking those pictures don't exist or that bias doesn't exist. However, I do agree with your main point, that there is no one specific ideal for what a person looks like (or how a person behaves, frankly). I'm usually annoyed by any of those, "Real women ... " or "Real men ... " type slogans. (and…
  • Curious how much time you think they would have deserved, and how ridiculous a full adult sentence would have been had they sexually violated, (not to mention photographed and bragged about it) an unconscious male? You're not "excusing" what they did, but sure as hell sounds like you think the sexual violation of an…
  • I love this and wish more people could understand that first part and embrace the second part. What a wonderful post. Congratulations on your success - may you continue to enjoy life.
  • After freezing leftovers, regular foods, and items that I make in larger portions than we'll consume in a meal I don't have room in my pretty small freezer to stock up on sale meats. But if I ever have a bigger place and room for a stand alone freezer, I'd be doing this all the time.
  • LOL - posted at the same time to say the same.
  • It's stories like this that make people believe stories produced for the Onion.
  • Some great tips in there. Community Gardens can be fantastic, but they can also be a nightmare. I'm a big fan of farmer's markets, CSAs and food coops and utilize them all. I do buy healthy foods and am lucky enough to afford to, but none of that changes how grossly misleading/inaccurate the information provided in the OP…
  • Couple of points based on the comments: 1. Not everyone has enough land or the right climate to grow their own foods. I do some pots on my porches, and it's fun, but not enough to result in any substantial savings. 2. Not everyone has enough freezer or pantry space to buy in bulk. Those of us that live in small places in…
  • Exactly - the other picture claims a pound of grapes for .88 (88cents?!). Grapes are about $4.00 a lb here. Maybe at the discount market (where the quality is often not as good and the shelf life is 1/2) it's $1 / $1.50 cheaper, but still not .88 cents. I'd love to know where this market is. LOL
  • I find this annoying as well - I wish I could quick add calories and the macros I'm following and give it a simple name, rather than the whole process of adding something to the database only for it to ask me if some incorrectly entered item from someone else is what I'm looking for.
  • I don't know where those prices apply - but where I live, the pound of chicken alone would be close to the $6 mark. I agree that you can eat healthy for less than eating junk, though you have to have enough money to do a little advance shopping - if you have only $5 to your name, you're not getting much at my local grocery…