CNN coverage of Steubenville rape case



  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    How about don't drink until you are unconscious and you wont increase your chances of being raped. There. Sh1t happens.
    except being drunk has nothing to do with it - how many sober women are raped? how many joggers are abducted and taken advantage of? it shouldnt be a matter of women having to assume all men are rapists and preparing for it (though being aware of surroundings never hurts) - it should be a matter of men not thinking they can take advantage of women, in any situation.

    This thread is about the Steubenville case. Not about joggers and other rape cases.


    You admittedly or un-admittedly put your foot in your mouth and poked a hornet's nest with what you said. BUT, essentially I am going out on a limb and believe that you meant what you said with the best possible intentions and not because you believe she deserved what she got.
    We are all on the same side here, unless someone agrees with CNN.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    They ruined their own lives. This should also serve as a lesson to young women. Get ****f4ced at a party you are likely to be taken advantage of.

    I dislike when people place blame on the victim in that way. As if they deserve to be treated a certain way by the way they dress, talk, etc.

    Getting extremely drunk is negative for any person to do, male or female, and should be avoided but when you are in high school and are in the crowd that experiments with drugs and/or alcohol (not all high schoolers do) you might not have learned that drinking in excess leads to very bad things (majority of the time) even if it is as small as the mother of all hangovers the next day.

    Did I say she deserved to be raped? She made a poor choice to get drunk at a party with her peers. As a result she got raped. Lesson learned.

    That's kind of f**ked up. She didn't get raped as a result of getting drunk at a party.
    Lots of people get drunk at parties and don't get raped. That is NOT "lesson learned".
    Whether drunk or sober, she has no control over other people's actions.

    She got raped because she lost control of her own being drunk. I'm not saying she deserved it. Sh1t happens. Especially when you make poor decisions.


    I mean, dang.

    I been drunk billions of times.

    And every single time, I didn't get raped. is this because "SHE" made a bad decision????

    The bad decision was expecting these boys to not be rapists. I personally would hate to live in a world where I'm expected to assume men are rapists just because they are men.

    You are so wrong to even put partial blame on her for this.

    "Judge Thomas Lipps announced on Sunday that Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, would be given a maximum sentence after being found guilty of raping a 16-year-old girl while she was unconscious. "

    While she was unconscious. :noway:

    " 'There’s always that moment of just — lives are destroyed,” Callan remarked. “But in terms of what happens now, the most severe thing with these young men is being labeled as registered sex offenders. That label is now placed on them by Ohio law.'

    'That will haunt them for the rest of their lives.' "

    How about, don't rape drunk, unconscious girls, and you won't have to live with the sex offender label. :angry:
    There. Lesson learned.

    How about don't drink until you are unconscious and you wont increase your chances of being raped. There. Sh1t happens.

    This whole paternalistic attitude of "I'm going to help women by teaching them how to protect themselves" is really just a facade for rape apologists. Do you think women don't already know our best bet is to never go out? Never look pretty? Never have a drink? Never get in a car with a man? Any man? Do you think we don't know to look over or shoulders in dark parking lots? That we should have mace or a gun with us at all times? That we should never go running alone after dark??

    Your logic is the same as the goddamned Taliban. Do you realize that?

    How about we stop talking about all the ways women should not live their lives lest they get raped and start talking about teaching boys it is NOT ok to rape.

    These boys, like so many others, thought they would get away with it. Because of people like you. That is exactly the defense their attorney tried to use.

    Most rapists get away with it though.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    While I personally lean more on the "don't get plastered unconscious and you won't have to worry about this problem while unconscious" side, I can see both sides of the story...

    They shouldn't have committed the crime, period. Nevertheless, the stupid act of sharing it with everyone and their cousin as well...

    I think their punishment is sufficient... But I don't think she's an angel who should be given rainbows and butterflies either.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    She was hardly "raped". Sexually violated, absolutely. Legally, she was raped. But they didnt even have sex with her. Thankfully these two kids were minors and only got a short would have been ridiculous if they received a full adult sentence for what they did. They deserve a couple years. They got it.

    If you do not know the full case, you can watch the video of another man (he was 18 and I believe is being tried separately as an adult) brag about watching her get raped and sodomized and participating.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    In on this thread.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    The portrayal of these " promising young men" made me want to vomit. promising young men dont rape. Our society is seriously flawed that CNN portrayed their anguish. anguish. They raped a young girl who will deal with the trauma all her life. She didn't chose to be raped. Those boys chose to be rapists.
    but it's not their fault, she was drunk and had a vagina. she asked for it by being there. it's not like men shouldn't know by the age of 5 that RAPE IS NOT OK. I mean come on now they're just boys. Not like the knew what they did was wrong or anything.

    They should be castrated publicly as an example.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    She was hardly "raped". Sexually violated, absolutely. Legally, she was raped. But they didnt even have sex with her.

    Just to be clear: if someone were to anally penetrate you with a broomstick, that would not be rape because it wasn't a penis?

    Even if, ya know, "legally" it is rape?
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    The portrayal of these " promising young men" made me want to vomit. promising young men dont rape. Our society is seriously flawed that CNN portrayed their anguish. anguish. They raped a young girl who will deal with the trauma all her life. She didn't chose to be raped. Those boys chose to be rapists.
    but it's not their fault, she was drunk and had a vagina. she asked for it by being there. it's not like men shouldn't know by the age of 5 that RAPE IS NOT OK. I mean come on now they're just boys. Not like the knew what they did was wrong or anything.

    They should be castrated publicly as an example.

    <3 I love you
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    She was hardly "raped". Sexually violated, absolutely. Legally, she was raped. But they didnt even have sex with her.

    Just to be clear: if someone were to anally penetrate you with a broomstick, that would not be rape because it wasn't a penis?

    Even if, ya know, "legally" it is rape?

    It would legally be rape. I never disputed that. I just dont think the sentence should be the same for getting a finger or object inserted and actually being raped.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    How about don't drink until you are unconscious and you wont increase your chances of being raped. There. Sh1t happens.
    except being drunk has nothing to do with it - how many sober women are raped? how many joggers are abducted and taken advantage of? it shouldnt be a matter of women having to assume all men are rapists and preparing for it (though being aware of surroundings never hurts) - it should be a matter of men not thinking they can take advantage of women, in any situation.

    This thread is about the Steubenville case. Not about joggers and other rape cases.


    You admittedly or un-admittedly put your foot in your mouth and poked a hornet's nest with what you said. BUT, essentially I am going out on a limb and believe that you meant what you said with the best possible intentions and not because you believe she deserved what she got.
    We are all on the same side here, unless someone agrees with CNN.

    I don't give a flying fawk what you believe. Both sides were wrong. The girl and the boys. The girl was irresponsible and careless and the boys were monsters for taking advantage. Lesson learned on both sides!

    The girl was wrong to drink underage. Yes. That is a victimless crime.

    Nowhere near in par with the boys' crime.

    Why do you want to make it like it is equal?
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    They ruined their own lives. This should also serve as a lesson to young women. Get ****f4ced at a party you are likely to be taken advantage of.

    I dislike when people place blame on the victim in that way. As if they deserve to be treated a certain way by the way they dress, talk, etc.

    Getting extremely drunk is negative for any person to do, male or female, and should be avoided but when you are in high school and are in the crowd that experiments with drugs and/or alcohol (not all high schoolers do) you might not have learned that drinking in excess leads to very bad things (majority of the time) even if it is as small as the mother of all hangovers the next day.

    Did I say she deserved to be raped? She made a poor choice to get drunk at a party with her peers. As a result she got raped. Lesson learned.

    It really makes me sick that anyone has this type of thinking.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    wow. i have a LOT to say here, but won't. I will limit my comment's to one word.


    (just sayin')
    *runs the hail out of thread*

    seriously how can we expect kids to grow up another way if we keep showing them examples of how to get away with stuff. over. and over. and over. and over. on the media. I for one am not surprised. appalled and heartbroken yes, surprised, no.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    She was hardly "raped". Sexually violated, absolutely. Legally, she was raped. But they didnt even have sex with her.

    Just to be clear: if someone were to anally penetrate you with a broomstick, that would not be rape because it wasn't a penis?

    Even if, ya know, "legally" it is rape?

    It would legally be rape. I never disputed that. I just dont think the sentence should be the same for getting a finger or object inserted and actually being raped.

    I'm glad you are not in charge of the law. It is not "the same" but it *is* rape.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    How about don't drink until you are unconscious and you wont increase your chances of being raped. There. Sh1t happens.
    except being drunk has nothing to do with it - how many sober women are raped? how many joggers are abducted and taken advantage of? it shouldnt be a matter of women having to assume all men are rapists and preparing for it (though being aware of surroundings never hurts) - it should be a matter of men not thinking they can take advantage of women, in any situation.

    This thread is about the Steubenville case. Not about joggers and other rape cases.


    You admittedly or un-admittedly put your foot in your mouth and poked a hornet's nest with what you said. BUT, essentially I am going out on a limb and believe that you meant what you said with the best possible intentions and not because you believe she deserved what she got.
    We are all on the same side here, unless someone agrees with CNN.

    I don't give a flying fawk what you believe. Both sides were wrong. The girl and the boys. The girl was irresponsible and careless and the boys were monsters for taking advantage. Lesson learned on both sides!

    Ok. Agree to disagree.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    How about don't drink until you are unconscious and you wont increase your chances of being raped. There. Sh1t happens.
    except being drunk has nothing to do with it - how many sober women are raped? how many joggers are abducted and taken advantage of? it shouldnt be a matter of women having to assume all men are rapists and preparing for it (though being aware of surroundings never hurts) - it should be a matter of men not thinking they can take advantage of women, in any situation.

    This thread is about the Steubenville case. Not about joggers and other rape cases.


    You admittedly or un-admittedly put your foot in your mouth and poked a hornet's nest with what you said. BUT, essentially I am going out on a limb and believe that you meant what you said with the best possible intentions and not because you believe she deserved what she got.
    We are all on the same side here, unless someone agrees with CNN.

    I don't give a flying fawk what you believe. Both sides were wrong. The girl and the boys. The girl was irresponsible and careless and the boys were monsters for taking advantage. Lesson learned on both sides!

    I agree. I also agree with trojannbb. I think it was blown up with media. She was violated and videotaped. She wasn't violently harmed, pinned against her will, and raped to my knowledge (didn't see the video), she was passed out and some stupid teenage boys took advantage of it in the backseat of a car. Both parties were stupid.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    She was hardly "raped". Sexually violated, absolutely. Legally, she was raped. But they didnt even have sex with her. Thankfully these two kids were minors and only got a short would have been ridiculous if they received a full adult sentence for what they did. They deserve a couple years. They got it. And no I am not excusing what they did...just commenting on their crime and the verdict.

    Curious how much time you think they would have deserved, and how ridiculous a full adult sentence would have been had they sexually violated, (not to mention photographed and bragged about it) an unconscious male? You're not "excusing" what they did, but sure as hell sounds like you think the sexual violation of an unconscious 16 year old girl is not really a big deal. She was raped. You can sugar coat it if you want, and try to pretend that your attitude isn't part of the problem, but your statement absulutely contributes to the rape culture we live in, as does the statement of the previous poster who thinks a girl getting raped can be summed up with the words "sh1t happens."
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I think that when people decide whether a rape is "actual" or not based on whether or not the perp could or did have an orgasm, we have a problem. My experience of being penetrated and violated is the same, but it's "lesser" because he didnt use his penis???

    I disagree. It's not a crime based on what tool the perp used, it's a crime based on the severity of the violation of the victim.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    She was hardly "raped". Sexually violated, absolutely. Legally, she was raped. But they didnt even have sex with her.

    Just to be clear: if someone were to anally penetrate you with a broomstick, that would not be rape because it wasn't a penis?

    Even if, ya know, "legally" it is rape?

    It would legally be rape. I never disputed that. I just dont think the sentence should be the same for getting a finger or object inserted and actually being raped.

    I'm glad you are not in charge of the law. It is not "the same" but it *is* rape.

    Penetrated against your will with a penis is bad enough.
    But with objects?!? :noway: Horrifying! Depending on the objects, it can cause so much physical internal damage besides the obvious emotional and mental damage.
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