Scary Skinny Celebrities



  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Some of those girls looked just fine (ie. Renee Zelweger, for example).. Of course, some of them DID look scarily thin. Ladies, when we can see every rib you have-- it's time to eat a cheeseburger or five.

    I HATE when people say someone else should eat a cheeseburger. I've been told that before, as I was actively trying to gain HEALTHY weight. It's repulsive.

    Qft seriously telling a thin person to eat a cheeseburger is just as bad as telling a fat person to eat a salad. The only difference is one is more acceptable to say
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    These articles are an odd one. It's interesting that people point at these and say 'hey look! skinny is shamed as well' But in my opinion these articles are just a framing device to show a body type that people still want to attain, but without the social stigma for the media outlet of supporting 'unhealthy' body types.

    To me this just screams 'Look! Skinny women! WE still know you want to be skinny! Look!!"

    That could just be me though

    I think it's just you since the whole article makes them out to be disgusting , scary, ect.

    It's a framing device. There is a reason the pictures are huge and the navigation is at the top and the text is below the fold - they don't want or expect many people to read the words. It's all about publishing images that people want to see. The framing device prevents them from coming under fire for glamourising super thin bodies.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Some of those girls looked just fine (ie. Renee Zelweger, for example).. Of course, some of them DID look scarily thin. Ladies, when we can see every rib you have-- it's time to eat a cheeseburger or five.

    Diem- what a sucky thing to say. I don't comment much, but what you said totally ruffles my feathers. I eat almost 2000 calories per day and you can play xylophone on my ribs. Is it because I'm starved? I think not! I've always had a protruding rib cage, collarbone and chest bones. That's just how I'm built. You could even see it when I was considered "Obese".
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Some of those girls looked just fine (ie. Renee Zelweger, for example).. Of course, some of them DID look scarily thin. Ladies, when we can see every rib you have-- it's time to eat a cheeseburger or five.

    I HATE when people say someone else should eat a cheeseburger. I've been told that before, as I was actively trying to gain HEALTHY weight. It's repulsive.

    Qft seriously telling a thin person to eat a cheeseburger is just as bad as telling a fat person to eat a salad. The only difference is one is more acceptable to say

    or, so some people think. I don't think its acceptable. It makes me want to junk punch people when they tell me that.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Wow.. such a catty article..

    I have a bf% of 26,5% but my chest and back are naturally very (and I quote from the article) 'skeletal'.. I just carry my weight on my hips, butt and legs! Because of that article I'm kind of feeling ashamed instead of feeling happy about myself. Incredibly body shaming!!
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    Women could rule the world if we quit obsessing about our bodies. Eat right, get some exercise, stay healthy, but don't let it rule your world. Go to college, start a business, build something, run for office, fix things, laugh, love. . . . we women are so much more than just bodies that are "wrong".
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    That was pretty vile. (The article)
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Women could rule the world if we quit obsessing about our bodies. Eat right, get some exercise, stay healthy, but don't let it rule your world. Go to college, start a business, build something, run for office, fix things, laugh, love. . . . we women are so much more than just bodies that are "wrong".

    ...and pee standing up.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Grrrr some of these women are just really fit! This is sending out a horrible message. Really, Kelly Ripa? That girl is jacked. We can't be telling people this is wrong.
  • ssmithbowman
    wow this article is horrible!! Some of those girls look absolutely fine!! I don't think having a bone protruding means you're unhealthy. I have always been naturally thin and have several. I would be on their "nasty list". Especially since I also have a belly still from pregnancy. Geez, give it a rest. If regular people were treated like this everyone would have horrible self esteem and would be constantly crying.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I would be, like, "Ermagerd, thin shaming!" if I thought every one of these people were naturally thin, healthy and not obsessing about their weight. Unfortunately I don't think that's the case and while the tone is pretty *****y I'm glad there's someone pointing out that, yes, you can be too thin. I've been seeing too many celebrities who were already thin and awesome-looking lose even more weight and it's kind of frightening.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm at about 22% body fat right now. My hip bones are visible and I have a "bony chest" as the writer put it. That same writer would probably criticize me for having thick legs. Women just can't win.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I just looked at slideshow of "Worst Bikini Bodies," ranging from very thin to average weight, and every single one of them looked beautiful, albeit not posed or Photoshopped to perfection, and not necessarily under 35 years of age.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    They don't scare me. Well, Macaulay Culkin does - but that has nothing to do with his weight. I think a few of them are thinner than what I find attractive, but most of them have beautiful bodies. Stupid article.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    It's one thing when we've seen these celebrities before at a certain weight for a long time, then it suddenly drops drastically, like Angelina Jolie. Her extreme weight loss started around the time her mother fell ill with cancer, making me think it was stress. This can be a cause for concern for their health, but definitely not shaming.

    But some of these people were just born that way, like Keira Knightly. And it's ridiculous to call them anything.
  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    These articles are an odd one. It's interesting that people point at these and say 'hey look! skinny is shamed as well' But in my opinion these articles are just a framing device to show a body type that people still want to attain, but without the social stigma for the media outlet of supporting 'unhealthy' body types.

    To me this just screams 'Look! Skinny women! WE still know you want to be skinny! Look!!"

    That could just be me though

    I think it's just you since the whole article makes them out to be disgusting , scary, ect.

    Actually one of the photos (of the two sisters) said something about them having really good genetics. How can you use "good genetics" and "scarily skinny" to describe the same photo? Which is it?
    Also, I'd like to point out half of these celebrities were also in the next slideshow about "fit" celebs.

    Anything to get your attention. Seems to have worked.
  • jgal86
    jgal86 Posts: 77
    These articles are an odd one. It's interesting that people point at these and say 'hey look! skinny is shamed as well' But in my opinion these articles are just a framing device to show a body type that people still want to attain, but without the social stigma for the media outlet of supporting 'unhealthy' body types.

    To me this just screams 'Look! Skinny women! WE still know you want to be skinny! Look!!"

    That could just be me though

    I think it's just you since the whole article makes them out to be disgusting , scary, ect.

    Actually one of the photos (of the two sisters) said something about them having really good genetics. How can you use "good genetics" and "scarily skinny" to describe the same photo? Which is it?
    Also, I'd like to point out half of these celebrities were also in the next slideshow about "fit" celebs.

    Anything to get your attention. Seems to have worked.

  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    That Home Alone kid looks like he's trying out for a Broadway revival of The Machinist. Other than that, meh.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I think some of them look great, and I think a few of them look unhealthy, which doesn't mean that they are. HOWEVER - I think they look unhealthy compared to themselves and how they have looked previously - not unhealthy compared to some societal standard of what is healthy or attractive. Based only on how some of them have looked in the past, some of them do look that perhaps they have lost more weight than is healthy. But, photos can be deceiving, and "news" sources collect photos for the right articles. I'm sure they all have folders upon folders of each celebrity labeled things like, "looking too thin," "looking too fat," "looking pissed off," "looking sad," etc., so they can pull out the picture that best goes with whatever they are trying to imply. For a lot of these shots, there are probably 10 other photos taken in a couple minute span in which the person in question looks fine. So, while I agree that in some of these photos they appear unhealthy, there is really no way to know if they are based on nothing but a single photo. Additionally, even if they are, it's none of my business. But if any of my friends looked the way some of these ladies looked (knowing how they have looked in the past), I might express concern to my friend, not about their looks, but about their health.

    Edited to add: regardless of the above thoughts, I don't think the article is acceptable as it does nothing to improve the health of these ladies (if that's even necessary) or promote good health. All it does is tear people down for "entertainment value." So not cool.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Interesting, they didn't even bother calling Janice ****inson skinny, just ugly... Awesome people, way to go!! :noway: