jimfoxer Member


  • To answer your question, yes! I am an intermittent faster and believe strongly in it as a method to actually tap into your fat stores, not just stored glycogen in your liver. What many people don't understand, is that fasting isn't about maintaining a caloric deficit; I average the same amount of weekly calories as I did…
  • Ok... three days and not one response. Are these trackers that rare?!?
  • Ok. From your further comments I can see that my observation regarding your self-esteem is on mark. I know a lot of people believe you are trolling - or trolling for compliments - but I'm going to take your comments seriously. The fact is this: Nature is playing a cruel joke on you. At 19, your prefrontal cortex is still…
  • Allow me to give you a non-judgemental honest answer: What you are experiencing, I have seen in several young men. The root cause, I've found, is an over-exposure to pornography and particularly starting at a young age. I'm not saying this is your situation, but what this tends to do is to instruct young men that the act…
  • I don't think it's weird at all. The human animal (although we'd like to consider ourselves too enlightened to be animals) has some of the same reactions around food as other animals. I think you'll find that most people responding to this can relate to you. What I've done is try to bring out my nurturing aspect; try to…
  • The app is named, "Zombies, Run!" and "Zombies, Run! 5k Training" from the company Six to Start. Available in your favorite app store. Best works with a GPS enabled device, as it tracks your speed to make sure you get away from the zombies... or not.
  • If you want something a little more fun with a story behind it, I love the Zombies, Run! series for Android/iPod. They have a Zombies Run 5K training app, that is expertly done and gets you in shape for running, and as you are running/walking takes you through a post-apocalyptic story. Once you are hooked, the Zombies, Run…
  • I started with the New Year, and 75 pounds as of today!
  • I'm sure you keep a food diary. You need to add a section in your diary for "satiety", and that is how well the food kept you feeling full and for how long. You will then see a pattern of what is keeping you full, and what is not. There are basic biological rules that will help. Protein signals the brain that you are full.…
  • First, not all Greek yogurt is alike. Many producers mix in protein powder, starch, and other thickeners to try to get the Greek yogurt consistency and save money on milk in the process. I'd suggest you try other brands - particularly Fage which is excellent. You may also want to try other milk fat percentages; while I eat…
  • In addition, since it's thicker, it can be used in so many recipes! Take some and mix in a package of dry onion soup - BAM! - dip for your veggies that is way lower in calories than other dips. I also use it in my recipe for protein pancakes. The reason that everyone loves the double protein is because protein is what…
  • I wish every gay child in the country had a parent like you! Good on you!
  • Great day for the USA! Too bad that it was a 5-4 decision, with all of the conservative judges voting against. I'm curious to read the dissent, because under what ground can you justify the discrimination? And Conservatives are always touting State rights, well that is only when the States are their own and they agree with…
  • Another thumbs up for the Zombies, Run! program. I love it and adds an interesting story line to your runs. They have a special 5K training program for iOS and Android (I use Android version), and is better than some other C25K programs. It starts you, for instance, with drills of 15 seconds of running and 1 minute of…
  • No shoes here. LOVE barefoot running! And when I need protection on my feet, Vibram Five Fingers all the way! I own 4 pair and wear them everywhere (I even have leather ones that look professional enough to go out in public with, so I'm even walking barefoot (or at least what feels to be barefoot) throughout the day). I…
  • Walking is a great exercise, but your body is quite adept at walking and expends very little from it. In my opinion, and I would imagine most professionals, walking cannot really be considered cardio exercise. For exercise to be cardio, it needs to significantly raise your heartbeat, which is hard to get from just walking…
  • Yes, according to the NIH, your body is indeed capable of metabolizing a full 31 calories per pound of body fat a day. Does this mean that you should eat at such a deficit? Not without doctor supervision. But this explains why - when supervised by doctors - extremely obese people go on huge calorie deficits, consuming as…
  • Remember first and foremost, that the purpose of eating calories is nutrition. They say not to go under 1200 because that is how much experts believe you need in order to get your full daily dosage of key vitamins, nutrients, protein, fat, and carbs. Of course you can get your calories from eating a pint of ice-cream, but…
  • Great job! My slightly embarrassing (and slightly injurious) NSV happened when I almost killed myself on the treadmill; I was running on the treadmill one night, when my shorts just completely dropped around my ankles. Any other time, that would have been funny, but I was running on a treadmill down the basement, and I was…
  • Just made them again today, with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk to thin the batter. Topped with agave nectar and blueberries. Yum!
  • Not true, and not magic beans - but you need to know how to use them. The majority of these scales work by electrical impedance - which means it sends an electrical impulse up one leg and measures how long it takes to get the signal down from the other leg - since electricity travels slowly through fat. Yes, they use…
  • Just made them! My recipe with my ingredients turned out to be only 304 calories, and kept me full for hours! I added blueberries, and topped with agave. Next time I will add some unsweetened almond milk to the batter since it was way too thick for my liking. Instead of making 6 pancakes, I was lazy and just made one giant…
  • Bump! Doing weekly shopping and buying ingredients! Thanks OP.
  • First off - I'm sending you as much positive thoughts and love as possible. I haven't read a lot of the replies, but often times people who mean well can come off cold and callous. You are obviously hurting, and you need some positive encouragement. Also, simply saying "never go to McDonald's" doesn't help. Because when…
  • When I was in 7th grade health, we had an assignment (worth a test grade!) to drink 8 glasses of water everyday for a month. Our parents had to sign the sheet saying that we did, so we couldn't just lie about it. I found it near impossible! Then I came up with the idea, "Water Out, Water In". I put my glass in the bathroom…
  • I had the same exact problem! I just absolutely hated drinking water! I used to drink so much Crystal Lite, but didn't like the chemicals (or the taste too much either). That changed when I got a new water bottle. I ordered it from Best Buy (of all places) since I had coupons to spend and it's called the "Bobble". There…
  • Put a 100 lb. backpack on your pack and climb a flight of stairs, or walk to the kitchen. See how much more effort that takes? That is what you are doing essentially. Put that backpack on your chest and try to breathe. That extra effort, burns calories. You have extra muscles you don't even know about which have developed…
  • We all hit plateaus - and they truly are motivation-breaking. The only thing I would advise, which has been the case for me, is to look for missing calories. For instance, I found 100 daily calories I wasn't calculating just in my vitamin supplements! Also to all who haven't invested in one yet, buy a digital scale! I got…
  • Good job! My wife told me she noticed when I had lost less than 10 pounds. She said that it was noticeable in my face (apparently that thins out first), but I never believe her since she knows I'm dieting and wants to encourage me. However when others notice, I just deny it and say it's my clothes or something. I'm trying…
  • Thanks for writing back. I've had my BMF for a few years actually. I lost a lot of weight with it in 2010, then I was injured and didn't want to pay a monthly subscription so it went in a drawer. After putting most of that weight back on, I pulled it out of the drawer. I've used it consistently since January 2nd (New…