

  • A few years ago when I was dieting the wrong way, I would weigh myself maybe 2 times a day the least!! I was insane lol!! This time around Im doing it the right way and I started weighing myself once a week which I thought was fine. But then I kept reading about how if your trying to loose weight you need to do strength…
  • I just started using a 15 pound bell too and thought I would be at least a little sore but Im not. Was your stomach and glutes sore or your arms?
  • Thanks!! Good to know. I need to get the band though. Do you think they sell them anywhere local, like Walmart? I'm sure their cheaper then getting them from You're right, I am going to upgrade to the 5lbs, the 3lbs aren't as much of a challenge anymore. Thanks for the advice!!
  • My face and neck and that's what other people always say to me
  • Thanks guys! I just wanted to make sure. Its good to know, because I look forward to my protein shakes after my workouts :smile:
  • No, I haven't been lifting heavy weights. You're right is probably water weight or something. Thank you!
  • Currently, Im just doing the Turbo Fire program and I've been wondering if her sculpt classes were enough strength training or if I should add my own workouts in. Are you talking about her sculpt and core dvd's that come with the set. I am using 3lb weights now but think I need to go up to 5lbs.
  • I have the kettleworx DVD's by Ryan Shanahan and I really like them. I would recommend those. Although I think the kettleball I have is too light, it's 5lbs. I should probably have started with 8 or 10lbs. Good Luck!
  • I did Turbo Jam before starting Turbo Fire and loved it. If you liked Turbo Jam you'll definitely like Turbo Fire. I have the Zumba Total Body dvd's and the newer ones, Exhilarate. I love all Zumba, it's so fun! But I realized that I can't loose all the weight I want to just doing Zumba. I've tried the Brazil Butt Lift and…
  • Hey guys! If I start a Turbo Jam/ Turbo Fire group will some of you join?? It says I need at least 3 people to join before I start the group. Let me know :smile: Kelly
  • Yea, your right. Once I've gotten all sweaty and took a shower Im done. The last thing I want to do is have to get sweaty all over again later in the day. I would have to take at least a 5 or 10 minute break in between. Do you know how many calories you burn doing a HIIT class or Fire class? I need to get a heart monitor!…
  • I love Turbo Fire!!! I also really like Turbo Jam too. I just started doing Turbo Fire last week. I am the only one that thought it was hard to keep up with all the choreography at first? After my 2nd class I started getting used to it and now Im able to keep up. The HIIT videos are crazy!!! But in a good way, on the days…
  • I am DEFENITLY a Zumba addict!!!! I tried it for the first time about 2 months ago and fell in love. Since then I have gotten all the DVD's, the total body transformation set and the Exhilarate set. I like them both. I love to dance and picked up on the moves pretty quickly. It's so much fun and now I know why they call it…
  • I've been having the same thoughts. I did Level 1 for only 4 days and moved on to Level 2 without it being a problem. I've been doing Level 2 for 8 days now. I struggle with the plank exercises and I still can only do girly push ups. But everything else is fine. I wanted to see if I could handle Level 3 yesterday and I…
  • I just got these DVD's the other day! I plan on doing the booty basics and bum bum DVD's today. Im trying to incorporate these with my other workouts. Are you doing this to loose weight too or just to get a tight bum bum! (lol). I was wondering bc my goal is to loose about 20lbs. Im currently doing cardio and strength…
  • Check out this website: They have tons of free videos that are really good for working out at home. There's one for strength training that I really like, all you need is a chair and I think a pair of dumbbells. You dont need a lot of room either :)
  • For Level 2: The hardest moves for me are still the push ups, I do know that I've gotten a little stronger because at first I wasn't even able to hold that position for more than a second. At least I can get in the plank position but I always have to take a 2 second break. My arms must not be strong enough bc they always…
  • @kkrobins I think I've heard of that one before. I definitely want to try it out. I was going to buy a kettleball the other day they had 5lbs, 8lbs, 10lbs, and up. I think 10lbs felt the most comfortable. i wasn't sure if there was a certain weight you were supposed to start off at. Do you own one?
  • That's a really good idea! A Zumba group, I dont think I've seen one, Im gonna look and if not I want to start one. That will be a fun a group,
    in Zumba Comment by kellabella83 March 2012
  • I have a lot. I just recently got Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred that Im doing now, I also have her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD and that one is really good too. I have her No More Trouble Zones and Ripped in 30. I haven't tried those two yet but I heard there good. I love Zumba and have all their DVD's. I used to be…
  • I was wondering that too. After doing about 60 minutes a day of cardio/strength training for a while I didn't feel like 20 minutes was enough. (for me anyway). So I've been doing either a hour of Zumba or a 1/2 hour of strength training.
  • Just finished Day 2 of Level 2. I did Level 1 for 5 days. I think Level 2 is just as hard. The one thing that is the hardest for me is the plank!! I always do Anita''s version, I dont care. I am proud of myself for being able to at least do it, I might have to take a break for 2 seconds then get back up. But I would have…
  • I'm going to check out that site in a minute. I want to go to a class, I think it would be really fun. I just dont want to go alone, none of my friends are really into and if they are they dont want to go to a class. I think they feel embarrassed. Even though they shouldn't. Like I said before I started doing the Jillian…
  • Great Job!!!!! You look amazing and its so inspiring for me :) Thanks for sharing your story!
  • That's great!!! Congrats!! You said you got great results, how much weight or inches did you loose? Im curious bc I just started it 4 days ago. What else did you do on the days you did the shred, I feel like after 20 minutes I need to do more. So I've been doing a hour of Zumba.
  • Hey!!! So I've been doing Level 1 for the past 4 days and yesterday I tried the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism dvd and it literally kicked my butt. There was one or two moves (on the floor) I just couldn't do, probably bc Im not strong enough. But anyway, since I did that video yesterday I thought I would move on to Level 2…
  • I LOVE Zumba!!! I've never taking any classes but I have all their DVD's and I think there great. I also have the book written by Beto Perez called "Ditch the workout, Join the Party". It's really inspiring and helpful, it makes you want to do Zumba right after reading it. They say you can burn anywhere from 500 to 1,000…
  • That's awesome! Thanks for the tips. North Branford is only a few minutes away from me. lol We're neighbors
  • Yesterday was my 3rd day of doing Level 1. The first day i thought it was pretty hard bc I wasn't used to going from jumping jacks to push ups (oh and btw, i cud hardly do 1 push up). I've never really been able to do push ups though. I guess my arms are too weak. The second day i found it to be easier and I was able to…
  • I just finished doing the BFBM video a few minutes ago and I was dying!! lol. I just started doing the 30 day shred a few days ago, still on Level 1. But I wanted to try that one too. I liked it and I really felt like i gave it my all. There was one move I just couldn't do, the one when you lay flat on your stomach and…