

  • make pocorn with a smart balance oil, slice up jalopenos into the oil, stir just a bit to cook a little, then added popcorn, let it pop away with the spicey partner. As your eating the popcorn sometimes it's just plain ol popcorn flavor and then next bite may spicey. Take out seeds if you want less heat. When I eat spicey…
  • I had this at a friends house she added cumin, tumric and a very hot pepper(Red ones used in chinese food) she let the salsa marinate overnite, then picked out hot peppers, thank God, It was a 4 alarm, perfect for me, some had to go with out it added heat. I may try some jalopenos. GREAT MEAL
  • I am a one directinal hula hooper I can't get the hips to move counterclockwise.:embarassed: How are you putting Wii exercises in your exercise journal?
  • After pealing the skin, Julienne the Jicama (to look a bit bigger then shoe string fries) Make a salad Rice Vinegar, grape tomatos, shreddded carrots,red onion etc....the idea are endless. I tell my friend it'd Jicama slaw. (NO MAYO) Sliciing into sticks with lemon and spicey seasoning. Jicama sticks, carrot sticks and…
    in Jicama Comment by artist22 April 2009
  • I have a friend that works on these planes. They may have changed it, but the extention they give for the seat belts on the back may still say "FAT", so they've been insensitive for years. As we all know dicrimination with overweight people hits many areas, but the place it hits the hardest is the heart.
  • I realized I can't be hateful and grateful at he same time. Anger is a trigger to eat so I do a list of what I am grateful for, from A to Z. When I am really having a bad day I try to come up with more then one thing at each letter. I would love to see some gratitude list, help me and give me ideas::wink: A=apples,…
  • :bigsmile: Thanks for the cheer! I need it, looking forward to getting more involved
  • Thanks...been off site a few days. Got a flu bug. no way to lose weight.
  • I am new in the world of message boards, I am sure I'll catch on. I've been reading a lot and this is a very supportive community. I currently go to a edical weight loss place that is writing down all you eat and weighig in. I have lost 20 pounds with tem, but I am stuck. The lack of support and advise may be part of it. I…
  • I love mine....It's so fun. I over did it being extremely out-of-shape I hurt my knee. They have great exercise and you can be weighed, BMI tracked. It makes a funny sound when I step on like I am hurting it because I am overweight, when you get weighed in, my liitle person to be me went from skinny to fat. I thought it…
    in Wii Fit Comment by artist22 April 2009