alecta337 Member


  • I've been a pretty heavy coffee drinker for a few years (about 4-6 cups per day) always loaded up with creamer. I've recently switched to taking caffeine pills. I found some that are 200mg, which is about 2 regular cups of coffee. The pills also come in 100mg if you don't need a huge dose. If you look online theres a TON…
  • Hey, I'm going to grad school in the fall too! What major? I'm going into Neuroscience.
  • Oven roasted cauliflower is my fav! Just chop the cauliflower into small chunks, toss in olive oil and whatever spices you want, and roast at 450 for 20-40 min (until the edges are crispy) I normally do garlic powder instead of fresh garlic, so more easily…
  • I have seen all the twilight movies at least 10x each. I KNOW they are so bad! There is even a part in the first movie that I have to skip because it just makes me cringe because the acting is SO TERRIBLE!
  • I was going to suggest this!! Its super delicious and it really satisfies the craving.
  • I made a squash pie and I've been having a slice every morning for breakfast. The recipe calls for just zucchini, but I did a mix of different squashes I picked up at the farmer's market. Its super yummy! It has 2 eggs in it, but its not egg-y. Crust-less Zucchini Pie…
  • You are going to get a million responses saying that you cannot spot reduce. Just try to lose fat and gain muscle by general cardio exercise and core strength training.
  • That looks amazing! Horrible name and branding.
  • Is this from the same nutritionist who told you not to eat avocados, nuts, or beans? Just eat bread that has lots of unprocessed grains. Whole wheat is good, multi grain is good. If you want "healthy" bread look for stuff with no high fructose corn syrup. And just don't eat a ton of bread, its high calorie and not very…
  • Maybe you shouldn't start out with Insanity. You could try a different workout program, maybe like 30 day shred, until you build up some strength so you aren't discouraged. If you want to stick with Insanity, just take breaks and let yourself catch your breath. Don't push yourself too hard or you'll just get hurt. **I've…
  • Try to C25K program, free app on your phone. It's a plan that slowly increases the speed and duration of your running.
  • I'm 23, looking for friends who are nice, supportive and always active on this site.
  • If you don't have a HRM, I would suggest just trying to work out a moderate amount and eat a constant 1500 calories every day and see how this goes. I think this route would be better than trying to guestimate all your calorie burns. Just my opinion, you dont gotta do that if you dont wanna...
  • I dont know exactly what is hurting in your shoulder, but I have hypermobility syndrome (all my joints are floppy, presumably from my tendons being too loose or something). Anyway it causes constant pain in my right shoulder and I recent started going to a new PT.…
  • This is so me! I also take pictures of the spread and text them to the friends coming over to entice them to come over faster! I miss having friends. Just moved.
  • Gasoline Basements - the musty cold smell
  • Engineer here tooo!! I HATED DiffEQ, mostly because my teacher was a jerk and it was the first C I ever got in college. I did like linear algebra though, it was pretty cool.
  • I changed from the pill to Nuvaring about 3 months ago and I've seen no significant weight loss change. I've lost a couple lbs since then, but I was losing at around the same rate when I was on the pill.
  • Bodymedia. Its AWESOME!! Been using it for a few months and I have it on every day. You get used to it being there and its a more accurate calorie count than a fitbit or a HRM
  • I grew up living in NY and I had a black bf for a few years. I didn't see any cultural difference between us, except that my family had a lot more money than his... but we were both anime nerds and loved computer games and stuff. Now I am living in the deep south and my current bf (white) tells me that I shouldn't tell…
  • I have a few staples that I like: 2 (whole) egg omelette with shredded cheese and toast ((Eating this right now)) Egg sandwich: 1 over easy egg, slice of cheese, in an English muffin (you can add meat to this) A bowl of raisin bran (or special K vanilla almond) with skim milk and fresh fruit cut up in it I bought some…
  • I personally don't follow my macros too closely. A good plan for people who are like me and don't plan your meals by them is to just focus on getting a lot of protein. I try to eat one protein source per meal. The only meat I eat is chicken and seafood, but they are expensive and I only eat them about 3x a week. The…
  • Second this. Amazing recipes, with lots of low-cal alternatives to classics (mac n cheese, eggplant parm, chicken nuggets)
  • Brazil butt lift. Amazingly fun and mostly lower body workouts. There is one video for abs, but besides that its about 90% lower body. I totally encourage you to get it. My bf noticed a difference after a few weeks, he said I looked and felt different (in a good way) **no affiliation with beachbody or w/e crap**
  • oh yeah. I have a tiny little pinky toe. My bf calls it my peanut toe. He thinks its the cutest thing but I'd rather no one notice it
  • I hate my thighs. I think they're fat and gross. The weird part is that my bf says they're the sexiest part about me, he loves them. He got mad (not really) because they got smaller, now he can wrap his hands around them easily and he couldn't before I started losing weight. The only part of my body that I actually like is…
  • Some days I am either too busy or have no food in the house or something and I eat waaaay too little. I HATE when people comment "good job!" just because they see that it pops up that I am under calories.
  • Thanks for the replys. I was eating a bunch of prunes, because I knew it may have that effect. The problem is that I basically need to take the pain killers every day, but taking stool softeners or laxatives every day is pretty bad for you. I have read that your body can become reliant on them and if you stop taking it…
  • Hi, For people who want to make their own zigzag calorie schedules (from your own calculated TDEE) Start with the number of calories you normally have your limit set to (this is TDEE-500 for 2lbs per week), we will call this AVE Day 1: AVE Day 2: AVE - 20% Day 3: AVE + 20% Day 4: AVE Day 5: AVE - 10% Day 6: AVE + 10% Day…
  • About to graduate from undergrad at Georgia Tech in Dec, then to get my PhD in bioengineering. Yay, fun stuff!!
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by alecta337 June 2012