Thanks! I added cardio in when I stalled. I didn't want to reduce my intake any further
Some broscientists will complain about the aspartame , but you'd have to drink an obscene amount for that to affect you. Nothing wrong with a can or bottle of diet soda daily.
Nice work
You just have to eat 10 - 20 % under your TDEE and be consistent about it. 1 g of protein per pound of lbm and .5 g fat per pound of bodyweight. Fill the rest of your intake with carbs, or more protein and fat. The hardest part is finding your TDEE. That'll take a little trial and error. After that it's just consistency
Keeping my log updated with pics. 11/25/13 207 lbs and almost near the end of bulking season BULKING SEASON!!
Thanks :)
Thank you, sorry for the late reply lol. I'm keeping this thread as a log for me. As of August 14, 2013 I started my lean bulk. I'll be going until February 5th, 2014 and then taking 1.5 months to transition to cutting intake. Will post pics
Gradually worked my way down from 3100 to 2350, with a refeed every 10-12 days. Cardio was not worked into my deficit. If I did any cardio (sports), i always ate to make up for it because I was already eating 20% under my TDEE.
Concentrate on the compound lifts (bench, deads, and squats). Those are the most effective way to put on mass. You still wanna hit your isos, but those shouldn't be the main focus. And of course you gotta eat to grow.
Rope, incline, and barbell curls dude ^_^
uncooked. You can't measure oatmeal post-cook because the weight will differ drastically depending on how much water you use. Same with rice and pasta.
thanks bro, stats as of now are 178 lbs, 5'11, ~9-10% bf.
yeah out of all the pics available to the public on instagram, I'm here creeping for pics....
Thanks guys!
Thank you, I ate whatever fit my macros! 20% under my TDEE
Thank you :)
^^ Thank you!
Anne Hathaway
hang out :)
Thank you so much guys! And thank you to jlmed for fixing the coding. This was off my own training routine, and eating at a 20% deficit from my TDEE.
swimfan1981: not at all, she's disgusting, absolutely hideous. lol jk, hot ^_^
Can't see her face, but she's in great shape so 9/10
uhhhh..... beautiful.... chest??? lol :)
nah, I'm hetero
6 feet 2350 everyday (cutting) 20 years old 11% bf Train 5 days a week, hit each body part once, and every other week, twice
Keep your eye on the prize girl! Nothing worth having comes easy! Instagram: Ahmedz03