

  • Great advice - thanks
  • WOW you look fabulous!! You should be very proud of yourself!! How did you stay on track and how long did it take you??
  • Good for you I wish i could say the same. I am stuck too.
  • Thank you - I will look for your advice in the future. I see your posts alot but didnt know your story.
  • Are you a body builder? Thanks for the advice. You are so right I need to remember that food is fuel for our bodies not a hobbie or a crutch. I really want to do it right this time. My ultimate goal is to be at my ideal healthy weight by next summer. I exercise everyday and love to. I need to talk to positiv e people who…
  • It can be as hard to lose 10 pounds as it is to lose 100 pounds. Sometimes I actually think it can be harder. You can do this. Take two pounds at a time. When you are hungry when you get home or at night eat something healthy. You need to eat if you are that hungry. If you stick to healthy stuff the hunger will go away and…
  • Where do i find hummud in the store? Want to try it
  • Congratulations!1 I recently made it into 14's and am very excited about that. Your message makes me want to get into 12's!! :wink:
    in Size 12! Comment by hockeymom77 May 2009
  • OH!!! I just got it! Good for YOU! I'm a little slow this morning. Congratulations: :wink:
  • You totally confused me!!:smile:
  • Dr. Phil said one day on his show to lose weight and get healthy you need to everyday incorporate "intentional exercise" into your routine. That really clicked for me. Also i heard the exercise lady on "The Biggest Loser" say one day "it all comes down to how worth it is it to you?" :bigsmile: That really stuck with me.…
  • Congratulations on not smoking!! What a incredible addiction to overcome. If you can do that you can do anything!!
  • Welcome! I am new also and looking for supportive friends. From reading everyone's posts this seems like a great site.
  • THANK YOU - I am very excited to talk to people dealing with the same issues and with the same motivations.
    in Hello Comment by hockeymom77 April 2009
  • Hi - I am new to this site and excited to meet new people trying to lose weight like me. I have lost 32 pounds so far and am trying to do the rest with the help of this site. Any tips for continued success are always welcome!!:smile: Karrin
    in Hello Comment by hockeymom77 April 2009
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