I'm so frustrated!

dmmartin122 Posts: 5
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I start off good go all day doing well in my diet and ex, then come home and blow it by having wine and or too much food. It's like I'm aware but I don't care. Then the next day I'm mad at myself for doing it.

Today is going to be a new day and I WILL NOT repeat my old mistakes! I've had IT up to my eyebrows at not making progress! I have just 10 lousy pounds to get off! How freakin' hard can this be?!


  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    You sound like me a few months ago. This website might help you. Start journaling the food you eat and keep track of your calories. Stick to you calorie allottment during the week and then during the weekend you can go over a bit and have a treat or two. Knowing that you can splurge a little bit over the weekend might keep you on track during the weekdays. Of course when you have your treat, try not to go a binge and still keep within a reasonable calorie intake.

    Also, how much do you eat during the day? It may be that you are not eating enough during the day, so you end up overeating at night to comensate.
    What do you do for exercise? Are you eating enough to support your body throughout the exercise?
    Are you getting enough rest? Sometimes when you sleep deprived, you might end up eating too much.
    Most likely, it's just a habit to come home at night and eat. Just like any other habit, you can brake it and replace it with something healthier. Don't change everything at once. Take one thing at a time and make small changes every day. Small changes done consistently can yield to big results over time.

    Good luck.
  • hockeymom77
    hockeymom77 Posts: 17
    It can be as hard to lose 10 pounds as it is to lose 100 pounds. Sometimes I actually think it can be harder. You can do this. Take two pounds at a time. When you are hungry when you get home or at night eat something healthy. You need to eat if you are that hungry. If you stick to healthy stuff the hunger will go away and you won't indulge in fattening foods. If you are going to have a glass of wine make up for those calories by eliminating some food calories. Also exercise! The bottom line is "How worth it is it to you"?:smile:
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    You know, sometimes, I think it's harder to find motivation when you don't have that much to lose. Your doctor probably isn't telling you to lose weight, it's probably not affecting your health yet, you probably don't get stared at in public, and you probably feel OK most days about how you look, especially when dressed (naked might be a different story :laugh: ).

    I started with only about 15 pounds to lose. I'm about half way there. But a few weeks ago, I kind of gave up... I felt like, "what's the point?" But I got back on the wagon last week, and I may have found a way to keep me on track for these last 6.5 pounds. I bought myself a new planner, and at the beginning of each week, I plan out my workouts and what I'm having for dinner (I don't usually have a problem with breakfast, lunch and snacks during the day). Then, and here's the silly part, if I do well at the end of the day, I put a little gold star on that day in the planner. I know... kind of juvenille and stupid, but it seems to be working. This site is fantastic, but when the day is done, you move on to the next day, and yesterday is pretty much out of sight, out of mind. With my planner, I'm reminded every day about how well I've been doing for the whole week. And there's something oddly satisfying in seeing the whole week filled with stars.
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    yay stars! I'm getting some from the dollar store today to do just that in my journal. I love that kind of motivation. Maybe I should to something special if, say, I have 20 "star" days in a row - like get a pedicure or a facial. Neat idea and not juvenile at all :)
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    its never to late to start.. or well start over in your case. I just had to finally tell myself.. "I AM SERIOUS THIS TIME!!! NO GIVING UP NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS!!!" you just have to completely commit to your self until you do that you'll keep slipping up. And remember allow your self to have that glass of wine every once in a while... or that cookie or whatever it is you want. If you are working hard then you deserve it. Good luck girl!!!!
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    yay stars! I'm getting some from the dollar store today to do just that in my journal. I love that kind of motivation. Maybe I should to something special if, say, I have 20 "star" days in a row - like get a pedicure or a facial. Neat idea and not juvenile at all :)

    i second that. that sounds like an awesome idea... i'm def. stealing it too.. lol
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    yay stars! I'm getting some from the dollar store today to do just that in my journal. I love that kind of motivation. Maybe I should to something special if, say, I have 20 "star" days in a row - like get a pedicure or a facial. Neat idea and not juvenile at all :)

    I was thinking about doing something like that too... I just haven't decided what my reward will be yet.

    I'm glad you all like my idea! I don't feel so dumb now :laugh:
  • Well here I am a few months later, and I'm going to try it again. I am recovering from a leg/lower back injury and have been exercising but now eating and drinking WAY TOO MUCH! BUT! Today will be different. I have already planned everything out that I'm going to eat and do - and just for today TODAY ONLY I'm going to stick to it! I'm excited and ready to hit it again! I pulled out my food journal, prayed and turned my self and my day over to the Lord (HE wants our bodies to be clean and healthy) and I wrote everything down twice: once in my written journal incase I"m not close to my online journal, then in my online FP journal!
  • Im going give myself some starts too! I like this, and when I get seven, I'm going to buy myself a cute shirt (at Ross). After one month, I'll buy some pants and shoes!
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