I am stuck

I have been stuck where I am for about 2-3 weeks now. I am starting to get frustrated and do not want to begn to make bad choices. I also changed jobs and want to overeat due to he stress. It 's good stress n=but my reaction to everything good and bad in life has always been to eat.
I have lost 37 pounds so far and have 30 to go and I need some advice on how to get over this hump!!:sad:


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    2 to 3 weeks is a bump in the road, confirm you have your goals set to reasonable amounts, and that you are eating a balanced, nutritious diet, and exercising regularly at a moderate to hard pace for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week, and give it time. Patience is the hardest part of this journey, but it's also what's required the most to ensure sucess.

    If you turn to eating in times of stress, examine that, figure out why that is the case, and build off that knowledge. As I have said in the past.

    food is fuel, not a fallback option for every time something goes wrong in life.
  • hockeymom77
    Are you a body builder? Thanks for the advice. You are so right I need to remember that food is fuel for our bodies not a hobbie or a crutch. I really want to do it right this time. My ultimate goal is to be at my ideal healthy weight by next summer. I exercise everyday and love to. I need to talk to positiv e people who live a healthy life. That really motivates me.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Are you a body builder? Thanks for the advice. You are so right I need to remember that food is fuel for our bodies not a hobbie or a crutch. I really want to do it right this time. My ultimate goal is to be at my ideal healthy weight by next summer. I exercise everyday and love to. I need to talk to positiv e people who live a healthy life. That really motivates me.

    body builder? LOL, not even a little (although I do weight train). Just a guy who has been doing this for a while (I'm about 2 weeks away from my Personal Training certificate, time permitting), but started out about 2 years ago just like you. 55 lbs overweight, and out of shape (as many of the veterans on here will attest) I gained most of my knowledge through lots of research and a slightly obsessive personality. but I help when ever I can. So you can be confident that I know exactly where you are coming from. :smile:

    best luck,

  • hockeymom77
    Thank you - I will look for your advice in the future. I see your posts alot but didnt know your story.