

  • ~Name: Gil (My Giant) ~Relationship: ex husband - current boyfriend- potential fiance' ~Physical: His over body... He's 6'1 ( I am 5'5 hence the name My Giant) Hes a driller on a drilling rig so his body is in top shape.. He is very broad in his chest and has huge arms. ~Non-Physical: When you see his size and height he is…
  • I am 5'5 and will be 40 this year. I have 3 teenagers and my SW was 197. My goal is 130-140. My doc says 140 but I hope to go a little lower.
  • LOL Thanks I will be 40 this year... I am American Indian and we age very gracefully!
  • I will always be classy trust me.. One of the classiest you'll meet. Just because I have what I have does niot in any way mean I am not classy!
  • @ Tinamina78.. Thanks.. Sometimes I exercise sometimes I don't. I am a single mom of 3 teenagers and have 2 grandbabies so my evenings are taken. I do try and take the stroller and walk fo 30 mins but it doesn't happen often. I will really try to start getting closer to my cal. Thanks for the advice
  • OK slap me I am stupid here... According to the chart above I should be taking in about 1266 a day... I sit at a computer all day... I actually am lucky to take in 900 because I get full to fast and stay that way. So do I eat even if I am not hungry? I lost 14 lbs the first month but nothing since so where am I going…
  • I have 8 tats... I love them all... some have meaning some do not. I have a spider web with a black widow that says "Beautiful but Deadly" on my right shoulder blade. It actually was a joke tat! I have been married 3 times and my friends call me the Black widow... ( No I haven't actually killed any of my ex spouses but by…
  • My name is Michelle. You can add me also. I am new to thos whole weight loss thing... We can support each other!
  • Ugh what is an unhealthy carb?
  • I have been taking it for about a week since 3/6/12. Yes the whole not wnting to eat went away quickly. I take 37.5 pills. I am still losing about a pound a day roughly. I do eat alot of salads and heathly choice meals. I walk about 30 mins 2-3 days aweek. Single mom so I don't get alot of time to myself.
  • I don't think so. It's like I am hungry so I start to eat something take a couple of bites then maybe it my brain I get full n sick at my stomach but 30 min later I am hungry. I know your supoose to have small meals thru out the day but at this point I'll be eating little meals non stop.
  • I have a question my doc put me on a 1200 cal diet alond with Phen. I am barely managing 900 cal a day withpout credit for exercise. Honestly there are times I am starving. I will snack on something small but I am still at the 900 mark. If I eat more I get nausated. Help! Any suggestions on what I should do?
  • I was on Wellbutrin for years and loved it. I never gained weight didn't lose my sex drive and it also helps if your trying to quit smoking. It's a wonderful drug. I would recommend it to anyone.
  • I totally agree do not change until you've discussed this with your doctor. I am American Indian and we have very very bad tempers and are prone to clinical depression so I knew if I tried to come off the Paxil, Zoloft or actually anything they put me on before talking to my doctor it would play hell on my family. I like…
  • Thanks everyone! I am new to this whole dieting thing and I am about to have my monthly meeting so atleast now I know to stay away from my scale!!! :smooched:
  • I was on Paxil and Zoloft and my doctor took me off due to they cause weight gain. I am now on Xanax. The only good one to be on is Wellbutrin because it actually helps in weight loss. My doctor put me on Phen and I am still able to take the Xanax. I would diffently talk to your doctor about the anti depressants and weight…
  • Don't give up! My doctor told me that I would lose inches first. I have lost 3 inches. Have you measured yet? Giving up should not be an option. I would atleast give it 3 months and see what happens.:happy: