Anti-Depressants and Weight loss

I have been on Zoloft for well over a year now. I have gained close to 20 pounds in that year. Anyone else have the same results? Any ideas on a better anti-depressant for weight loss?


  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Ah, allow me to add my incredibly biased opinion here. I was on zoloft at one point. A long time ago. Why a long time ago you ask? Because I hated it. It made me drowsy, but gave me insomnia. It killed my libido and my interest in exercise. Or in just about anything else, too. It did help my anxiety (how can one be anxious about anything if one doesn't care about anything?), but that was rather beside the point by then). I gained weight. I gained attitude. I lost sleep. I became a real bear to live with, apparently, too. No surprise there.

    All in all, I'm not a fan of it. I have known many people who successfully used it to treat their depression and were thrilled with it. I'm not one of them. I say if you're seeing negative side effects and no benefits, consider an alternative. Honestly, I went to my psych and asked for something with longer term studies that didn't have negative impacts on weight loss. She recommended old faithful (prozac) and I agreed. Worked great with no bad side effects for the first year. After that I had some pain in my breasts, but cutting down from the high dosage helped that.
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    I was on Paxil and Zoloft and my doctor took me off due to they cause weight gain. I am now on Xanax. The only good one to be on is Wellbutrin because it actually helps in weight loss. My doctor put me on Phen and I am still able to take the Xanax. I would diffently talk to your doctor about the anti depressants and weight gain because they go hand in hand.
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    lexapro for me and I feel and think alot better but I cant seem to loose a pound!
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    I have been on zoloft for more years than I can count. No other antidepressant has worked for me. I don't attribute it to my weight gain.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm glad to hear people going to their doctor and trying something new. My mom has depression and lost a bunch of weight because of anxiety to the point where she was underweight. She went on antidepressants and they worked wonderfully. She was much happier and seemed back to her normal self. But she gained weight and for that reason quit them without consulting anyone. Now she's a nervous wreck. Pretty sad that her body mattered more to her than her mental health. And of course everyone else has suffered too now that she's back to being worried and miserable all the time. It's also discouraging that anything over 120 lbs is considered "fat" to her when I weigh substantially more than that.

    Sorry for that mini rant, but I just hope, for the sake of yourself and your loved ones, you keep trying out different medications and figure out what works for you :)
  • angelic1123
    I'm on Sertraline and I haven't had any weight gain or loss. & the weight I'm loosing now is due to my excerise and eatting right. Just talk to your doctor about seeing what else is out there for you.
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    I totally agree do not change until you've discussed this with your doctor. I am American Indian and we have very very bad tempers and are prone to clinical depression so I knew if I tried to come off the Paxil, Zoloft or actually anything they put me on before talking to my doctor it would play hell on my family. I like the Xanax because I can take them as needed when I feel I can't handle things. They don't interfere with my weight loss either. Most anti depressants have to be takin daily to get in to your blood stream to work and Xanax isn't like that. ( I sound like a commercial). Good luck finding the right cocktail ( as I call them) sometimes it takes awhile.
  • jennifergaudette
    I am on Wellbutrin. I started two days ago. But ive taken it off and on many times before. It actually helps in my weight LOSS. I cld look at something or think about something yumm like a calzone from Gambinos pizza. And when im on the wellbutrin i will actually go to the fridge and just stand there bcuz everything just kinda becomes nahh. Things that used to make my mouth water dont even get a rise out of me anymore. Dont get me wrong. Im on it for depression. However, I weigh 148 now after dieting the last 5 weeks and losing 8 lbs. >> it also makes me want to have alot of sex ;) Thats all i was worried about was weight and sex drive.
  • judyjuju
    judyjuju Posts: 3
    :sad: I have been on Effexor and the first year I gained 20 pounds and I am still trying to get it off. Thank God it was only 20. If I knew of something to take instead of anti-depressants I would give it a try. I know what you are going through.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    lexapro for me and I feel and think alot better but I cant seem to loose a pound!

    ^^^ snap! Also lost libido completely and so on horny goat weed supplements to try fix that problem.
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm on Sertraline and I haven't had any weight gain or loss. & the weight I'm loosing now is due to my excerise and eatting right. Just talk to your doctor about seeing what else is out there for you.

    I'm on this also for anxiety. It has killed my libido, but hasn't caused me to gain weight
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I too was on zoloft a few years ago.
    It literally gave me a head for the whole 2 weeks that I was on it as well as caused me to have anxiety attacks.
    It didnt make any sense.

    You should ask your doctor for a weight neutral medication if your not happy with the one your on now.
    & anybody with sleep problems I highly recommend Melatonin, its okay to take with any psych meds. :o)
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I used to take Celexa for many years. It completely ruined my libido but didn't have much effect on my weight. I stopped about two years ago. As of today, I am anti-depressant free and mostly happy. I still get some situational depression, but it's not that long term, looming, depression that happens for no particular reasons. I wish you the best of luck. Definitely, don't be afraid to talk to your doc to explore other options!
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I am on Wellbutrin. I started two days ago. But ive taken it off and on many times before. It actually helps in my weight LOSS. I cld look at something or think about something yumm like a calzone from Gambinos pizza. And when im on the wellbutrin i will actually go to the fridge and just stand there bcuz everything just kinda becomes nahh. Things that used to make my mouth water dont even get a rise out of me anymore. Dont get me wrong. Im on it for depression. However, I weigh 148 now after dieting the last 5 weeks and losing 8 lbs. >> it also makes me want to have alot of sex ;) Thats all i was worried about was weight and sex drive.

    Amen, I've often considered asking for a mood stabalizer, b/c they help control migraines (Wellbutrin being at the top of the list of ones they prescribe for migraines). But I've always been concerned about weight and sex drive.
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    They gave me Abilify, but when I found out that almost everybody who took it gained a ton of weight I refused it. Wellbutrin has no weight gain side-effects and you will probably even lose a few.
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    I am on Wellbutrin. I started two days ago. But ive taken it off and on many times before. It actually helps in my weight LOSS. I cld look at something or think about something yumm like a calzone from Gambinos pizza. And when im on the wellbutrin i will actually go to the fridge and just stand there bcuz everything just kinda becomes nahh. Things that used to make my mouth water dont even get a rise out of me anymore. Dont get me wrong. Im on it for depression. However, I weigh 148 now after dieting the last 5 weeks and losing 8 lbs. >> it also makes me want to have alot of sex ;) Thats all i was worried about was weight and sex drive.

    Amen, I've often considered asking for a mood stabalizer, b/c they help control migraines (Wellbutrin being at the top of the list of ones they prescribe for migraines). But I've always been concerned about weight and sex drive.

    I'm going to talk to me doctor about this - I need to increase my sex drive, I feel horrible when I never want to and my fiance always does! Thank you for posting!
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    OMG...this is so crazy because I just went to my doc yesterday about this very thing. I gained 15 pounds in the one year I have been on Celexa. My doc perscribed Welbutrin to me yesterday to help me with my weight loss. I'm 25 and I have barely lost 4 pounds in 2 months and that is just not normal, supposedly your metabolism is very fast in your 20s. I would definitely talk to your doctor about switching to something different if your medicine is impededing your weight loss goals. Hope this helps!
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    I'm on a cocktail of meds for generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and depression. Zoloft is one of the meds and I honestly believe that it mellows me just enough so that I am a nicer, calmer, happier person. I am having a lot of trouble losing weight as well but not too sure it's due to the Zoloft? Everyone reacts differently to different medications and I know that there are many, many options out there. If you feel that it is hindering your weight loss efforts, go see your doctor to discuss the alternatives. Best of luck to you! :-)
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I just starte Welbutrin and love it so far.