Here's why you're not losing weight! Follow this equation!



  • fantastic post! I hope people who are struggling read this and it helps them! <3
  • LaylaSparkles
    LaylaSparkles Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for this, Very great information
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    BUMP! Great topic!! :)
  • Lizzie2As
    Lizzie2As Posts: 30 Member
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member

    This is great information to reference!
  • I think this is wonderful information... Thanks for sharing...

    : ))
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 204 Member
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    this is basically what i'm doing!
    here's to eating more with more results and fat loss!
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    OK slap me I am stupid here... According to the chart above I should be taking in about 1266 a day... I sit at a computer all day... I actually am lucky to take in 900 because I get full to fast and stay that way. So do I eat even if I am not hungry? I lost 14 lbs the first month but nothing since so where am I going wrong.. Any help would be greatly a[ppreciated!!!
  • Great info! Thanks!
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    This is really well put, thank you!!

    I also wanted to add some information that has been shared on several other threads:

    It is very unrealistic for most people to lose 2 pounds per week, unless they have A LOT to lose. If you are only looking to lose 10-20 pounds, you really need to aim for 1 pound or less per week. Eating below your BMR will slow your metabolism and either plateau you or cause you to gain. PLUS, it's really hard to maintain because you'll feel hungry & tired a lot. The people who lose 2 or more pounds per week have more pounds to lose and when they get closer to their goal, they will lose more slowly.

    Your calorie goals should change every few pounds you lose. Find a good BMR calculator and use it every time you lose a few pounds. Keep updating your caloric goals and be patient. We didn't gain weight overnight, we won't lose it overnight. Weight that is lost slowly is more likely to stay off.

    Great thread, keep up the good work, guys!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bump! Thanks for searching out the information and sharing with us all!!!
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    This is interesting, however my bmr is 1384, now times lightly active = 1904.375. So If I want to lose 1lb a week, i should eat 1404 calories, or for 2lb a week, 904 calories. I currently eat 1,200 - 1,400 per day plus most of my exercise cals and have not lost any weight at all in over a month (aiming for 1/2 - 1lb per week). If i wanted to lose more, the 904 would be way below the minimum level most people say is ok which is 1,200, so how do i win?

    I am guessing you don't need to lose that much weight as you are already light;

    Keep your calories at 1400 cals, as you are regularly exercising don't go lower.

    Looking at your diary I would advise increasing your protein intake from whole foods (if possible) to closer to 130g a day and drop your carb intake to between 50 - 100g maybe higher on workout days but closer to 50 on rest days.

    These changes I would predict will allow you to drop some more.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    OK slap me I am stupid here... According to the chart above I should be taking in about 1266 a day... I sit at a computer all day... I actually am lucky to take in 900 because I get full to fast and stay that way. So do I eat even if I am not hungry? I lost 14 lbs the first month but nothing since so where am I going wrong.. Any help would be greatly a[ppreciated!!!

    Try this website for a good BMR calculator:

    It sounds to me like you are eating too little. Do you exercise after work?

    Also, you don't have to eat a TON of food to add good, nutritious calories. Try a handful of almonds or nuts, or some lean protein. Your body will thank you for feeding it well and stop trying to store up calories because it feels like it's starving.

    Best wishes!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Some people are missing it.

    BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate (the number of calories they would feed you if you were in a coma to fuel bodily functions only)

    When you multiply that number to account for your daily activity level (getting up, using the bathroom, walking to the kitchen, taking a shower, going to your job, shopping, cleaning, exercising) that is called Maintenance Calories or TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). At this number of calories you would not gain any more weight or lose any more weight. It is the number to maintain the same weight.

    So when you go around using the term BMR interchangeably for Maintenance or TDEE, or thinking they mean the same thing, you are confusing things.

    You should eat less than Maintenance but more than BMR.

    People who have a lot of weight to lose, like someone mentioned on the Biggest Loser show, they can eat for a time at less than BMR, but only under a doctor's orders.

    If you do not have a lot of weight to lose, you should not eat anywhere near that low, because when you get down to trying to lose that last 10-20 pounds, you will have no way to restrict your calories any further to lose any more weight. In addition to it being bad for your hormones and metabolism.
  • Chrissy979
    Chrissy979 Posts: 51 Member
  • PurpleGyrl13
    PurpleGyrl13 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the info.....all of this is slowly starting to make sense. The more I keep reading the clearer it gets.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I've always wondered what activity level I'm considered. I have a desk job, but I work out 3-5 times a week.
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    @ Tinamina78.. Thanks.. Sometimes I exercise sometimes I don't. I am a single mom of 3 teenagers and have 2 grandbabies so my evenings are taken. I do try and take the stroller and walk fo 30 mins but it doesn't happen often. I will really try to start getting closer to my cal. Thanks for the advice
  • Another point: If you are doing a lot of excercising, you may not be losing weight at the begginning because you are increasing muscle (which weighs more) and decreasing fat. That trade-oof will make you look and feel better, but the scale may not show it.