

  • I've been trying to go gluten free as much as possible for the last two weeks; I've only had food known to contain gluten twice in that time. Yesterday I had a meal consisting of two tortillas, and I will say it felt utterly crappy about 2 hours after that. I doubt it was the gluten specifically, but I think it definitely…
  • Your ticker says your goal is to lose 22 pounds and you're at 15. In 10 days you're more than a quarter way to your goal. I've been at this for a year and 5 months, and I've lost 95 lbs and still don't feel it's enough. Yes, it's natural to feel like it's not good enough. Keep going.
  • Aside from the pull-ups and chin-ups, you can do a hang-and tuck. Just hang from the bar in any position, keep your knees bent at 90 degrees (or more) and pull them up as high as you can. If that gets to easy, pull your legs up and extend your knees at the end of your movement, until your legs are straight. This'll build…
  • No, I'm not talking about BMI. Sorry, I forgot to include in my last post that the calculator I use is on . It's not a direct measurement, but it gives an estimate of body fat based on measurements of your neck, waist, and hips. The calculator value gives 27%+ while the stand-on scale gave ~17%. Since I…
  • It doesn't seem unnatural to me. After all, weight loss isn't significant in and of itself. If you do the same things after you lose weight that you did before losing weight, what was the point? You will see the difference in your clothing choices, but others don't pay attention to the dimensions of your attire. If you…
  • Hey Tony, This isn't quite a nutrition question, but perhaps you have some insight. I'm curious about your opinion and experience with body fat analysis. For the past couple of months, I've been using the body fat calculator on mbf, which is nearly the same as the one I find on the navy website calculator. The other day,…
  • Your macros are the breakdown of your calories by proportion of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Changing the proportions, even without changing your total calorie intake, can have an effect on your weight loss, just as changing the times that you eat can affect it. If you are indeed burning 3500 calories a week, you…
  • Nonfat greek yogurt (113g, about 1/2cup) Chia seed - just a spoonful Baby spinach - 2 cups Broccoli - 1 cup Carrot - 1 large Banana - 1 large 2 ice cubes unsweetened, plain soy milk - 1/2 cup peanut butter powder (or regular peanut butter) - 2 tbsp protein powder - equivalent of 1 scoop, any combination Produces about…
  • The more overweight you are, the longer it takes for the slowdown to happen. I'm down from 133 kg to 94 kg since last Fall. It's taken almost that long for me to run into the wall, but it WILL happen. I was surprised too when for the first 3-6 months I consistently lost 2 or more pounds a week, but that's down to about 1…
  • Incidentally, just today I started to doubt whether fat2fitradios mbf calculator is reliable. When I use it, it pegs me around 26-27% body fat (mind you, I've been losing weight and getting fit for a year now; I probably started where you are now body fat % wise). But, using an electrical impedance body fat analyzer, it…
  • Your daily calorie totals are really low. It's really hard to build muscle when losing weight, but even more so when you have such low intake. I don't know your height, but there's no way you're only burning 1200 calories or less a day when you're going to the gym at least twice a week. Your body has probably already done…
  • I don't know if blended drinks are her thing, but here's a nutrition/recovery shake I've been having almost daily for the past 3 months. 1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt ~4 grams chia seeds 2 cups spinach 1 cup broccoli 1 banana 1 carrot 2 ice cubes 1/2 cup (soy) milk 1 scoop protein powder (whey seems to work best) 2 tbsp of…
  • There is no way as accurate as a scale to determine food amounts. Steal and hide your mother's shoes and/or kidnap her pet for ransom. Your scales will be returned in short order.
  • I had the same thought, looking through a lot of these threads. Not for nothing, but it always seemed so vain to want to be smaller for the sake of fitting the skinny label. Even the being able to fit into smaller clothes thing never quite had the appeal to me it seems to have to some people on this site. I decided to get…
  • There's virtually no way you can drink something with near zero calories and store fat. That said, diet soda is made of liquid, so it's not neutral to the body. If there's anything like sugar or glucose in it, that can cause an insulin spike. Among other chemicals, that would promote the storage of caloric intake as fat,…
  • Thanks, both of you. Glad you found it worth reading.
  • BMI is simply a ratio of height to weight. It doesn't take into account the source of mass, mainly because it's not designed for individual analysis. Its purpose is in tracking health and weight trends across large populations. You can use a body fat calculator, like fat2fitradio, to get your body fat percentage based on…
  • If jogging causes the problem, but other high intensity workouts with even more severe workouts, then your hypersensitivity probably isn't the cause. The jarring bothers me too, but it's become reduced as I lose weight and adapt my pattern. Like you, I run forefoot first because heel striking just causes too much…
  • Currently (2nd year) Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, major/specialization in Nanoscale Devices and Systems. Hoping to actually backtrack to the Master's degree in the same field and then finish the Ph.D. in Neurosciences. My summer projects are, in short, a prosthetic treatment to restore sight in…
  • Gooooooooooooooooooood. Let the hate* flow through you~ * hate burns calories
    in SO PISSED Comment by GrAlVt August 2012
  • I've been losing weight since last Fall, been tracking since January, and started going to the gym weight room two months ago. One week ago, the regular weight room attendant actually complimented me on my dedication, for coming in 4 times a week to train for about an hour at a time. Pretty sure I made an incoherent 'thank…
  • 1. You can try finding the nutrition facts online and enter it into MFP yourself 2. You can call the store and ask them if they have the information 3. You can find an item online with a similar description and use that instead If none of those are satisfactory, you don't have any other fallbacks. The best option would be…
  • You're only ten pounds from your goal and you find it frustrating you only lost 7 pounds the month before? Seems pretty good to me. Gaining weight or not, 7 pounds lost in a month still averages 1+ pound per week. If you maintained that loss or close to it, you'll be at your goal by October. That's a deal I'd take. I can't…
  • Biology doesn't care if you agree with it or not. The phrase 'studies have shown' is never a valid argument until you show the studies.
  • Nicely done, but I'm curious that your blood pressure hasn't budged. Pardon me for asking, but what's your sodium intake look like? I'm not sure what your new diet is like, but it seems common that when people start trying to lose weight they buy all these 'healthy' microwavable meals and other easy preps. The problem is…
  • 'Spot training' doesn't work very well for fat distribution. That is, if you focus on working out your abs, it'll be great for abdominal strength and muscles, but don't expect fat to disappear predominantly there. Still, if you do work on your abs, it'll still become apparent if muscle is preserved and fat is lost in…
  • Hard to say if you're eating enough without knowing what your current weight is. With the right info, you can use online calculators to see how much your BMR and TDEE are. Generally, you probably want to eat a little above BMR at least, and however little you need to meet your deficit. Eating below BMR will give you rapid…
  • Sorry about the diary. Thought I'd changed it to public already. That's been fixed. Thanks Zero for the insight. As far as activities, I'm a grad student and do all of my transportation by walking, so that makes up the majority of my activity. I run a 5k race every now and then, but all the other running I do is only in…
  • One week, no help. Pity.
  • Do you have a smartphone by chance? MFP has an app for iOS and Android. Click on the 'Daily' tab on the homepage of that app and it shows you a breakdown of everything you've eaten in nutritional terms for the day (similar to a label on the side of a container). You can also display a pie chart which shows you your macro…
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