BMI - muscle mass???

So, I'm losing fat, toning up and getting in shape, My BMI peaked a few years ago at 36, I was overweight, flabby, depressed and mostly immobile. Since then, I've got past the depression and stress, changed jobs, sorted out my work/life balance and just got on top of most things that were dragging me down.

I checked my weight this morning, 236lbs - waist measurement is down a little, but according to the BMI calculator I'm still obese. Is there a different calculation that can be done that takes into account muscle mass when working out your BMI?

I'm slimmer now than I've been in 4 years, and yet according to a tool used to help me, I'm still obese - this isn't much help to people trying to lose weight and hit targets.

Does anyone know of an alternative BMI calc that has a factoring option similar to the BMR calculations?


  • GrAlVt
    GrAlVt Posts: 42
    BMI is simply a ratio of height to weight. It doesn't take into account the source of mass, mainly because it's not designed for individual analysis. Its purpose is in tracking health and weight trends across large populations.

    You can use a body fat calculator, like fat2fitradio, to get your body fat percentage based on your dimensions. For men, I think 12-18% is the 'ideal' range, 18-25% is 'acceptable,' and anything over 25% is obese. fat2fitradio also can use your body fat percentage to calculate your BMR and TDEE for different activity levels.
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    Perfect - thank you!

    16.9% seems much more like it :)