Just want any feedback you have to offer

Nothing seems to be going particularly wrong with my weight loss/fitness right now. Of course, it's slowed down a bit, but that's due to the weight I've already lost and the slight increase in number of calories. I was just hoping some people might take a look at my stats and see if there is anything I should check out or consider. Overall, I think I'm on a fair path though. The only change I'd like to make it to up the amount of resistance training I do over the summer.

Age: 24
Height: 6'2"
Starting weight: 295 in Sept/Oct 2011
Goal Weight: 192-200
Current Weight: 225-230 (weighing in on Tuesday, and every three weeks thereafter)
Body Fat %: 27
Goal BF%: 15-18

Everything else should be viewable in my diary, which includes everyday for the past 2-3 months. I now try to keep my protein levels around 130-150 grams per day and my calories between 2100-2400.


  • GrAlVt
    GrAlVt Posts: 42
    One week, no help. Pity.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i would need to see your diary,
  • MaryMcnz
    MaryMcnz Posts: 39 Member
    We can't see your diary
  • Zero2hero2013
    its kinda pointless anyone posting. you havent said how active you are, whar exercise you do.

    for example you could be an office boy like me, this would mean that you only burn 2500 cals daily, or a laborer and easily burn 4000+

    i was your weight now when i started, got a pic in myprofile. also im 6ft 2, and i weigh 193-5lbs now. i actually dropped much lower then this but building muscle back. you may well need to get down into the 180's to get a athletic physique.

    my advice, start a training programme like stronglifts 5x5, start light, take it seriously, eat as clean and healthy as possible. try to get a net calorie which is 500-750 deficit in cals. at your bodyfat levels it wont hurt at all. remeber you eating for what you want to be not what you are. high protein intake, so protein shakes with water, 3 x daily, 600 cals on average, 90-100g of protein there alone. some walking/jogging whenever possible. and give it time. i lost 56lb in 6 month, and went to fast. lost what little muscle i had to start with.
    ohh and good luck.

    my diary is open. check out my last few weeks for ideas of clean eating
  • GrAlVt
    GrAlVt Posts: 42
    Sorry about the diary. Thought I'd changed it to public already. That's been fixed.

    Thanks Zero for the insight. As far as activities, I'm a grad student and do all of my transportation by walking, so that makes up the majority of my activity. I run a 5k race every now and then, but all the other running I do is only in short bursts.

    Using the info I mentioned originally, My BMR calculations came out between 1900 and 2100, so I eat at least that much and generally try not to go above 2500. Like you, I lost very quickly between January and May, but still saw an increase in muscle definition and tone. As I thought, my last weigh in showed a slow down, but at least I think most of that loss was fat and not muscle, if my measurements are reliable.