Caeyla Member


  • Hey & welcome KetoGirl! I think you've already gotten a bunch of great sources from others, but I just wanted to say hey and that you've already made a great start! The people in this group are very supportive, so don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. A couple pieces of advice for starting out, based mostly on…
  • I love it. Today is day 100, I've lost 38 pounds, and I feel soooo much better when I'm eating keto (more energy, no heartburn!). Sounds like you're already off to a good start with reading up and learning about it. If you decide to give it a try, there's lots of good support in the keto groups here and on Reddit. Good…
  • I don't believe in restricting calories for at least the first week or 2 of keto. The first time I did it, I ate at least 3000 calories a day for the first few days (and it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure it was over 4000 at least one of those days!) because I was constantly hungry! Usually at some point in the first…
  • I think you are absolutely right about that, and that so many people fail to comprehend that is astounding.
  • I didn't see anything in your post that indicated an eating disorder. If she wants to do low-carb/keto, I think she needs a bit more information to do it properly and in a healthy way. Here's some good info: Keto, and any other diet, requires sufficient water intake. For me,…
  • When you wear gym clothes/short skirts/high heels, are you doing it specifically so I will look? Nope. If I look when you're wearing those things, is it creepy? Depends on how you do it. Is there a way to look that isn't creepy? Sure! Does size matter? Some. Should I wear a speedo? If it floats your boat. What body fat…
  • Yes! I had to google it, but it sounds yummy! Fried chicken livers
  • Yes--I would at least try it. Octopus
  • Yes. Strangely, I've always liked stale popcorn. Black-eyed peas with hamhocks
  • I use crushed pork rinds and/or grated parmesan too. Makes a great "breading" for chicken tenders! Edited to add: Just looked at some meatloaf recipes here: They all seem to call for 2+ ounces of cheese per pound of ground beef, with nothing that looks like a crumb…
  • Yep, I've been there too...multiple times lol. Bulletproof coffee helped me make it through a few afternoons when all I wanted to do was curl up under the covers and stay there until the next day! It does pass, and for me, energy levels end up being higher than before I started.
    in So Tired! Comment by Caeyla May 2014
  • Just curious--how did you choose your macro settings that you have now? I used to set my original macros, and I refer back to it after every few pounds to make sure I'm still fairly in line with what it says. I did recently raise my net carb goal a little after being at 20 for the first 2…
  • I don't use any supplements, unless you count lite salt. That's what many keto-ers use to make sure they are getting enough potassium. One serving of it contains about as much potassium as 3 OTC potassium tablets. In the earlier stages, I'd grab a cup of bullion with a pinch of lite salt if I started feeling yucky…
    in electrolytes? Comment by Caeyla May 2014
  • Sent request...anyone else doing keto, feel free to add me if you'd like. :-)
  • I had one of those! And it was an *ugly* light green color to boot. Paid $25 for it--it had been sitting in the woods for a few years. Cleaned it up, helped my ex rebuild the motor in it, and got a couple of good years out of it!
  • Because it's the first time it's happened, you may want to check in with your doc if at all possible. I have heard of all sorts of things happening when adapting to a new diet and losing weight, one of which is hormone fluctuation. I think that's the most likely thing, but you don't want to play around with boobies when…
  • Honestly, I don't pay much attention to fiber. Some days I get well over 20g (and those days tend to lead to uncomfortable/hurty tummy the next day), and a lot of days I only get a few grams. The only times I have had any issues with things moving along as they should is when I didn't drink enough water. And I am not a…
    in Fiber Comment by Caeyla May 2014
  • I get the swelling/tenderness once in a while during PMS. It's HORRIBLE! Nothing really helps much, and the waiting it out sucks. Luckily, it's not an every month thing for me...I don't know what I would do if it was! Did it start or get worse with keto for you? I don't think I had it more on keto (been on & off so many…
  • Those look yummy! Another one of those things I keep meaning to try, but haven't gotten around to yet. I do lazy cheese crackers-- I slice up "deluxe" American cheese (like Kraft Deli Deluxe 2%) with a pizza cutter into little squares on a sheet of parchment, space them out, and stick them in the microwave for a minute or…
  • How long have you been doing keto? I'm sorry if you already told me and I forgot--my memory sucks! I have occasional cravings...they're not so bad I can't talk myself out of them. PMS time is the worst! That's when I tend to do things like throw cream cheese, cream, sweetener and cocoa in the blender and make "pudding" lol.
    in I freak out!! Comment by Caeyla May 2014
  • Yeah, that screws me up too. You won't ever hear me say that I'm never eating [whatever high carb food] again! Personally, I have an occasional (like, once a month) eat-whatever-I-want day. I'm not saying that's the best solution for anyone else, but it helps keep me on track to look at it more like, "Oh, maybe I'll have…
    in I freak out!! Comment by Caeyla May 2014
  • I think the precise amount is 0.6g carb per large egg. If it's less than one, they can put 0 on the label.
  • Really simple, soooo good!
  • I use sweeteners and eat cheese daily. I have seen a few people say they lose faster without them, or claim that they have stalled because of them, but I don't think that's the norm. Honestly, if you're still in the beginning, give it a little time to evaluate how it's going before eliminating anything else. I think most…
  • I agree with keeping your carbs in check, around 20 or so. Also, i don't know if this is the popular opinion around here, but my own personal opinion is that maybe you should consider not limiting calories for the first week or 2. The first time I did HFLC (Atkins about 10 years ago), I ate like a horse for the first few…
  • I can't see your diary, but you probably need to increase fat. How high is your protein? With calories that low, low carb and high protein can be dangerous. You need either carbs or fat for fuel (but obviously on a keto board, we're gonna tell you to eat more fat). :wink: Check this site to get an idea of what your macros…
  • I would give it a bit more time. I have a little acne that seemed to be getting worse even before starting this time. The first couple weeks it seemed to get even worse, but lately has been much better. I would give it at least a couple more weeks (especially if this is your first time) because your body is going through a…
    in Acne Comment by Caeyla May 2014
  • I use liquid saccharin every day in coffee and tea, and have done so on previous attempts with no obvious problems. Honestly, if you've been doing it the whole time and you're losing that well, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Oh I just remembered--if you want to make a "gravy" out of the liquid form the roast, you can cook it down some and add some can be a bit thin, but it's yummy, and I think most people on keto always have cream on hand. One thing I haven't tried, but have seen mentioned in a bunch of recipes is xanthan gum as a…
  • I second the mashed cauliflower suggestion. Love that stuff! When I do roast, I like it with celery, onions, mushrooms, and maybe a little carrot. And rutabaga is awesome with it too!