sabolfitwife Member


  • Lovely to meet you and thank you for your awesome introduction! I'm a newbie runner and my goal for 2015 is to step out of my comfort zone and complete a 5k race. I love how PiYo helps to stretch me out after a nice jog or an elliptical session. I must admit this week has been a little off track with both my eating and…
  • For the classes like Sweat/Drench that are a little more intense, I log it as low impact aerobics also. It shows a greater number calories burned and I definitely feel like that is accurate for those classes vs like Define: Lower Body etc.
  • Core and Lower Body today. That was the last session of the Lower/Upper body workouts on my schedule, now I'm on to the full workouts!
  • Yes, all in good time! Please don't get frustrated. I am still having wrist issues when it comes to the side bends and pikes, but other than that my wrists are finally getting used to the pressure. I just completed Week 2. Tomorrow is Upper Body and I might add in the Hardcore on the Floor DVD just to see what it's all…
  • I weighed in this morning for the start of a 2 week challenge I'm a part of, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a 2 lb loss from 8 full days of PiYo and cardio. Normally I average about a 1/2 lb loss in a week, so I was very excited to see that. My goal now isn't really weight loss, focusing more on building some…
  • I've been adding in cardio afterwards, either running or the elliptical just to get an extra burn also. Also am adding in weights 3X a week just to really help get those muscles building.
  • You're right, the lower video is first and she says you can go right into the upper video. I combined them both on Saturday then did all cardio on Sunday to really get a good burn in.
  • Yeah, I combined them on Saturday then just did all cardio on Sunday. So not technically 2 days of rest, just 1 rest day, and one solid cardio day since overall the cardio element is a little low.
  • I am friends with her on Facebook also, that's how I knew that she ordered it. Wasn't trying to cause any problems, was just saying! Not trying to promote my coaching business here on MFP. I know we are not allowed to do that on this website. I merely started PiYo myself and created a Piyo group also to try and get some…
  • I use Endomondo on my phone, which I know still isn't completely accurate, but until I can afford a HRM (or hopefully find one in my stocking this year for Christmas) it's what I have to use. They have a Pilates option for a workout so I just wear my phone in my arm band while I'm working out and use the calories burned vs…
  • First off, welcome :-) Secondly, 6 lbs in 5 days is awesome!! It's always exciting to see that big weight loss in the beginning. So congrats on that! It sounds like you have a plan which is the most important part.
  • I totally agree. It seems like it should just have been made into one class in the first place since there is no true warm up to upper body. I definitely am going to start combining them also. Now, in combining them, do you take a second rest day since it shows Lower Body one day and Upper Body one day? Not quite sure how…
  • She already ordered the PiYo program and is working with her Beachbody coach. Please remember, we are not allowed to promote any outside promotions/businesses here on MyFitnessPal.
  • While I definitely am not a doctor, I do agree that you should be able to do this with no problem. I did two dvd's last night with no issues. Just can't believe how many pushups I did combined!
  • That's awesome!! I can't wait to see where I am by the end of December. Feel free to join the PiYo group I created and post about your experience/transformation! It's called PiYo - Lean & Mean before 2015
  • I sent you an invitation to the group! It's called PiYo - Lean & Mean before 2015
  • Hi there! No, I'm not an instructor, just a fan of the program. I follow Chalene Johnson's Beachbody PiYo program so I workout in my living room. She always has a modifier on screen though so you can see how to take it easy if you're just not at the level yet. I would say definitely give it a go a couple times and see if…
  • Yay! Would you like to join the PiYo group I created?
  • Feel free to add me on here! I created a PiYo group but wasn't sure how many people I'd get to join in, but I will definitely get you ladies into it. I thought we could all post daily what class we did, how we felt, how we did with food/water intake etc!
  • I think you are going to really enjoy the program. Low impact, no jumping, not to strenuous, always a modification shown and the classes are relatively short in time.
  • I know, its crazy how fast you feel it start to work! Oddly enough I am really feeling it in my core. I feel like the balancing acts are really making me focus more on stabilizing with my core. I especially love that I can workout barefoot now!
  • My boyfriend is very supportive of me and always takes pride in my successes. That being said, he DOES NOT eat healthy. I got him off drinking soda for a little over 6 months, then he slowly started drinking them again and put back the 15 lbs he had lost from going "sober", lol. When we go grocery shopping I stick to the…
  • When I'm at home and my scale is readily available, of course I do! At work I keep measuring cups (which I know are not as accurate as a scale) so if something comes up that I didn't plan for I can at least measure it out and log it more accurately then say, trying to log in a handful of something. Obviously I don't do…
  • Everyone's view on this is different, in my opinion. To me, I count plain water, water flavored with Kool-Aid drops/Mio/other flavors, and tea as water intake. I log that in in my diary. Of course, I try to only drink plain water and save a glass of flavored for my dinner or when I'm really craving something else.
  • My boyfriend and I have a very busy weekend away from home schedule, which means eating out at restaurants. I've started weighing in on Friday mornings which leaves me room for a cheat meal (meal being key word), usually dinner out on Friday and Saturday. That being said, I still try to pick the best option while we are…
  • Weigh! Typically the weight is usually less than when you measure it out, meaning more accurate. When I measure things, I use my eyes and most times overfill the measuring cup, when really it shouldn't be overflowing. My food scale sits out on my counter and gets used multiple times a day! Quick and easy and takes no more…
  • 5 minute elliptical intervals X 3 Random weights 100 crunches 1 minute plank (30 seconds high, 30 seconds low) Total of 30 minutes.
  • I don't follow this "plan" as I love food too much to go without it for two days. However, my boss has been doing it for about 3 weeks now. The way she explained it to me is on your fasting days you can eat 500 calories whenever throughout the day, and that she was choosing to eat a 250 calorie breakfast and a 250 calorie…
  • So according to Scooby's TDEE calculator, here are my stats: BMR is 1,538 TDEE to maintain is 2,115 Calories based on exercise is 1,692 So the third one takes account of my exercise (I entered 1-3 hours of light exercise/week) so that is how many calories I should be eating all together? Do not eat any exercise calories…
  • I could honestly eat a whole jar to myself in a sitting. Generally I'll have three spoonfuls but then I feel miserable. So I've learned to stick to the 2 tbsp. serving size ONCE a day. I plan out my meals the night before so I decide if I want my peanut butter for breakfast or save it for dessert.