

  • That is so disgusting.....and so motivating! LOL Thanks for sharing!
  • You might not be getting enough calories, so your body is going into starvation mode. You should be eating a minimum of 1200 calories a day, and on the days when you do exercise, you should be eating at least some of that back. It's also good to mix things up every now and then, so if you go a little over your calorie…
  • I've tried the mint chocolate chip ice cream flavor and it actually does taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream! I love it because it does give me that feeling of having indulged in ice cream without all the calories.
  • Add me to the list too please! :smile: Nov 1 (I weigh in Fridays, so really Oct 29) starting weight was 199.4. I'm going out of town tonight so I weighed in this morning instead of tomorrow (for Nov 8).....198.2.
  • I make it with skim milk (I won't eat it if it's made with water....tastes gross to me no matter what I add to it to doctor it up). Then I add a little bit of honey, some cinnamon, and slices of banana.
  • Love it! I feel the same way!!!
  • I'm in too....I weigh in on Fridays. So as of this past Friday I weighed 204.4.
  • Thanks! I've been logging on a lot recently and reading all the posts, seeing how supportive everyone is. And that's kind of why I finally got around to fully committing to doing this! I have a good feeling about it this time!
  • I found this salsa chicken recipe on sparkrecipes.com and made it for my parents last weekend. My dad usually groans when I say "it's healthy", so I waited til after he said how it was to tell him. He really liked it and was surprised that it was healthy because it was full of flavor. It's a slow-cooker recipe which is…
  • Tresemme has a pretty good dry shampoo that is also pretty inexpensive. I've never used it after working out, but on days when I don't wash my hair I use it to absorb some of the oil and it works great! It also smells pretty good.
  • Try stretching and massaging or rubbing your sore muscles. And if you can soaking in a hot bath may help ease the soreness too.
  • Check out this post someone did earlier today....it's a great way to figure your portions when you can't/don't want to measure http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/128642-portion-size?hl=portions#posts-1746286
  • A lot of times I make individual pizzas using whole wheat pitas, that way I also won't overeat if there are extra slices left over from a whole pizza. I usually use the Kraft 2% mozzarella cheese. As far as toppings go, I usually try to put a lot of veggies on it, and I also use the turkey pepperoni which is pretty good.…