

  • Thanks for the tip; I'll keep that website handy for looking up foods. However, they don't have any info on sprouted rye, barley, or corn. Still searching!
  • Hi; I just joined the group. I'm 50, and had an emergency hysterectomy about a year ago. I still have an ovary, but it's menopause time for me anyway, so I'm more or less on schedule. It's great to have a community to share with and get/give encouragement! I've not had much of a weight problem before, but I've been…
  • Interesting to hear everyone's stories. I had a hysterectomy about a year ago. Was in the hospital 1 week, which helped drop about 5 pounds! After recovery & getting back up and around I felt great and looked good. But since then my weight has been creeping up, up, up! I thought my tummy would be smaller after the surgery,…
  • About 5 years ago I found out that my body was highly sensitive to cane sugar and wheat (among other things); eating these foods gives me digestive problems and painful, stubborn eczema. I was highly motivated to quit eating these foods, and once I accepted that this would be a long-term life-style change, it wasn't too…
  • Me, too! I just spent about an hour on the internet trying to find nutritional info/calories for sprouted rye, buckwheat, and corn, to no avail. I grind the sprouts and spread the "dough" out thinly and bake at 150 deg. to make super yummy crackers. I have no way of knowing how many calories they contain!
  • To me, "eating clean" means organic, whole foods. No processed food or artificial anything.
  • I used to ride my bike or walk everywhere, and didn't worry about my weight. Then I moved to the country, got a car, and quit walking and biking. The pounds have just been creeping on year by year.