Weight loss afer Hysterectomy

I am curious from other women who have also had a total hysterectomy how weight loss has been for them.
I had a total hysterectomy in 2009. I am currently not taking any hormones. I can only lose about 8 pounds, and only for it to easily creep back on within a couple days. For the most part I am a very healthy eater. I stick with a high protein diet or minimize my calories. I have also tried the very small portions throughout the day they say should rev up your metabolism. This has not worked for me, neither has any other plan.
I am not above some restaraunt eating over the weekends or lunches offered free at work. When I do that I make sure not to go over my calories for the day or to eat something better the rest of the day.
I am not sure if taking or not taking hormones plays any part in this as I have had issues taking them as well as not taking them.
I am not sedentary but I do not have a scheduled exercise regime at this time.
I am very discouraged that the hysterectomy has doomed me to a prisoned life of serious continous 5 days a week cardio as well as strict meal plans. This does NOT appeal to me at all. Especially with my very busy lifestyle.
I would love any feedback, thoughts, suggestions..........

Thank you for your time,


  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I've found weight loss much, much easier since my total hysterectomy in 2010. I'm not taking any hormones, either. I find that my energy is way up (probably because I'm no longer anemic). Plus being able to work excercise consistently vs. just 2 weeks out of the month has made a huge difference :tongue: Pre-surgery I gained weight just looking at food and practically starved myself just to shed 20 pounds. Post surgery, the weight dropped off fast and I've had a much easier time maintaining the loss. No more yo-yo!
  • Rivka74
    Rivka74 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow, it seems like we have had the total opposite effects! :) I am very tired, bloated, and unable to shed a pound! I am so very envious of you! I feel like I got rid of one issue to gain a new one.
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I had a total Hysterectomy a few years ago and am no longer on hormones. I have found it easier since not taking the hormones. I have never lost as much weight as over the last 8 months:)))
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    This is an interesting question. I just had a Radical Hysterectomy in Jan I go back to work next week. I started MFP Jan1 and I have lost 20 pounds but as of Feb 1st I have been yo yoing up 5 down 5 I am sticking it out but I wonder too how the weight loss will work once I am back to work. I am not taking any HRT. I have noticed slight differences in the way some foods taste. I too hope that as my Iron gets back up that I will feel more energy.

    I will keep you posted :-) as of right now I am STUCK at up 5 pounds :-(
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I had a total hysterectomy in June 2010. I have not been able to lose a single pound since. I'll lose 5 just to gain it right back. It's frustrating. I was not on hormones until a few weeks ago and am seeing an endochrinologist. We're seeing how an estrogen patch is going to work then will move on from there.
  • allicat623
    allicat623 Posts: 1 Member
    So glad to have found you guys!

    I had a total hysterectomy July 26, 2011....meaning uterus and ovaries out. I started on the vivelle dot .1 felt okay at first, started exercising, eating right.

    Then by october I hit a wall. Thought i was dying.... had no energy....horrible headaches, night sweats, etc.. yada yada. Got sick ended up in hospital with pneumonia. Finally got to my ob/gyn and she tested hormone levels...it showed i was in full blown menopause, despite being on patch. so she doubled the patch. I now use two twice a week.

    Well, that made my headaches go away and helped with sleep. But I've gained so much weight!! OMGosh... I hate it.

    Since Jan 1 I've tried to get back on a regular eating/exercise program and I start and stop. I HATE THIS!!

    So I'm back once again. I know that if I don't get this under control, my health will suffer. So, I'm going to start keeping track of food, exercise, etc. once again. Praying I have discipline to stick with it.

    I'm glad I don't have horrible pains in stomach area......but feeling so frustrated with hormonal balance...or rather inbalance.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I had a Hysterectomy when I was 27. I didn't have any problem with weight gain. I guess because I was young and very active.
  • tina_fay
    tina_fay Posts: 30
    I had a partial hysterectomy in 2008 and gained 30 pounds within 3 months...even though my diet did not change! I have not been able to lose a single pound since then. I begain running 4 months ago and still gained 4 additional pounds! My thyroid level has began creeping up, which is now at 3.59 and that will be checked again in a few months. I've never had my hormone level checked, so I'm not sure where I stand on that...but maybe it's something I should look into. I'm just extremely frustrated with the lack of weight loss, but I'm not giving up! Maybe I just need to work twice as hard as I have been and hope for the best! Good luck with your journey!
  • tinar44
    tinar44 Posts: 2
    I had a partial hysterectomy in 2008 and gained 30 pounds within 3 months...even though my diet did not change! I have not been able to lose a single pound since then. I begain running 4 months ago and still gained 4 additional pounds! My thyroid level has began creeping up, which is now at 3.59 and that will be checked again in a few months. I've never had my hormone level checked, so I'm not sure where I stand on that...but maybe it's something I should look into. I'm just extremely frustrated with the lack of weight loss, but I'm not giving up! Maybe I just need to work twice as hard as I have been and hope for the best! Good luck with your journey!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem--I too had a partial hysterectomy in 2008 and also gained 30 pounds within three months -- with no change in my diet and I even had a personal trainer at the time. Neither he nor my doctor could explailn the weight gain. It was frustrating; especially since I had lost 30 pounds in 2007 and had kept it off for a year and a half! I guess I, too, have to work twice as hard--which is very discouraging, but hopefully MFP will help!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I am so thankful for this thread. I had a full hysterectomy and it has been SO hard to lost weight- any weight. I work out 5 times a week and stay with in my calorie goal. I am only down 5 lbs !!! It is so frustrating and I have been brought to tears many times over this. I am glad I am not the only one having problems.

    I guess we just "keep on keeping on" as they say
  • dzmikki
    dzmikki Posts: 254 Member
    Bump. I am scheduled to have a partial at the end of April
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I still have my ovaries, but they're gonna take those, too. I'm on testosterone, but that's probably not gonna help you ladies. I gained about thirty pounds in four months, but a lot of it was, because I just ate whatever, and didn't do anything. Now that I'm more active and eat healthy, the weight seems to be quickly dropped off - nine pounds in fourteen days. But... I still have some issues. I still bleed -- WTF, what is there to bleed from?! I still have pain. I'm mad, too. However, will add that I'm only twenty-two, and I'm a smaller person, I only got about twenty more pounds to lose; I hate to say that I was even 'obese' in the first place. My doctor told me to stay on here, log food and exercise, and just try to walk each day. She said, "You don't need to run six miles a day, go for a walk each day for a half hour," so that's what I try to do. I have to see a doctor at a really good hospital to see what else is up. I'm not gonna lie and say I follow all her instructions to a T, because I don't. Luckily, I am not taking narcotic pain killers anymore, and I can /sometimes/ have sex. -shrugs- I'm not really any help.
  • 0BigLouie0
    Interesting to hear everyone's stories. I had a hysterectomy about a year ago. Was in the hospital 1 week, which helped drop about 5 pounds! After recovery & getting back up and around I felt great and looked good. But since then my weight has been creeping up, up, up! I thought my tummy would be smaller after the surgery, but it's still big! I've never counted calories before, but am trying MFP. I have this idea that around menopause the body's metabolism slows down, so it's harder to loose weight.
  • berthamh
    berthamh Posts: 5
    Hi! I just read your post and was wondering how are ya doing? I am in the same boat you are! I'm going to start this calorie counting and exercising and cross my fingers! I hope it works! :)
  • cdelmain71
    Hello ladies, I too have had a full Hysterectomy when i was 25 years of age, I was 170lb when i had it done. I am know 42 years of age and have tried every diet you can think of and it never works. I do lose a few pounds but gain them back and them some. It gets me down so much. As I get older in age I have stomach problems alot and my lower back hurts. I really wish I could find something to help cause im tired of hurting and not sleeping well at night.
  • serenissima67
    wow, I just found this website and am so glad to see I am not alone. I had a partial hysterectomy in April 2013, and while I am glad I don't have the cramps and constant bleeding, I am terribly upset that I gain weight just by thinking about cheese and cannot get it off. I walk my dog every day for an hour, and have gone to extremes such as taking phen phen (the new kind), and starving myself - not that I don't know how it would be healthier to do it, but my methods have worked all my life.
    Now I don't even recognize myself in the bloodwork results: I am no longer anemic, I have borderline cholesterol and higher blood pressure... and if that weren't enough, I have a lazy thyroid. WTF!!
    Plus, the cherry on the cake is that I am losing hair. I am 46 and shocked. And frustrated. My boyfriend is very understanding - he eats more than I do, and is worried that he is LOSING weight.