

  • I hope your dad is ok....???
  • Thanks you guys! Sorry about that - was a little down, and on the computer - always a bad combination!! Heading to the gym today...... back on the bus! :smile:
  • A riend of mine once told me that he understood why some animals eat their young........ having a 25 year old son, and a 20 year old daughter, I completely understand. Couldnt comprehend the thought of either leaving when in grade schoool, but couldnt wait when in high school.... son on his own now, very succesfull,…
  • Weekends hard enough - definately my downfall. This week realy tough though - was making progress.... gym 3 times a week plus, golf and lawn mowing on weekends, then..... thyroid medication issues finally caught up, resulting in too tired to go to gym, too tired to care, too much wine at night because too blue.... ate out…
  • Thanks for the tip - I will try and find the book! This has been driving me nuts for a year - besides the weight issues - all the other side effects of a thyroid disease! I actually have a physical coming up, so I will also talk with my doctor about it.....
  • Having a bit of a hard time loosing wieght - inspite of being under target calories, and implementing a new workout routine (gym 3+times per week, golf, mowing the lawn every week....) Was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease, and they took out my thyroid. Put on about 35 lbs in the process..... Still messing with my…
  • Thanks for the help! Boy , for someone who is relatively computer literate, it took me a bit to figure it out!! Well, drawing to the end of week one. Lost three pounds so far, but the weekend is here - Went to an art show opening last night, had appetizers etc....... baaaaad! Trying to be good today, and playing golf…
    in New to site Comment by pongo April 2009
  • how did you get the personalized ticker onto your reply? I made one, but cant get it to show up??
    in New to site Comment by pongo April 2009
  • Trying to figure out the whole posting thing.....need to ask my kids apparently!! On the down side of middle aged, need to loose about 35 pounds or so - especially for health reasons! Unfortunately, I love to cook, and love to eat what I cook.... This seems like an awsome site though, very easy to use - and easy to see…
    in New to site Comment by pongo April 2009