

  • Haha, no. That's not what I meant. The list I gave is music I still have not gotten tired of XD As to the rest; Dope and Static X also gonne be looked up. The rest are ok once in awhile, but are mostly pretty close to the "**** why do I keep listening to this..." area. XD Rob Zombie especially, although he does managed to…
  • Ah, system is a band I'm getting more into, again, of late. I was burned out on them for a long while, but that is a great idea ;)
  • Holy crap, I love the talking heads but how could you get your body moving to them? XD You've got a good selection in there, but a lot of it is on my current "too stale to workout to" list. I will however be looking up reverend Horton Heat, Pulp and Florence and the Machine
  • I spent almost 8 hours cleaning my house this past week. After I sat down, when I was finished, out of breath and sweating I thought "Wait... this may not have been substantial if it was an hour, but I had to have burned something in 8 hrs. Did I?" And looked it up. I burned over 1000 calories, not counting what I burned…
  • Infected Mushroom- Blink*, I Wish*, and Illuminaughty* (songs) Blaqk Audio- Cex Cells* (Album) Gaga- Just Dance, Dance In The Dark*, (songs) Technotronic- Pump Up The Jam (song) PPK- Ressurection (song) Scatman John- Night Train, Scatman's World, Song of the Scatman (songs) Berlin- Sex* (song) Justin Timberlake- Sexyback*…
  • As cliche and dated as it may sound, the Billy Banks Tae Bo tapes really help out a lot.
  • I mean, after all, it's more fun to get a full-on competition with this than just talking to people who are doing the same as you.
  • Trachnurse- That's a decent idea, but it's probably best to bring meat as well. And have small snacks with you. I bring a frozen dinner, a granola bar, and a keebler crackers pack every night. If I'm really feeling hungry, I have things I can snack on, but I only have a little, so if I blow through it too quickly, I'm…
  • Here are some things to ask yourself; 1) are you drinking enough water? If not you could be at risk of your body storing water and thus, keeping a constant weight. 2) are you gaining muscle mass? This isn't bad. If it may be the case, a better way of measuring your weight loss would be to measure your neck, hips and waist…
  • Jbug- whether you actually log the or not doesnt't matter. It's more that you know you had a bad day. How much harder will you work tomorrow to fix that? I was going to be almost 2000 calories under my minimum calories burned this week, but I worked my *kitten* off the last couple days and am now over that minimum. In two…
  • Glad a few people agree with me about this, then. I keep hearing things from people, like ; "It's just a diet. In a few weeks or months, you'll be eating the same again and slacking on the excercise" or "Well, diets don't work, you set goals and never complete them." My response is; "My goal is to feel better. If I never…
  • Got a nice slow day going myself. And by nice, I mean "dear gods, could 0600 be coming any slower?" I REALLY want to just go home, rollerblading, fast as I can, drop all my crap off, and go out for another 15-20 minutes to just burn the energy I've got today.
  • 1) Excercise is excercise. There's nothing out there you should focus on just because of obesity. Instead, focus on how much of a certain thing you can do. If you can't run 4 miles due to lack of stamina, instead try a fairly fast pace 2 mile walk, daily. The best thing to do, if. You're serious is try to push yourself as…
  • Oh, if anyone has other ideas as to how to change this and make it better/healthier, please give input. :)
  • Well, as I said much of the olive oil gets cooked out or stays in the pan. you can also grill the onions and drain them, or use less oil. We usually use 1 tbsp because we make 4 at a time and need more onions, so I guess 1/4 tbsp oil is better :) And, you're welcome :)
  • <3 Glad it sounds good ;) Hope you enjoy it, when you get to it
  • Well, the idea is that people like me will want to try it. I work out fairly hard, and would like a lot of protein in my dishes. This is better than most restaurant burgers, and very, very large. you could always try the same recipe, but drop half of the ground beef and half of the roast beef, as well as dropping the…
  • I just saved the hell out of this recipe. That sounds amazing.
  • That was me missing the part about calories burned, there XD Damn, though, that looks useful. Only $200, too. Definitely looking into purchasing one. Thank you!
  • That actually looks really helpful. Do you know how many calories you burned with that? Either way, it seems like something I should look into.
  • -Jessifer123 That sounds exactly like my schedule. I work thurs-mon nights, get off at 6am, then do all my wekly errands before going to my weekend, where I ignore everything important for awhile, inculding sleep. I haven't found it hard to keep on top of the diet change, but I HAVE found it hard to keep to logging it all…
  • The 400 difference comes from what your body actually needs during the day, however MFP drops that, as you have the excess stored in your body. There's roughly a 300 calorie difference for myself, as well. I'd prefer to go with the lower one, and am averaging 2 lbs lost with about 1300 calories a day, and working off…
  • Ashton. I work 10 pm to 6 am as a security guard and do freelance graphic design on my free time. At work, I stand post at a small guard shack in front of a gated community, while another guard does patrol. While on post, hardly any cars come in, and we have probably one issue per month that requires more than 5 minutes of…
  • Your body processes water extremely quickly, almost as soon as it goes it, it's starting to go back out, or filter your blood and such. Not only does drinking so much water before food do nothing to keep you from being hungry due to the lack of actual nutrient, you're working against yourself because eventually you're just…
  • I'm just about right there with you, at 9 down. (Although it's getting harder to lose now that I'm also gaining muscle mass) Keep on truckin'! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Haha. I'd like to know how it goes. I was off my rollerblades for much less time than that and my stamina died XD Good luck! Remember, it won't work unless you drive yourself to keep with it.