After 48oz of water ....

Before meals I usually drink at least 24oz of water so that in theory my stomach would be mostly full and I won't eat as much. Well for the last three night I have drank 48oz before dinner and I still feel like I am starving. How can this seriously be possible? I am always hungry, even after eating a protein bar or drinking a protein shake. Anyone else have this problem, any ideas? Thanks!


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    You are under the impression a full stomach equals not being hungry. Sorry but, your body needs food that last more then 30 mins after you eat it.

    I am just guessing, but try adding slow burning foods that stick with you over longer periods of times, grains, oats, and posta types. It will take a while, but over time you will find when it comes time to eat, you won't be as hungry. Also, a big factor for a lot, espically me, Eat 6 times a day. Never ever go long periods with out eating something, even if it just a healthy snack.
  • trachnurse
    Hi there, have you ever seen your doctor about this? Have they tested you for diabetes? It might be worth a check. Good luck, looks like you have been doing well!
  • jcompton3821
    Before meals I usually drink at least 24oz of water so that in theory my stomach would be mostly full and I won't eat as much. Well for the last three night I have drank 48oz before dinner and I still feel like I am starving. How can this seriously be possible? I am always hungry, even after eating a protein bar or drinking a protein shake. Anyone else have this problem, any ideas? Thanks!

    I hear ya!!! Sometimes I could eat half a cow!!!! Wish I knew the answer!!! Just wanted to tell you your not alone!!!
  • PoiBoyBlue
    Your body processes water extremely quickly, almost as soon as it goes it, it's starting to go back out, or filter your blood and such.
    Not only does drinking so much water before food do nothing to keep you from being hungry due to the lack of actual nutrient, you're working against yourself because eventually you're just going to be putting on more and more water weight...
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Wait a bit longer after drinking the water before you start to eat and when you do eat, eat slower.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Don't expect water to magically take your hunger away. Water is essential to our bodies, but honestly doesn't do much for hunger because it goes through our system so quickly. I drink water because I need it to be healthy, but not to fill me up. Amarillo_NDN had the right idea - you should make sure you're eating quality foods with enough fiber, protein and healthy fats. Stay away from white flour/processed carbs - these tend to leave you feeling hungry. Beans are great to add to meals - they provide fiber and protein. Adding nuts to salads make them more filling by upping the healthy fat content. Eat lots of fresh veggies - minimal calories and LOTS of bulk - again, very filling! Regarding the protein shakes - Liquid nutrition will never be as filling as real food. I only use protein powder as a post-exercise protein boost - I'd never expect it to fill me up. Personally I avoid protein bars, as there are plenty of non-processed natural foods that I can eat that taste better and fill me up better.

    Good luck!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Your body processes water extremely quickly, almost as soon as it goes it, it's starting to go back out, or filter your blood and such.
    Not only does drinking so much water before food do nothing to keep you from being hungry due to the lack of actual nutrient, you're working against yourself because eventually you're just going to be putting on more and more water weight...

    That's not really true- you HAVE to drink enough water every day - it's so important to our heath. If you drink more than your body needs, your body will filter it out. Usually you retain the most water weight when you're not drinking ENOUGH, not when you're drinking too much!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Jen!

    I just looked over your diary and if it's accurate- your not eating enough! I saw on your profile page your looking to do a marithon- that's a lot of training which equals to cals burned, plus it seems you don't even get near the base of 1200 cals. So- your body is telling you it needs more food, more nurtition, and probably more good carbs and all more often- every 3-4 hours is the average.
    Good luck on your goals!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Your body processes water extremely quickly, almost as soon as it goes it, it's starting to go back out, or filter your blood and such.
    Not only does drinking so much water before food do nothing to keep you from being hungry due to the lack of actual nutrient, you're working against yourself because eventually you're just going to be putting on more and more water weight...

    That's not really true- you HAVE to drink enough water every day - it's so important to our heath. If you drink more than your body needs, your body will filter it out. Usually you retain the most water weight when you're not drinking ENOUGH, not when you're drinking too much!

    Thank you accountant boi for beating me to the punch. You do NOT put on water weight by drinking water. You puton water weight by being dehydrated or by intaking too much sodium.

    Water isn't helping you feel full because it has no nutitive value. It's great to be drinking your ounces, but you can't expect that it will trick your stomach. your stomach can chemically assess what has entered and indicates you're full based on the size AND composition of what's in it.

    Eating lean protein and fiber will delay hunger since they digest more slowly than carbs. If you're eating less than 1200, you're not getting enough fuel for your body.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I'm always amazed at the number of people who curb hunger by drinking water. I know being well hydrated is a good thing, especially for weight loss because it carrys away the toxins that are a by-product of fat metabolism. has never, ever helped me with hunger. The only things that have helped me are three things:
    1) EXERCISE - when I feel like I am starving, I go exercise. It is amazing how this works for me.
    2) EATING MORE OFTEN - I try to always eat at least six times a day. I make sure these are always MEALS in that it contains protein, carbs, and fats. If I just have one element, like popcorn, that intensifies my hunger.
    3) LOW GLYCEMIC - I try to avoid including high glycemic foods like white flour, white rice,etc. Eating foods like Amarillo_NDN mentions, which are low glycemic, really work.