

  • some good ideas, thanks
  • Sounds yummy, I think my husband would like it too, thanks for sharing, Becky
  • Thanks, those are all great ideas, today was the first day I felt like I was able to do more than just some stretching. I have neck and back whiplash. I start physical therapy next week, but i will do a little walking to start out, maybe try the therapy pool at the gym. It has been a week since the last accident and I am…
  • You look great.....go for it!!! And feel proud of yourself. 45lbs is fantastic!
  • Hi Leanna, This is just my second day and I have found it so helpful in keeping track of how many calories I am taking in. It is so easy to trick yourself when you don't write it down. I find I am being more concious about making wiser food choices. Godd luck with your journey
    in Hi New here! Comment by beckn April 2009
  • I love the roasted red pepper humus and have had it on their thin rice crackers YUM!
  • Thanks, I'll give it a try
    in Trader Joe's Comment by beckn April 2009
  • Sorry, but I bet the super Walmart has some good products too. Hey, tell me how to get my tracker to show up on my blog. I set one up but it doesn't show up.
    in Trader Joe's Comment by beckn April 2009
  • Trader Joe's has made my life so much easier. I just came home from there and I picked up fresh strawberries and fat free yogurt and cottage cheese, some grilled chicken breasts, fresh asparagus, salad greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, humus, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and some pine nuts. I am set for some good healthy…
    in Trader Joe's Comment by beckn April 2009
  • Hi I just joined today and I have really enjoyed using the food diary. It has helped me learn about the foods I am eating and the portions. It was easy to use and I think it will be very helpful on my journey to reaching my health and fitness goals. I had some trouble with the exercise diary. It didn't have an option for…