

  • I'm on that medicine right now too and I love it. My Ob did say that it was good that I was on other medicine because it does have a side effect of depression. I haven't had any problems though as long as I take both. I am enjoying being on phentermine and I do think it gives you a boost to get off the couch. I also find I…
  • I've heard it's best not to work out an hour before bed. So it all depends on when you go to bed. Good job for getting up and moving!
  • Maybe switching up your workout would help too. I heard that your body gets use to a certain exercise. Maybe try something new or when you walking, put spurts of jogging in. Shock that body back into gear, right?! Good luck!
  • Your plus size belt is now too big and needs more holes. Your underwear starts riding up because there's no butt to hold them in place. I love this tread. I need more though, but it's getting too late for my brain!