I'm a young mom of two! Before I got pregnant with my oldest, I was at a healthy weight. After...not so much! I continued to gain and gain. Got pregnant with my second, and while I gained LESS weight during that pregnancy (roughly 40lbs) then I had with my first (80+ lbs), after I had him, I ballooned. Gaining and gaining with no end in sight!

I am now the heaviest I have been in my entire life. 265 pounds (as of a week ago) at 21 years old!!! :-<
After many tests, and everything coming back normal, I am starting PHENTERMINE tomorrow AS PER DOCTORS ORDERS. She has me on it 1x a day in hopes it will give me a "boost" because I already eat healthy, work out regularly, count calories, etc. She may up my dose later, she may not. Depending on how my body reacts to it. I'm assuming she has me on a very low dosage because the pamplet the pharmacy gave me said take 3x/day (but the bottle says take 1x since that is what my dr. ordered).

Anyways. I'm just kind of nervous. She said one side effect is depression/anxiety, which I already have, and am also starting meds for that as well. Is anyone else on this medicine, or have you in the past? Was it helpful?

I know everyone is different and clearly no two bodies will react the same. But I'm just kind of curious what to expect. How does it work?

I'm excited to track this journey on MFP with all of you. I know I will probably be on this medicine for 3 months (No longer- doctor doesn't want me on it for very long) unless my body reacts very well and I start losing "too much" she may take me off sooner. But she said to expect to be on it roughly 3 months.

Hoping I see some good results in the coming months! I NEED this change! I NEED to be healthy for my children. For my spouse. And not importantly, FOR ME!

OH! Does anyone know how many calories I *should* be eating? I've tried everything as low as 1,300, and up to 2,000! I have 95 pounds to lose (or more, depending on if/how much I gained since last week) MFP says 2,040 to lose 1 pound a week.
I'm just feeling frustrated I guess because I feel like i've tried it all. My doctor didn't really go into details about calories and such, I think that is probably something to talk to a nutritionist about. But until I can find one/be seen by one...advice?


  • CharliePants
    Hi. It's been years, but I took phentermine when I wasn't much older than you, maybe 24. I started with too much, and was jittery, so I cut my caffeine and my dose with my doctor's approval, and leveled out. I just had more energy. I wasn't lethargic before it, but I became really focused and had energy to work 14 hour days (which was what my job demanded at the time, so it was great). I lost 25 pounds and it stayed off long after I stopped taking the medicine. I think I took it for 5 months.

    Just listen to your body and you will know. I'm surprised depression is a side effect, I was just toooooo busy to be down, and I totally understand being down. But it was certainly not an issue back then.

    Good luck to you. I've only been doing this (MFP) for a week, and I find the things I normally wouldn't blink at before devouring are just so much higher in calories than I thought. Thank God I'm already a fairly clean eater, but this is a real eye opener.

    I just caught the rest of your email about calories. I wouldn't advise going to 1300 at your weight, it will just piss you off and make you hungry and grumpy and unhappy about this process. If you use the goals tool, and go by a pound or a pound and a half per week, it should give you a really good ballpark. Don't forget, your exercise will "buy" you some calories, and the phentermine may boost the loss while you are on it, which could skew the numbers a little, too - probably in your favor.

    Kind Regards,

  • LovelyMumOf2
    Hi. It's been years, but I took phentermine when I wasn't much older than you, maybe 24. I started with too much, and was jittery, so I cut my caffeine and my dose with my doctor's approval, and leveled out. I just had more energy. I wasn't lethargic before it, but I became really focused and had energy to work 14 hour days (which was what my job demanded at the time, so it was great). I lost 25 pounds and it stayed off long after I stopped taking the medicine. I think I took it for 5 months.

    Just listen to your body and you will know. I'm surprised depression is a side effect, I was just toooooo busy to be down, and I totally understand being down. But it was certainly not an issue back then.

    Good luck to you. I've only been doing this (MFP) for a week, and I find the things I normally wouldn't blink at before devouring are just so much higher in calories than I thought. Thank God I'm already a fairly clean eater, but this is a real eye opener.

    I just caught the rest of your email about calories. I wouldn't advise going to 1300 at your weight, it will just piss you off and make you hungry and grumpy and unhappy about this process. If you use the goals tool, and go by a pound or a pound and a half per week, it should give you a really good ballpark. Don't forget, your exercise will "buy" you some calories, and the phentermine may boost the loss while you are on it, which could skew the numbers a little, too - probably in your favor.

    Kind Regards,


  • yadicarter
    I have taken this medication in the past and one of the side effects I eventually couldn't deal with was the light headedness and sometimes dizziness. Could depend on the mg though, because 5 yrs ago I was on the 30mg capsule and it worked great. More energy and definitely less hunger. Doctor also would only do it for 3 months on, then 3 off and if needed 1 extra month after that. Good luck with it, hope it helps you =)
  • LovelyMumOf2
    I have taken this medication in the past and one of the side effects I eventually couldn't deal with was the light headedness and sometimes dizziness. Could depend on the mg though, because 5 yrs ago I was on the 30mg capsule and it worked great. More energy and definitely less hunger. Doctor also would only do it for 3 months on, then 3 off and if needed 1 extra month after that. Good luck with it, hope it helps you =)
    She put me on 37.5mg and didn't say anything about dizziness. And the main symptoms the pamplet mentions are restlessness, nervousness, difficultly sleeping, and/or dry mouth. I hope I don't get dizzy or light headed! :(
  • gnomeswife77
    I'm on that medicine right now too and I love it. My Ob did say that it was good that I was on other medicine because it does have a side effect of depression. I haven't had any problems though as long as I take both. I am enjoying being on phentermine and I do think it gives you a boost to get off the couch. I also find I have less craving and it is easier to pick good food. I did have one side effect that I didn't like at the beginning. I would sweat like crazy! I have never had a problem with sweating, so I asked my doctor and she said that was a side effect. At my heaviest I was 280, so I've lost about 20 so far. My doctor gave me menu plans that were for 1800 calories a day. Maybe you should start there, than you don't feel deprived. I love MFP and just barely came back. I know eating right and exercising is the best way and MFP really helps me watch what I eat. Good luck!