graceklein Member


  • My sister is a personal trainer and she said until your knees are used to it and are in tip top condition, only go as far as parallel to the floor or if that hurts, then do shallow squats. If you do full range of motion you can blow out your knees really easily. Be careful.
  • I get that too and it's irritating. But I think the HRM is more accurate (with the chest strap) because it's based on your actual heart rate, not a general number that fitbit gives us. I still love my fitbit for the other things.
  • I've been losing my hair for years and since turning 40 it's speeding up. I've tried rogaine, nioxin, biotin, lots of hair loss remedies, chinese medicine, homeopath doctors. My thryoid was just checked ---all the tests (free T3, free T4, tsh, etc. ) all normal ranges. I have an appt. with another dermatologist in a couple…
  • that is very interesting. I've the same problem and I've tried keeping track of sodium, drinking more water, cutting out wheat. Nothing really is working. But I think I'm not drinking enough depending on the amount of sodium I do take in. Thanks for the advice.
  • I am 5'9 and I would be happy in size 10 jeans. right now I'm into 12's, so I'm close. I would still like to lose about 30 pounds though.
  • Good job joining It really is a good site. It's amazing adding up your food and finding out if you are over or under. My problem is that I don't eat enough. I'm not trying to starve myself, but when I started tracking my calories I found that I consistently was only eating about 1200 calories, but working…