Calorie burn HRM vs Fitbit

Hey all!

Today I walked about 11 miles around an urban hiking trail, and wore both my HRM and my Fitbit. My HRM says I burned 1576 calories but my Fitbit exercise adjustment is less than 1000. Which should I go with?


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    hrm if it had a chest strap
  • graceklein
    graceklein Posts: 8 Member
    I get that too and it's irritating. But I think the HRM is more accurate (with the chest strap) because it's based on your actual heart rate, not a general number that fitbit gives us. I still love my fitbit for the other things.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    HRM is more accurate! It knows what you are actually doing vs what fitbit thinks you are doing. I use both. I have a fitbit one and a wahoo blue hr. The HRM really changed how I workout.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    Is there some way I can just negate the fitbit calories from that time period or should I just delete the amount for the whole day?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    When you log the exercise, there are two options:

    1) Log on MFP
    - enter correct start time
    - enter correct duration
    - enter calorie burn from HRM
    When the two sites transfer information, the log should also move over to fitbit (just like the food calories do) dashboard and overwrite the calories that fitbit thought you burned for the time period
    **There is a glitch where occasionally the information gets transferred to Fitbit with the wrong start time. This will cause your calories to end up doubled.**

    2) Log on Fitbit
    - enter correct start time
    - enter correct duration
    - enter calorie burn from HRM
    This will adjust the amount of calories that fitbit thinks you burned for the day. The result will be that your Fitbit Adjustment here on MFP will change for the day.

    Personally, I use option 2. I don't think it is necessary for my exercises to show up in my news feed here on MFP and this prevents the glitch with start times.