

  • Ontario:wink:
  • Hey everyone, Ive been a slacker coming on here! Wow. I have been working out though! Checking in today with 20 jam, ab jam and 30 minutes n the stationary bike. :) Great work everyone!:wink:
  • :( Im still having so much trouble finding the DVD with booty burning and Cardio party 2 and 3! HELLLLP PLEASE! haha! I dont like CP1 Hope you are all having a great week!
  • Hey all, Checking in with 45 mins karate sparring and 20 mins on the bike. No TJ today. Its hard to get to on karate days. Megan, from your pic it is hard to believe you have a 12 year old! You don't look old enough! haha Good job! Everyone else, great job on your workouts. Don't worry about the coordination the first few…
  • Booooo! I am so annoyed that Helen won! Yes, its great she did so well but she is so annoying! Tara did amazing but something bothered me about her too. I feel horrible saying it but I found her very fake... sorry all her fans... Just my thoughts! I heard through the grapevine that Mike's brother could not be on the show…
  • Go Brown! They were my fave since day one! Mike is such an amazing kid. He gave all his prizes to other ppl...he deserves it. He really changed his whole family and his own future! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Thanks Megan for letting me know about the videos! Im going to order them this week! Checking in with 45 mins karate/ab jam/ ten minutes on the bike! :glasses: Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Hey everyone, 20 minute jam , ab jam and 15 mins on the bike tonight. It was my bday yesterday and my mom surprised me by coming to town and a party with the fams. So sweet, but unfortunately all the food and cake made me feel horrible today. SOOO sluggish! Hopefully get back on track this week. A well, only turn 28 once…
  • Oh no...last night after work I fell asleep and missed my karate class :( So to make up for it I did the CP1...tonight after work I will be doing the 20 min followed by ab jam Where is CP 2 and 3? Do I have to order them separately? Im not a huge fan of CP 1 Thanks, I hope everyone enjoys their friday!
  • Hey hey, 1hr karate sparring and 20 minute jam today. My Abs are soo sore after doing ab jam twice this week. I love it! Im going to get in to those toning vids this weekend. Kinda nervous and excited.
  • Thank you so much for the offer! I LOVE Turbo Jam! I find it sooo much fun! The dancer in me is loving it as well! haha!
    in Hey hey Comment by Kennie May 2009
  • OH! Where is CP2 and 3? Are they on the same DVD as CP1? I haven't looked too hard for them, just curious! Thanks :)
  • Hi everyone! Ive been lacking on coming on here to state my progress, but not on my workouts! Monday- 20 minute, followed by ab jam plus 15 mins on my stationary bike Tuesday- 1hr of karate class Wednesday- CP1 and Ab jam Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Its already wednesday!
  • I have both books and LOVE them. 200 under 200 are healthy recipes all under 200 cals each. They include desserts and even alcoholic drinks for when you go out. ALSO, the recipes are single portions so you can make them and not have a bunch left over to pig out on or worry about!
    in Hungry Girl? Comment by Kennie May 2009
  • Morning everyone, Everyone seemed to have a great week! Nice work! Today I am going to do CP1 and Ab Jam (skipped the abs yesterday oops!) as well as 20 mins on the bike. I like to do ten min sets on the bike in between my house cleaning on the weekends. I know..Im a nerd, but I love a clean house haha! Enjoy the sun if…
  • Hello! CP1 for the first time this afternoon along with ab jam and ten-fifteen on the stationary bike! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Hopefully the sun with be out for everyone! :)
  • Hey everyone! Thanks for the input about the monitors and the kcikboxing being nearly the same! Checking in with my karate sparring classes for an hour then I think Im going to the 20 min for fun this eve. Im addicted YAY!
  • I dress for myself. Period. If I think a style is cute its because I think its cute not you or your boss or your boss' dog. If I wear something to work that is more dressy it is because it is work appropriate and goes along with the job which does not say I am dressing for anyone else. It is saying i respect my position.…
  • I think its all how you look at the videos. Im a former dancer (not THAT kind, get your minds out of the gutter haha!) and when I look at the *****cat dolls I feel very motivated. I am not going to walk around in a bikini to work (Im a teacher so it could cause controversy!) or slap my *kitten* and shack it for the world…
  • Hey heys, I know this topic has probably been brought up before but here it goes! How the heck does everyone know how many cals you burned while doing these videos? 20 minute and Ab jam today plus 20 mins of stationary bike. Have a great day everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone! So, I have had my Dvds for two workouts now and am in LOVE. I did Learn and Burn yesterday and today. Today I followed it with the Ab Jam and found it to be a much more exciting workout now! I will be moving onto the 20 min workouts tomorrow and hope it doesn't exhaust me for my karate classes and teaching my…
  • My wii fit is spot on for my weight. The problem I have with it is that it told my boyfriend he is obese the first time he went on it. My boyfriend is a football player and coach who has been playing for over ten years now. He has a VERY muscular frame. Although he has gained weight due to an injury his body fat% is only…
  • Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Don't worry about your emotional eating for right now at all! You have made great progress so far so one night of it will not hinder you at all. Take care of YOU right now! My heart is with you!:flowerforyou:
  • I am going to buy this program tonight and get on the bandwagon as well! Thanks for your input above. I will let you guys know how the first try goes! I hope Im not too sore for karate tomorrow night! Eek! Im excited (and scared!) :)
  • Thank you so much! Congrats on your success! From your chart you look like you have done amazing! I love the site already and I only signed up yesterday! The food diary and workout log is such a motivation! :)
    in Hey hey Comment by Kennie April 2009
  • Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting this program. I was looking into P90X but I do not want to bulk up and I LOVE to dance (Im a former dancer). I am just curious before I go buy them. This is not a low carb nutrition plan is it? I do not believe it those and don't want to go pay for it then find out it is! Thanks!…
  • Hi everyone, I am just curious about these DVDs! Ive been looking at these and P90X for a while now but am having a hard time deciding what to do! what is the diet portion of this program like? I do not want to start something that is low carb as I do not believe it those kinds of diets....esp. when working out rigorously.…
  • Hi everyone, I too am new to this thing. Im actually not trying to lose a drastic amount of weight at all. Of course if I do lose a few pounds in the process I would not be upset! I am actually looking for tips on how to live healthier and tone up without bulking up. I work out quite a bit but have problems with the…
    in Hey hey Comment by Kennie April 2009