saihtnyc Member


  • I think you are doing great with 16lbs lost so far! Sometimes I think the TV shows where they lose tons of weight really rapidly are misleading - the way to keep the change for life is to do is steadily and change your habits, rather than have a crash weight loss. You are on the right track!
  • I had been logging them as circuit training, because it's a pretty intense strength circuit, but I'm really not sure! That seems too many calories and Pilates or Yoga is too few.
  • Great dedication to logging and exercise - you look amazing!
  • A 5K s a great goal! I used to despise running, had all those jokes about "only if someone is chasing me", etc. I started with a 5K about 8-9(?) years ago, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving one year, and kept going. Now I've done a couple of marathons and a bunch of halfs, but all interspersed before and between having babies.…
  • I'm back and on track! Let's meet our personal goals in 2013!
  • Congrats on all your hard work paying off!
  • Amazing! Congratulations on all your hard work, you look awesome! I ditto a previous poster, you have a gorgeous smile. I love the pic in your suit in the office, you look great, it really flatters you. It's so inspiring!
  • I dropped off the face of the earth but I'm going to be the cliche who gets motivated with the new year. I have signed up for a half marathon at the end of April and two weight loss challenges, so I'm motivated. I need goals, without a goal this fall I was just doing so-so. I'd lose a few, gain one back, then I basically…
  • My kids like to jump around while I do the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, or zumba on the PS3.
  • I've just been starting the 30DS - great job! I don't have suggestions for what next, though, just wanted to ask how you feel after 30 days of the workout. I hear a lot of people talking about the P90X and what a challenge it is.
  • I'm 39 too and have gone through periods of not being motivated to exercise. Sometimes it seems like an endless cycle. I'm out of the rut now and would recommend like someone else said - change it up. Find something that looks interesting and fun, a zumba class or DVD, an exercise machine, a running group. The times when I…
  • You all totally motivated me. It was 10pm and I had only found one of my weights, they were 5lb and I thought I might overdo it with them anyhow, and I was overtired and should be packing for a trip. I took out some things from the pantry, weighed them on the food scale, and ended up using Barilla pasta sauce jars. They…
  • Thanks for the tip about using 3lb weights rather than starting with my 5lb weights. I was truly ready to try it last night, minus not being able to find my weights, but I had a kid that would not go to bed and I was finally done with all that at almost 10pm. Then I was too wiped out since I had been on the go with kids,…
  • I'm in - I just bought it from amazon and it arrived right before a trip. So now I'm in for trying it out tonight after kids are asleep. I needed something to motivate me to exercise at home when I can't go out for a run or something outdoors (i.e., kids sleeping in the house). First I need to find my 5lb weights. If I…
  • Debbie - definitely do the 5K! I need a goal, without a goal I am wandering aimless. I got the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to have something I can do at home when kids are around or sleeping or whatever. I just can't always leave the house to run, etc. due to our crazy schedules on weekends with kids' activities, and on…
  • I'm sorry I have been MIA, I keep getting behind on online stuff, although I've been logging my food and doing great with exercise the past couple weeks! I was just about to give up and try to maintain, figuring that with 3 kids and a more than FT job it just wasn't going to happen right now (work has gotten really busy…
  • I've been trying to recreate my normal posture while running with the stroller. Mine has a strap I can hold onto to make sure it doesn't roll away without me, so I can just lightly grasp the stroller handle with one hand, with the strap in that hand, and keep the other hand "normal". I found that with the stroller, I pound…
  • Great job! What a difference in your picture.
  • Great job, that is fantastic! You sound so motivated and you are on a roll!
  • That is incredible - really inspiring!
  • I'm motivated this week! Let's go everyone, we're on it!
  • Debbie - congrats on the race! I'm doing better since my head first fall down the stairs on Thursday, but every time I move around too much, I get sore, in pain, and/or dizzy. I have a neck and back problem now. Thankfully, my sprained ankle is better. I guess it takes a while to recover from a concussion. I want to swim…
  • I'm sorry I've been MIA this past week. I had two funerals to go to out of town - one was my grandmother and one was not a family member but someone I knew in a professional capacity and also had a special place in my heart. So I was in MA and then NY. The good news is I had been exercising a bit more, especially walking…
  • Today I finally went running again, after perhaps months. The longer it goes without running, the harder it is to get out there. It was getting dark, we had 2/3 kids asleep, so I went out before it was completely dark. I wasn't that fast, but I'm so relieved I did 2.3 miles. I need to keep at it now! I was motivated…
  • I had an eating disorder when I was 14, i barely ate anything. It is really easy to slide down that slippery slope.
  • I'm also motivated for swimming in part due to the Olympics - I started doing laps last Friday & Saturday and sheesh I'm out of shape for swimming! But I loved it and will keep going over the pool. Without a gym membership and it being so hot for running, swimming at our neighborhood pool is a great solution! I need new…
  • Just a quick pop-in - Debbie hope that you break 140 for good this week! It stinks to see a gain when you're doing so much right. Could your body just be adjusting to the new diet plan of GF & DF? So Friday is your typical weigh in day? I typically have Mondays as official weigh in day to mentally note my weight or log it…
  • I'm in for the challenge but haven't done it before. I really need to have goals. I like to run but with 3 kids and a FT job and no exercise equipment in my house, I'm having issues fitting it in. So accountability and motivation is key - I do well when I have a goal like a race that I'm signed up for. I'll go for the…
  • Rereading that I sound lame about eating too much at lunch, but I have to clarify that I was all over South America last month for work so the food took us all back to our time eating empanadas in Argentina. So I got a little too heavy a meal because of that! Light dinner is key tonight!
  • Paul - I hadn't thought of mixing squid with chorizo and chickpeas, neat recipe. Nobody in my house would eat it, though, but me! So I had an utter fail today at lunch. Every Wednesday we have "Global Street Food" day in our employee canteen, and it's delicious. Normally the hot buffet is hit or miss, but this is "brought…