trigger2354 Member


  • Read this Then read this
  • Read this Then read this
  • Most cardio, (and distance running, in particular), will work against your muscle gains. However, there are some forms of cardio that actually enhance resistance training results. Cycling, in particular, has been shown to build muscle because it duplicates the hip flexion required for leg presses and squats. See here for a…
  • You mention measuring body fat in your post, but it seems you feel you need to weigh yourself to get full value of body fat measurements. Not so. While it's true you need to know your weight to compute the actual percentage of body fat, you certainly don't need it to measure fat loss progress. Purchase a cheap set of…
  • This. I've been doing the same for over a year and I'm very satisfied with the body recomposition results (less fat, more muscle.) What's more, recent research suggests skipping meals to the point of feeling hungry might be protective against dementia. See here:
  • If you have a smart phone, consider the Zephyr. It's a Bluetooth HRM that communicates with your Android phone via the Endomondo app. I paid $75 for the Zephyr on Amazon. You can download the Endomondo app for free, although I would recommend breaking the bank and paying $2 for the Pro version. I used to have an iPod…
  • Zion National Park, West Rim Trail, early May 2010. First rays of sunlight knifing through deep orange and pink canyons of the Great Western canyon section of Zion. The big eye candy pay-off we had hiked all those miles the previous day to see and capture on film was maybe a half-hour of leisurely hiking ahead. The…
  • I wish it were only a number and just a guideline. Unfortunately, in some arenas, it's a frustratingly significant number. Insurance companies (who are anal about finding any reason to disqualify a candidate for health or life insurance) pay very close attention to BMI. And while they may admit that BMI doesn't apply to…
  • That has been my experience, and frankly, the muscle gain has surprised me. As I mentioned, I've been weight training consistently for the past decade. I hit my ceiling on progressing my lifts some time ago and assumed I had hit my genetic limit in terms of muscle gains. At my age (59) my goals had shifted from gaining…
  • The Leangains approach to intermittent fasting helped me break through a rather lengthy, unyielding plateau, and has helped me rather significantly improve my body composition. I, too, was a six meals-a-day practitioner for years. And it worked well for a time. But eventually, progress stalled. Last June, after…
  • I used to run a lot. Actually enjoyed it. But the constant pounding finally took a heavy toll on my knees and hips and left me in frequent pain. After some runs, I limped around for days. Begrudgingly I had to give it up. But, that led me to try different activities and I discovered I actually like cycling and cross…
  • If you have a smart phone, consider the Zephyr. It's a Bluetooth HRM that communicates with your Android phone via the Endomondo app. I paid $75 for the Zephyr on Amazon. You can download the Endomondo app for free, although I would recommend breaking the bank and paying $2 for the Pro version. I used to have an iPod…
  • The ideal HRM solution for me has been the Zephyr. It's a Bluetooth HRM that communicates with my Android phone via the Endomondo app. I paid $75 for the Zephyr on Amazon. I used to have an iPod attached to one arm and a dedicated HRM strapped to the other. And when cycling, I'd also have a GPS on my bike. I looked like a…
  • I'm not an expert so take this with a healthy dose of skepticism: I wonder if you have preponderance of fast twitch muscle fibers in your legs vs. slow twitch. Fast twitch fibers contract quickly and generate considerable force, but they also fatigue much more quickly than slow twitch fibers. Power lifters have…
  • If you are asking about the Zephyr, yes, it has a chest strap. The actual HRM transmitter snaps to the chest strap. After a workout, I remove it from the chest strap and snap it into the supplied charger. This arrangement also makes it easy to wash the chest strap when needed.
  • The ideal HRM solution for me has been the Zephyr. It's a Bluetooth HRM that communicates with my Android phone via the Endomondo app. I paid $75 for the Zephyr on Amazon. I used to have an iPod attached to one arm and a dedicated HRM strapped to the other. And when cycling, I'd also have a GPS on my bike. Now with this…
  • Lyle McDonald has written an excellent primer on training and eating for muscle gain for power and endurance athletes. Check it out. And if you really want to get into the nitty gritty details of setting your macros, Lyle breaks it all down here…
  • Here is some excellent advice from Lyle McDonald For me, increasing protein and high intensity exercise help me control hunger. After that, I just have to default to suggestion number 9--Suck it up or be fat.
  • I use and quite like Fitness Buddy. The paid version has over 1700 exercises in its database, with pictures and descriptions about how to do each one. It has an entire section of body weight only exercises for all body parts. You can use the library to custom build your own workouts, or you can choose from a very generous…
  • In addition to resistance training, high intensity intervals have been shown in numerous studies to improve insulin resistance. See here If your current cardio workouts are pretty much of the long, steady state variety, you may want to consider turning them into shorter, high…
  • Get a bike. My bike has become my best buddy and is now in my will. :) My knees have been abused and repaired over the years, and they get their revenge any time I engage in any kind of impact activity. Last January my sis asked me join her in a 100-mile bike ride scheduled for June of this year. I told her I would give it…
  • The latest published study on this question, published this past April, strongly suggests that both protocols result in hypertrophy IF the reps are taken to muscle failure. Here's a excellent summary of the research and its implications: I personally use both protocols. The choice as to…
  • Get a bike. My bike has become my best buddy and is now in my will. I have knees that have been abused and repaired over the years, and they get their revenge any time I engage in any kind of impact activity. Last January my sis asked me join her in a 100-mile bike ride scheduled for June of this year. I told her I would…