skipping meals

Hey guy i have started to eat healthier, ill have a chocolate bar here or there but other than that. i stopped going out eating and snacking on unhealthy stuff. My issue is i find it hard to not skip meals. I am just super busy and forget and see what time it is then im too late. so then i come in under how many calories i should have had. I have been told thats okay and i have been told it is not and i will put my body into starvation mode. Im not quite sure if its a problem and if it is any tips you can thing of as a healthy solution for breakfast or lunch cause those are what i forget sometimes (not both together) and not everyday. well thank you all and have a wonderful day.


  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I'll let others comment about starvation mode, but speaking as someone who hates breakfast, I've started taking to making protein shakes for myself in the mornings and sometimes a piece of fruit a little later and that's been good enough for me.

    I have a little personal smoothie maker: . It comes with a lid, so basically when I'm done blending, I just take out the glass part and drink it from a straw right from the blender glass. Usually I pour in 12 oz of unsweetened almond milk (I hate regular milk, too) and a scoop of protein powder - I am fond of EAS soy chocolate but I'm going to start experimenting with other flavors - and sometimes I will throw in a handful of frozen blueberries or strawberries or whatever I have on hand, and then I'll blend for about 30 seconds and it's done. And super good.

    It comes in at 225 calories without any fruit, and having a piece of whole fruit later will usually up that calorie count to about 320 or so. Totally portable, literally takes one minute to make and has lots of vitamins and minerals. You can do the same with a bunch of different flavors and ingredients if you don't want to have the same thing every day.
  • bookstitch
    bookstitch Posts: 86 Member
    I'm the same way. My work schedule is so erratic so that doesn't help either. Some days, I have my morning coffee and that's just it and I forget about eating breakfast. And then on days that I sleep in, my whole time table of when to eat meals gets warped. Same if I have a large lunch. My doctor had suggested making each meal no more than 400 calories, but that is tough because like you I forget meals. If you miss breakfast, but have a snack before lunch and then have your lunch and dinner, I'd think it's okay.
    My quick easy breakfast go to meal is usually cereal with almond milk or oatmeal with raisins added. I believe that as long as you aren't starving yourself, purposely skipping meals or eating anything and everything when you can, you will be fine. If you are conscious about eating healthy and what you put into your system, then it's fine. But that's just my thought process on it, I don't have any facts to back it up. I'm interested to see what insight others have on this topic too.
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    Definitely get a smoothie maker if you can afford it! I find that no matter how busy I am, I'm always reaching for a drink at work, so this way you'd still get something healthy and filling for breakfast! I find that sometimes in the mornings I'm just not up for much food at 6am! So I'm starting to try and encorporate a shake into my breakfast instead!
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention, in my continual war against my innate breakfast haterade, I've discovered "omelette muffins" - basically little frittatas you make in muffin tins with veggies, cheese and eggs. They're about 90-100 calories apiece and when I make 12, they usually keep for a week in my fridge and I'll eat 2 a day with my choice of fruit and/or grain. Once you make the batch, all you have to do is stick them in the microwave for a minute and a half to reheat them in the mornings and you're good to go. You can make 2 slices of light toast while they warm up, slap some fruit preserves on them and make a little sandwich, and you have a really nice breakfast for 350 calories or so in under 2 minutes. Here is my recipe/ method for making them:

    IDK how to link things on here, sorry.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Hey guy i have started to eat healthier, ill have a chocolate bar here or there but other than that. i stopped going out eating and snacking on unhealthy stuff. My issue is i find it hard to not skip meals. I am just super busy and forget and see what time it is then im too late. so then i come in under how many calories i should have had. I have been told thats okay and i have been told it is not and i will put my body into starvation mode. Im not quite sure if its a problem and if it is any tips you can thing of as a healthy solution for breakfast or lunch cause those are what i forget sometimes (not both together) and not everyday. well thank you all and have a wonderful day.

    I skip breakfast virtually every day of the week, and often skip lunch as well. I think it's pretty obvious from my twoish week old profile picture that the year and a half straight I've been doing this hasn't put me into starvation mode.

    Just make sure you get close to your calorie goal for the day before you go to bed. If you are short, eat a couple handfuls of mixed nuts (20 pieces of planters deluxe mixed nuts is 170cal), some peanut butter, or something else high in calories.

    I promise, you'll be fine.
  • trigger2354
    trigger2354 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guy i have started to eat healthier, ill have a chocolate bar here or there but other than that. i stopped going out eating and snacking on unhealthy stuff. My issue is i find it hard to not skip meals. I am just super busy and forget and see what time it is then im too late. so then i come in under how many calories i should have had. I have been told thats okay and i have been told it is not and i will put my body into starvation mode. Im not quite sure if its a problem and if it is any tips you can thing of as a healthy solution for breakfast or lunch cause those are what i forget sometimes (not both together) and not everyday. well thank you all and have a wonderful day.

    I skip breakfast virtually every day of the week, and often skip lunch as well. I think it's pretty obvious from my twoish week old profile picture that the year and a half straight I've been doing this hasn't put me into starvation mode.

    Just make sure you get close to your calorie goal for the day before you go to bed. If you are short, eat a couple handfuls of mixed nuts (20 pieces of planters deluxe mixed nuts is 170cal), some peanut butter, or something else high in calories.

    I promise, you'll be fine.

    This. I've been doing the same for over a year and I'm very satisfied with the body recomposition results (less fat, more muscle.) What's more, recent research suggests skipping meals to the point of feeling hungry might be protective against dementia. See here:
  • Cgarcia214
    Cgarcia214 Posts: 60 Member
    Okay thanks guys! I love the input and think I will invest in a smoothie maker, I love fruit and that seems easy enough. I also like the idea of eating nuts or peanut butter before my day ends. Im trying to eat healthier and healthier so these are all great tips..thanks for the help!
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Okay thanks guys! I love the input and think I will invest in a smoothie maker, I love fruit and that seems easy enough. I also like the idea of eating nuts or peanut butter before my day ends. Im trying to eat healthier and healthier so these are all great tips..thanks for the help!
    Bonus: you can throw in a tablespoon of peanut butter INTO your smoothie! :D May I also suggest almond butter - I like to eat it as a dip for apple slices :)
  • Cgarcia214
    Cgarcia214 Posts: 60 Member
    that sounds so yummy, ill do that :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Maybe take a protein bar with you or something so you don't skip meals? I'd think if you eat more later to make up for it, it should be fine.

    I don't skip meals but I often eat lightly and end up having 800 calories left for dinner or something, and it's actually sorta nice, I can indulge more. lol.
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,186 Member
    I was a meal skipper forever and have found bringing a yogurt to work everyday helps me get in breakfast. I eat it when I get in the office while checking emails - fast and easy.

    I eat most of my cals at night still, it doesn't make a difference. You don't have to spread your meals throughout the day, unless you want.