

  • Is this Cranberries in the Snow or something like that? Boyfriend's grandma made it last year and I LOVED it. I asked for the recipe and OF COURSE she didn't give it to me! Hmmmpf! :ohwell:
  • You look fantastic! I love this style of B&A pictures too!
  • Me too. I used to be on MFP a ridiculous amount of time, but now it's just a quick check-in to log my food, check on my friends, and then I'm off. I think part of why I've lost interest is my friends. I weighed in yesterday. Buccinator lost 3 pounds since her last weigh-in! She's lost 29 pounds so far. No comments. None.…
    in SOS! Comment by Buccinator November 2010
  • You are realllly busy! I know all of the things you do are really important, but you're not going to be able to do them if you don't take care of yourself. Sometimes you just have to tell people "I need this time to take care of myself, and if I don't, I will fall into a hundred little pieces on this little patch of floor,…
  • I use naan, which is a little higher in calories, but I just love it. I make a traditional pizza (red sauce, spinach, mushrooms, maybe Canadian bacon, low fat shredded mozzarella), but my favorite is BBQ sauce, thinly sliced apple, shredded chicken, and low fat cheddar cheese. Even the picky boyfriend will eat it. Well,…
  • This, but dip slices of apple into it! To me autumn means caramel apples and I might just be able to resist the real deal with this little trick.
  • I have an autoimmune disease (undifferentiated connective tissue disease, which my doctors think will later turn into lupus) and maybe another autoimmune disease. They haven't quite made up their mind yet. I've been sick for three years. And haven't been on anything for these problems for three years. I went to The Mayo…
  • My boyfriend's family reunion was back at the beginning of October. I made puppy chow (If you don't know what this is you're going to think I'm a terrible person for giving the future in-laws dog food.) and the candy corn/peanut combination. I thought no one would know about the little Payday trick and they'd all think I…
  • I LOVE to use it on tacos to replace the cheese/sour cream!
  • Don't even tell me that. I SO wanna go to Seattle. My boyfriend's best friend is moving out there in about a year. Hello there, couch to crash on! :wink:
  • I have an autoimmune disease, or maybe two, my doctors can't make up their mind, and for a while (Before I started eating healthy and exercising!) I was REALLY sick and I honestly thought I wouldn't live long, so I figured I should make a very serious bucket list. That is why the first two on my list are so serious/lovey…
  • I had some trouble with vitamin D also. I took prescription vitamin D and huge doses of it to boost me up to where I need to be and even then I was only up to 16. I finally got up to 26. They prefer levels to be at 30-60. Low vitamin D can do all sorts of bad stuff to you, but I was already really, really sick, so I have…
  • You look fantastic and I'm so happy for you! You're doing a wonderful job! And gosh, your posts are never boring! You're secretly my favorite person because you're always so sweet to everyone on here! Now, I'm off to be creepy somewhere else! :wink:
  • I'm having the same problem with going up and down with my weight. Last Thursday was my one month anniversary of switching to a healthy eating plan and exercise, so I wanted to weigh myself even though it wasn't my usual weigh-in day. This was a bad idea. I was down five pounds since Sunday, which is my usual weigh-in day!…
  • I just had my gallbladder out in July. I had never had any trouble with mine and it was such a sudden thing. It was about two weeks from start to finish and I lived off of grilled chicken on wheat buns with mustard, applesauce, and graham crackers. These were the only things I could and would eat. I didn't have stones…
  • Everyone is doing awesome! So proud of all of you! I've had a few bad days due to my autoimmune diseases/arthritis but I always try to get in what I can as long as Mr. Watching You Like A Hawk Boyfriend doesn't see me. :wink: He thinks I'm pushing myself too hard, but I'm listening to my body, I swear! I'm going to Hawk's…
  • I would go with the HRM. I think with all the stretching/reaching she has you do you probably do burn those extra calories. Do you like the belt? I read some reviews for it and a lot of people said it was poor constructed and didn't like it much. I LOVE her DVDs though. It's my one month anniversary today and so far I've…
  • I did the same thing. I hadn't spent any time with my boyfriend (even though we live together), I had been super craving all sorts of dirty foods, and I just wasn't going to be satisfied until I gave in. So yesterday I had pizza. And cupcakes. And cookies. And Cherry Coke. And we watched movies. And it rained. And it was…
  • Awesome job! And here I was feeling all rockstar just because I did four miles. You must be like, mega rockstar.
  • I only have one for now, and log it as the 4.0, very brisk pace, because you're doing 2 miles in 30 minutes. LOVE Leslie Sansone and her DVDs!!!
  • I shredded a chicken breast today. I put two tablespoons of BBQ sauce on top of a piece of naan bread, layered with the chicken, and topped with shredded cheddar. It was amazing. Even the picky boyfriend was pleased. I'm not sure how it would turn out, but I really want to try this with a thinly sliced apple thrown in…
  • I repeat her lines too! Every single time I can't help but say "Pumping out that beautiful, oxygenated blood!" My favorite line!
  • Okay, I'm in. I LOVE Leslie Sansone and her DVDs! I'm going for 75 miles by October 31st! Excited! Good luck everyone!
  • I second this. Love Leslie Sansone and her DVDs. I do 2 miles in 30 minutes or sometimes 4 miles in an hour with the DVD mentioned. I'm also throwing in 30 Day Shred, bellydancing, regular dancing, yoga, pilates, anything to keep me interested and moving for the day.
  • I'm sure you've been working out. Put those muscles to use and carry him to the dumpster where he belongs. :devil: But maybe that's just me. :wink: You don't deserve that! Either he shapes up or you ditch him. That's my opinion!!
  • An apple. All that crunchin' wakes me up.
  • I do five wall push-ups every time I walk past a certain point in my bedroom. How OCD/exercise-y of me!
  • You look great! But I agree with everyone, go ahead and get to that goal, then see what you think. (Am I the only one LOVING that heart-shaped food dish on the floor?)
  • I'm pretty sure http://www.myfitnesspal.com/cina04 has done BBL. Not that I lurk the message boards or anything. *slinks off* :happy:
  • Don't push yourself too hard, because that's not good, but if you feel like you can safely keep up with it do, because before too long, four minutes is gonna be easy as (dare I say it?) pie. And just remember our dear friend Donkey from Shrek. :happy: Don't mess wit' me. I'm the Stair Master. I've mastered the stairs. I…