

  • Tony, I just want to congratulate you on a JOB well done.....I know that is a mission impossible when you look what you needed to accomplish. But you did it with great pride..... Keep it up!:drinker: Onica
  • That is so true, I have my 14 yr old daughter that works out with me at the gym. One day I came home and she had ate a whole bag of chocolate chip I was mad. I do not buy those any more now it's all fruit and veggies I cut everything up when I buy it and bag it so she can grab and eat healthy. I try to make more healthy…
  • Wow ok now I get it thank you guys for all your input......I was a little shocked when it said I was deficit by 660 calories. So maybe that is why I am getting headache because I am not eating enough when I work out?
  • Ok so when I do work out eat about 1,540 calories and when I do not work out eat only 1,200?
  • Ok I just started on here a week ago and I am a little confused. My plan from MFP says that I need to eat 1,200 and I burn over 1,540 a week in exercise and I am deficit by 660. But when I work out it adds more calories to eat. So what do I need to do? I have a plan that I made and I try to stick to only eating 1,200…
  • That scale is great is works really well.......I suggest using one. :bigsmile:
  • Wow that is a great idea keep the good idea's coming!::bigsmile:
  • Congrats to you so am I hope to hear from you and your progress.
  • Thank you so much I have a long way to go but no rush really. I have been this weight for 7years and I am tired of that feeling. Tired, no energy. I just started working out this week. I already love the calorie counter awesome! I can not wait to see my results. I am looking to loose 40lbs.
  • Hi everyone I can not wait for all the good tips here on myfitnesspal.com.:smile: